Chapter 24: Birth Part 1

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Emma is awoken at 3am by a stabbing pain in her stomach. She groans and feels water gush down her legs, she starts to panic and grabs Killian's arm

"Killian Killian"

"Emma what's wrong" he says groggily

"I think my water broke"

Killian practically jumps out of bed.

"We need to get to the hospital now come on!"

"What about Henry........ahh" Emma clutches her stomach in pain

"Okay Em just breathe breathe"

"Shut up!"

"Okay I'm calling my dad. He'll pick up Henry and take care of him"

Killian helps Emma into the car and she clutches at his arm

"Shit Killian these kids are ripping me apart"

"Just breathe"

They make it to the hospital rather quickly and Emma is rushed into a delivery room. She changes into a gown and they hook a bunch of wires to her stomach. Killian's parents arrive 10 minutes after them. Henry is dropped off with Liam and Rose, so he can sleep. Emma is lying in bed and gripping onto Killian's hand for dear life

"Emma you're breaking my hand"

"I'm pushing a human out of me!!"

"I know love" He blots her forehead with a towel and feeds her ice.

"AHHHHH" Emma screams in pain

"Okay Emma this contraction is almost over"

They have been there for six hours. Emma is exhausted and Killian is tired of seeing his love in pain.

"Killian! I can't do this" Emma has tears running down her cheeks

"You can do it love, you are so strong and beautiful and perfect"

The doctor interrupts them.

"Okay Emma it's time to start pushing" the doctor says

"Hear that love, it's almost over"

Emma squeezes his hand tighter and nods quickly to him. She is breathing very heavily.

"Okay..........Emma we have a slight problem but don't worry" the doctor says

Killian and Emma look at each other

"What's wrong with our child" Killian asks

"I'm seeing this baby's shoulder. So I have to readjust the baby. It's going to hurt but it's the safest approach for the baby"

Emma turns to Killian

"Our baby is going to die I can't do this"  Emma pleads

She is crying pretty heavily now, sweat mixing with tears. The doctor re adjusts the baby and Emma screams very loudly. Killian rubs her back as she squeezes his hand. Emma pushes with all her might. In a couple minutes they hear a cry. The doctor holds the crying baby in his arms.

"Congratulations you have a baby girl"

"Killian........we have a daughter; is she okay is everything okay" Emma says through deep breaths

"She's just as beautiful as you" Killian says and plants kisses on her forehead

"Okay dad come cut the chord here quickly please, we need to get this second kid out" the doctor says

Killian cuts the chord and the baby is taken to be weighed and examined. Emma starts to push the next baby out.

"Killian is our daughter okay" Emma asks as she pushes through the pain. They both have tears of happiness on their faces.

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