Chapter 17: Mother

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Henry had been living with Emma and Killian for a week now. They haven't told Killian's family or Henry's social worker. Killian worked late at the bar last night so he's sleeping in while Emma makes Henry breakfast.

"Kid, eat quickly we got to go to school"

"Can you come into school with me today"


"My teacher wanted a meeting with my social worker since I ummmm did something, but I told her I was staying with you. I trust her and she wants to talk to you."

"Alright Henry, what did you do"


"Hey you know I can tell when someone is lying"

"I umm stole her credit card"

"Henry that's a serious crime"

"Well I needed money to find out who you were and I"

"Oh kid, you remind me of your father"

Henry drops his fork

"You've never mentioned him before..........could we maybe.......well is he still around"

"Henry, it was a difficult situation. Look we're running late. Can we have the conversation later tonight"

"Okay thank you mom"

Henry hugs her and grabs his backpack. Emma stands a bit shocked. He just called her mom, can Emma seriously do this. Can she be a mom to Henry and a baby.

"Emma let's go!" Henry calls

"Right right sorry"

They drive to school and Emma walks in the building with Henry. They walk to his teachers class room. Henry gets his teacher, Mrs. Nolan's, attention and she walks into the hallway. Henry goes and sits at his desk. He leaves Emma to talk to Mrs Nolan.

"Hello I'm Mary-Margret Nolan, Henry's teacher. Are you his mother"

"Birth mother yes, I'm Emma Swan"

"Emma, what a pretty name"

"Thank you, so what did you want to talk about"

"Follow me please"

She leads her into an empty classroom.

"So I need to talk about Henry's behavior"


"Well I was worried about Henry, he hasn't been in a good place. But this week he has been amazingly happy and he actually turned in his assignments. Thank you for helping him"

"Well I'm glad that I could help"

"We need to talk about something though. Last week he stole my credit card. I know because I received the bill. It was for who's your"

"He mentioned it and I will make sure he doesn't do anything like that again. I'll pay you back, how much was it"

"No don't worry about it, I'm glad he found you"

"Really, you don't even know me"

"This might seem strange but I feel like I've met you before"

"I've been around so it's possible I guess"

"Yes well can I ask you something a bit personal"

"Ummm sure I guess so"

"Are you planning on keeping Henry. I mean I know he can't run from his social worker forever, I should report him but I just can't"

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