Chapter 1: Birthday

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Emma Swan 27 years old has just finished her last case of the day. She works as a bails bonds person in Boston. She decides to buy some ice cream from the store and head home. After all, she needs to celebrate her 27th birthday some how. She walks into a local ice cream parlor near her apartment building in Boston. It's not very crowded. There are a couple kids with there parents and one guy behind the counter. He has dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He is wearing a black leather jacket, he doesn't look like your typical ice cream server. Emma walks up to him.

"Hi I'd like to order a pint of the cherry vanilla"

The man stares at her for a second

"Excuse me miss sorry but umm what did you say" He says in a thick Irish accent

"A pint of the cherry vanilla please"

Killian goes into the back to grab a pint from the freezer. He is completely taken by the beauty of this women with blonde hair and a red leather jacket. He walks back and hands her the ice cream.

"How much will that be" Emma asks

"Don't you worry love this one is on me"

Emma looks at him kindly

"Thank you"

She walks out of the shop. She can't deny that this man was attractive because clearly he was,  but she had to ignore any feelings she had. She could not get hurt again. She walks up to her apartment building and takes the elevator to her floor. She puts on some sweatpants and turns on an old Disney movie. She starts to eat her ice cream.

"Happy birthday to me" Emma says as she spoons ice cream into her mouth.

The next day Emma wakes up and gets ready to go chase down some more perps. She slips a blue leather jacket on and ties her hair in a pony tail. She grabs her file and gets into her yellow bug. She spends the day chasing a guy around the city. Eventually she catches him by cornering him in a Target. She cuffs him and calls the police who escort him to jail. It's been a long day so Emma decides she should get something to eat. She grabs a sandwich and eats it alone in the local park. She sits on the park bench staring at the pond where ducks are swimming around. Her mind wanders and she ends up thinking about the guy from the ice cream parlor. It wasn't uncommon for people to give her free things, since she did look the way she did, it's just usually that only happened at bars. This guy was just intriguing, he looked like he didn't belong in the little ice cream store. Something was different about him and Emma really wanted to know what. But there was no chance in hell she would go back there. I mean she had been to that ice cream parlor a lot and the man was never there before. Just as Emma was getting lost in her thoughts a man sat down next to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me love"

Emma turns her head and realizes it's him, the man from the ice cream stop.

"You" she says

"So you remember me"

"Well you did give me food for free, I wouldn't forget something like that."

"Yes well I was hoping to run into you again"

"Did you follow me here"


"Just so you know, I have one special skill. It's my super power, I can tell when anyone is lying. You definitely followed me here"

Killian reached his hand out

"Killian Jones"

"You want me to tell you my name"

"Well I could keep following you until you tell me"

"I'm Emma, Emma Swan"

"Swan, I like that"

"Well I'm going to go now" Emma says

He grabs her wrist and she turns to face him. He hands her his card.

"Call me sometime"

Emma takes the card and walks away. She has no intention of calling him, he'll probably stalk her again. She heads to her bosses office to pick  up her next case. She sits in the lobby of the office with one of her co workers Ruby.

"Hey Emma, tough case today" Ruby inquires

"Not too bad, at least I caught the guy. How about you" Emma asks

"Yeah, I had this woman who ran away from her three kids today. I found her but she was dead"

"I'm sorry"

"Yeah, I need to talk to the boss about how to deal with the kids"

"I just need to pick up a new case"

"The boss really likes you,he'll give you a good one"

"Well if there is one thing I'm good at is my job"

The boss calls Emma in and they talk for a minute, he hands her a new file to tackle. She walks out and Ruby stands up.

"Emma, you dropped something"

She hands Emma the card that Killian gave her

"Oh thanks"

Emma takes the card and puts it in her pocket. Ruby smiles at her

"It's about time you take a card from a guy"

"What's that supposed to mean"

"Emma you're hot, use your body and meet a guy"

"Ruby I don't need a guy"

"Emma I'm well aware you don't need one, but it's not bad to have one"

"I just don't have time Ruby"

"Emma,  I know that's not true, now give this guy a chance"

Ruby takes the card back and dials the number

"Ruby what the hell are you doing"

Ruby starts talking.

"Hi yes I'm ruby, Emma's friend. Her number is 617-204-9971. You're going to have to call her because she won't call you but..."

Emma snatched the phone away from Ruby and hangs up

"Emma I'm just helping you out" Ruby says defensively

"That was not helping. You have my number memorized??"

"No I have it written down on my file as a alternate"


"Admit it, you're happy that I called him. He has a cute accent"

"Bye Ruby" Emma says with a smile on her face

Emma leaves the office and heads back to her apartment. She gets a call from an unknown number and picks it up. Of course it was Killian

"Hello Luv"

Emma immediately hangs up. He calls her again three more times that night. Emma turns off her phone and goes to bed. She try's hard not to think about Killian.

Hey guys I hope you like it so far! Please comment if you have any questions. I look forward to your feedback.

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