Chapter 42: Splash

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Killian checked Liam into a rehab center three months ago. He is still staying there but Rose and him are working on their relationship. Killian goes to visit with him sometime as well. Emma is 9 months pregnant and 1 week late, she is absolutely miserable. Today is the fall festival at the preschool. Emma is staying home and Mary Margret is staying with her. David is helping Killian out with the kids at the festival. Killian gets the kids dressed and they head out. Henry is taking Baloo to the docks for the first time today. He has been working on building a new sailboat with Jeff, Grace and Killian. He walks Baloo to the docks and sees Grace on her dad's boat



She runs over to him and bends down to pet the puppy

"He's so adorable Henry! I can't believe you haven't let me meet him yet!"

"I know but we were trying to get him used to us and make sure he was trained. But my mom and dad said he can try swimming today since it's not that cold out"

"Well it's kind of deep here"

"Well we will put a life vest on him. Let's at least take him on the boat"

"Okay this will be so fun!"

Henry and Grace take Baloo on the boat. He does pretty well and loves the wind in his face. They sail around for awhile then dock again. Henry gets off to tie it up and Baloo follows him except he slips and falls in the water

"Henry! What do we do!"

"He's floating he's fine, Swim Baloo!!"

"Look Henry he's paddling"

Henry takes off his shirt and jumps in the water in his swimsuit. Grace takes off her cover up and jumps in also. They swim around with Baloo and he seems to like it. They play for awhile then get out of the water and dry off. They run up the hill to Grace's house and grab some sandwiches her dad made. They eat them outside on the porch with Baloo. Henry throws him the crust of his sandwiches


"Yes Henry"

"So you know I've started high school"

"Yeah you told me"

"Well you see they have a homecoming dance next month, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me"

"Really, no one has ever asked me to go to anything with them"

"I've never been to a school dance either so I thought it might be fun to go together"

"Like a date"

"Well I umm it doesn't have to be if that's weird or something"

"No I'd like that"


Baloo barks loudly and they laugh at him

"He's really cute Henry"

"Not as cute as you"

"Okay I said yes to a date I don't need cheesy lines"

"Well it's true, and I'm kind of a master of lines like that because of my dad"

Grace stands up along with Henry. She holds his hand and they start to walk. Henry walks Baloo on a leash.

"Do you ever think about her Henry"


"Your first mom"

"I do sometimes, I miss her. But I have Emma now. I know Regina wanted the best for me"

"I don't think my dad is happy"

"He seems fine to me"

"Well I mean he just has never been happy since my mom died. He never wanted me to leave the house, I've been independent since I was 5"

"I'm sure he'll meet someone some day."

"It's just I didn't know that he wasn't happy until I saw you with your parents."

"Grace why don't I ask my dad to take your dad out sometime. Maybe they could go to his bar and he could meet someone"

"That sounds great!"

Back at the house Emma is talking with her mom. She brings her a bag of popcorn to snack on

"Mom I need this kid out of me. I've never been late before"

"I know you're miserable Emma. But you have done this three times, you'll be fine"

"I know I'm just worried"

"Emma you're paranoid, because of what happened"

"I don't want to talk about that"

"I know I know okay. Can we talk about something else"

"Anything that will distract me from this baby kicking my ribs."

"Can we talk about your childhood"


"It's just I have been lucky enough to know you for awhile now. I want to know all about my kid"

"Trust me mom, you don't want to know"

"But you're my daughter, and I missed everything. I don't get another chance at this Emma, I lost my chance, I lost you"

"Oh mom I'm sorry, I know what it's like to give up a kid"

"Emma my baby was taken away from me, I didn't even know if you were alive. Now that I know who you are, I wish I could do something. Some how make everything better and make us have a relationship"

"Mom you've done a lot for me. I mean I have three kids under 5, a teenage son and a puppy. There is no way in hell I could do this alone"

"Thank you Emma, that means everything to me."

"Look one day I will tell you about my childhood but we definitely need to be drinking for that conversation"

"I understand"

Emma grasps her stomach in pain suddenly

"Oh shit I think it's time"

"Okay okay breath"

Blood starts to appear on Emma's shirt and pants. Emma starts panicking and breathing rapidly

"Mom mom something is wrong"

"Ok just breath. Everything will be okay"

"No something is wrong AHHHH"

Emma screams in pain and Mary Margret dials 911. Emma lays back on the couch. Mary Margret kneels down and holds her hand

"Emma honey I'm here, it's okay"

"Mommy" Emma says softly as she grabs her mothers hand tightly

Emma is crying and crying until she becomes unconscious. The ambulance arrives and takes Emma to the hospital. Mary Margret calls Killian and he is on his way to the hospital. David will go and pick up Henry, and Mary Margret will watch the kids at the hospital. Emma is wheeled into the ER and hooked up to monitors. Mary Margret is outside the room anxiously waiting for any information on Emma.

Thank you guys for reading! Sorry to leave you in suspense 😊 Comment any thoughts. I appreciate all of your feedback. By the way happy national popcorn day 🍿

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