Chapter Thirteen: Dream Or Reality

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{Dedicated to @Sponge15 for being an amazing friend, for her fangirling, and most of all, for listening to my useless angry rants. <3 Thank you soooooo much!!!!!<3

Ugh, I'm missing you sooo freaking much! }


Chapter Thirteen

Dream Or Reality

(Maahirah Furqaan)



How weird is that one moment you're so happy - and you feel like you can get everything. You're soaring, flying and all the things seem to be in your reach....they are so touchable - and the next moment everything crashes down like a waterfall - crushing your dreams hopes and just....everything!

The feeling of ecasticity lost and is replaced by an irreplaceable hollow pain. Sometimes these pains are curable, however, most of them leave a scar which can never be erased, but stuck forever. Like it's permanent.

Today when I wake up in the morning, I just know today isn't going to be a looking forward kind of day. I've this dull ache in my heart and nausatic feeling in my stomach and weird, irrational thoughts are the first thing my brain thinks this morning. But, I push everything aside and concentrate on getting ready for school.

Last night, I had an amazing time. I laughed along with everyone. Ishaq and Imaan are still here. And, now I realize that my laughs and smile yesterday were maybe a façade to hide away the pain

I'm going through.

I sigh as I slip on my sandals. Whatever happens today I should be ready to face it.

That's the spirit!

This time I don't have the urge to argue with my inner conscience. I just let it be.

When I come downstairs, I find no surprises. Mom is as usual preparing our breakfast. Dad's face is hidden behind yesterday's newspaper. Vaneeza is sleepily eating her cornflakes.

"Assalmu Alaiykum!" I announce my presence as I put my bag on the floor.

"Walaikom As'slam!" Everyone answers while Mom turns around and add.

"Dear, could you get the mails from the mail box?" Then, she looks at my face."Maahirah, are you okay? You look a bit pale!"

I mentally curse my fair skin. At times like this I really wish for my skin to be dark or tan. I plaster a huge fake smile on my face. "I'm fine! I just didn't get enough sleep last night! I'll get the mails."

Mom simply smiles back.

I open the main door, and chilly cold air greets me, welcoming the beginning of December. I had no idea that it snowed last night so when I notice that a velvety, white sheet spread around the entire area, I'm surprised. I almost find it soothing and I feel a tranquility of calmness take over me.

I walk till the end of the driveway. My shoes sinking in the snow; and a gust of cloud escape my mouth every time I breathe. I bend down and run my hand all across the snow-filled-ground. How beautiful is nature! Every season has its own charms and benefits.

I open the mail box to find only two things; one daily newspaper, and the other a strange envelope. It is brownish ragged old colour, and the material feels raw and uneven in my hand. It has two words scrawled on it in a neat cursive handwriting:

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