Chapter 56: NYU

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Killian worked for 2 weeks in New York then came back home. Emma is 4 months pregnant, the twins are 5, James is 3, Ellie is 1, Grace and Henry are 16. Today Emma, Killian, Grace and Henry are driving to NYU to get Henry set up in his dorm room. Mary Margret and David come over to watch the kids for the day.

"Okay everybody say goodbye to Henry" Emma says. All the kids kiss Henry goodbye and they pack up the car to leave. Henry hugs his grandparents goodbye then he gets in the car.

"Kid are you sure you want to go now, I mean you're only 16" Emma says

"Mom, I have enough credits and they like my story. They want me I really want to do this"

"We know, It's just hard for your mother and I to let you go" Killian says

"I know" Henry says

"I'll miss you too" Grace says

"Let's just enjoy this day together, and not focus on the fact that I'm leaving" Henry says

"Alright but when will you come back home" Emma asks

"Well I plan to be there until Thanksgiving maybe"

"Henry then we'll miss our birthdays in August" Grace says

"And you'll miss your siblings being born sometime in September" Killian says

"Alright well I will try to come back for our birthday" Henry says

"It's cute that you both have the same birthday" Emma says

"And of course I will come when the babies are born. But I don't know when that will be, so I expect a call" Henry says

"The little ones will miss you a lot" Killian says

"I'll have to FaceTime them a lot I guess. I'll miss them too. It will be weird to not have crying around" Henry says

"Yes well now there will be two more screaming babies" Emma says

"Em we will be fine" Killian says reassuringly

"So are you guys going to take down my room" Henry asks

"Yes, we are thinking about giving Ava your room and moving James with Liam. That way the babies can share a room. Ava needs her space more so than Liam" Emma says

"Well only if they are the same gender" Killian adds

"I'm pretty good at guessing the gender by now Killian" Emma says

"I know but still we are not sure yet" Killian says

"Well the kids have a bet to win a bag of candy, based on the genders" Grace says

"Really" Emma asks

"I asked each of them what they think" Grace says

"Well what did they say" Killian asks

"Well Ava thinks they are both boys, Liam says two girls so does Ellie but she's only 1. James thinks one of each" Grace says

"I'm hoping for one of each, so it's even" Henry says

"What would be even" Emma asks

"That way there are three girls and three boys" Henry says

"Well I don't know if that matters" Killian says

"You wouldn't mind two more girls" Emma asks

"Why? Do you think it's girls" Killian asks

"Actually I think it's boys" Emma says

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