Chapter 40: Baloo

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Emma is 6 months pregnant. It's June so it's time for the annual vacation to the beach house. The twins are 3, James is 1, and Henry is 14. Emma calls Rose to discuss beach house details while Killian is at the park with the kids.

"Hey Rose, do you have a minute to talk about the beach"

"Umm Emma I"

"Rose? What's wrong?"

"I'm not doing so well, can I come over with the kids"

"Of course, what's wrong. Do you need help?"

"I'll be there in 10 minutes"

Exactly 10 minutes later Emma answers the door to Rose, Becca and Lily

"Hi guys come on in" Emma says

"Auntie Em" Becca says

Emma hugs her nieces

"Alright guys how about you go play with the dollhouse downstairs while I talk to your mommy okay"

"Dollies!!" Lily says

They run down to the basement to play. Rose faces Emma with tears in her eyes.

"Rose" Emma embraces her in a hug "Come on let's go make some tea or something"

Emma and Rose sit down at the kitchen counter with mugs of warm tea

"Want to talk about it" Emma asks as she sips her tea

"I think it's over" Rose says somberly

"What's over"

"My marriage"

"Rose I'm sure you can work it out"

"He kissed another woman"


"At the bar, he was working late cause your damn husband needed another night off. He kissed a random girl and she gave him her number. I found it in his phone this morning and he told me"

"Rose he told you the truth"

"After I figured it out"

"Do you blame Killian"

"Yes! I have no one else to blame!" Rose breaks down crying

"Rose it will be okay, I know you and Liam will work this out. You guys are in love.

"No, you and Killian are in love. He spends every moment with you and your kids. He doesn't lie and sneak around"

"Well I can try to talk to Killian about the work hours. We can figure something out, help Liam so that he can be home more often. I'm sure Callum would help out"

"What if he doesn't love me anymore. He wants a son but we only have 2 daughters"

"Hey I know he loves you and your kids. You know that right"

"I know he loves the kids. I'm just not sure he loves me..........Do you mind if we stay here tonight"

"No of course you can stay tonight. Do you want to go lie down now, you look like you need some rest"

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