Chapter 6: The Case

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Killian and Emma were asleep in Emma's bed. The covers and sheets are tangled as are their limbs. The sun peaks through the curtains as Killian's arm draped across Emma's body. At 7:00 Emma's alarm went off. They both groaned.

"Emma luv why the bloody hell did you set an alarm"

"Sorry but I have a meeting. It is Monday after all and I wasn't expecting........this to happen"

"Well it was quite a good surprise luv"

Emma smiles at him and he kisses her. She lays her hand on his chest

"Definitely a good surprise. Now I have to go shower and get ready. My meeting is at 8"

Emma gets up and brushes her fingers through her tangled hair. She walks to the bathroom and turns on the hot water in the shower. She steps inside and the steam consumes her. She leans her hair back letting the warm water wash over her body. Then Killian pushes aside the curtain and hops in the shower with her.

"Hey hey buddy I don't have a lot of time here"

"But you practically gave me an invitation"

Killian pulls his body flush against Emma's. His hands grip her waist as his lips suck on her neck.

"No I didn't......God Killian"

Killian sucks harder on her neck as his growing arousal presses against her bared center.

"Killian you have to stop"

"Luv I'm so ready for you"

Emma pushes him away and looks at his body. He is standing right underneath the water which is running down his gorgeous naked body. Emma kisses his neck and down his stomach.

"Emma luv what are you..."

Emma finishes off Killian with her mouth in about 5 minutes. After she is done Emma soaps her hair and body as Killian stands frozen in the shower admiring his Swans beauty. She turns off the shower and dries off. She hands a towel to Killian.

"You have no idea how hot you are luv" Killian says as he pulls her in a hug and kisses her hard

"Thank you" Emma smirks at him

She pecks him on the lips and rushes to get dressed and do her hair. Killian puts on his boxers and goes to sit in the kitchen. Emma grabs her jacket and makes a quick cup of coffee

"When will you be home luv"

"Well I'm not quite sure, you can stay as long you want I guess"

"I don't mean to intrude love"

"No Killian, you're not an intrusion"

Killian goes to the door where Emma is standing. He pulls her in for a kiss.

"Just so you know Emma, I will repay your favor. More than once"

He smirks at her and she blushes.

"I'll call you later Killian"

Emma leaves and gets in her car. She drives to her office building where her boss is waiting. She pulls her yellow bug into the parking lot and walks inside the office. She goes up to the third floor and knocks on her boss' door.

"Emma come on in"

Emma sits down in the black leather chair that sits across from a wooden desk where her boss Mr. Larry Humbert sits.

"Hi sir"

"Well Emma as you know you are an amazing bails bonds person. You've never failed a case. So we need your help with something"

"You mean help with another case"

"Well you see there is a man who is trying to get out of jail"

"That's usually the story"

"Yes well this one is quite different. It's more of a detectives work"

"Then why are we in charge of the case"

"He can't afford any more private eyes and it's a complicated situation"

"Okay I need some more information"

"Yes well let me walk you through the story.  Mr. Callum Jones is a suspect in his wife's murder case. You see his wife was murdered about 30 years ago"

"Wait 30 years ago"

"Yes but it has recently been brought to trial. You see after she died the body was stolen. It was just recently found in the infrastructure of an old bar."

"Wait what"

"Yes I know it's confusing so let me give you the backstory. Mr. Jones was best friends with a Mr. Aiden Conklin. After college they opened a bar together right outside of Manhattan, New York . Business ran smoothly for three years but Mr. Jones met his wife Anna. She was from Ireland but was in New York for vacation. They fell instantly in love and Mr. Jones moved to Ireland with his wife. He bought out of the business and there were no problems initially. However, after a year Mr. Conklin's business started failing and he blamed Mr. Jones. Apparently he sent countless death threats. Mr. Jones always assumed that Conklin was too much of a coward to hurt him until his wife died in childbirth. The doctors were supposed to conduct an autopsy but the body was stolen. The police assumed that Mr. Jones stole the body because they suspected he murdered her. He had no concrete evidence that Mr. Conklin was the murderer so Mr. Jones was sentenced to jail for life.

"So what evidence did he find"

"Well they found the body buried in the infrastructure of the building where their bar was located. The medical examiner found traces of iodine poisoning. The reason the building was torn down was because Mr. Conklin was convicted of drug trade"

"So he's already been arrested"

"No he's been on the run. No one has found him yet."

"So why exactly is Mr. Jones' so persistent about proving Mr. Conklin guilty if he's already going to be in prison."

"Mr. Jones' has two sons that he believes are in danger. Mr. Conklin wants to make Mr. Jones pay for leaving the bar and ruining his life"

"So um does he know his sons"

"I'm not quite sure on the details of that. You need to go and talk to him"


"Yes you need to go talk to him tomorrow and get all the information you can on Mr. Conklin. I need you to find him"

"And this is our biggest case"

"Well it's are most complicated case so that's why I need you"

"Well I'm honored sir. I'll read the rest of his file and question him tomorrow"

"Sounds good Emma"

They shake hands and Emma leaves. She gets back in her car and takes a few deep breaths. She thinks she might know who Mr. Jones is but it could just be a coincidence right?

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