Chapter 63: The Night

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It's August 11th, Gabe and Elliot's birthday. The family is moving to New York tonight. Most of their stuff is already in their new house. Today is the last day in their old house so they are having the family over to celebrate the boys birthday. Rose flew out to be with them too. Henry and Grace left yesterday since Henry had to be back at school. Emma and Killian get up in the morning and try to make the house look decent.

"Emma why are we having people over. We basically don't have a house"

"It's just the family. Your parents are bringing paper plates and plastic silverware. Also your mom is ordering pizza and my mom is bringing the cake. We have the old couch and furniture we don't want anymore."

"Alright love........I can't believe we are leaving tonight"

"It feels like just yesterday you surprised Henry and I and bought this house. I was just a couple months pregnant with the first twins"

"Time really flies"

"I'm happy the twins get their first birthday here. This house has so many memories. We brought all the babies home here, they spoke their first words, took their first steps"

"I'm really going to miss this place too Emma. But we will make new memories in the new house" Killian wraps his arms around Emma.
"Plus luv, I don't care where we live. All I've ever needed is you and now our beautiful children. You are all my home"

Emma kisses his lips and they rest their foreheads against each other

"I love you Killian"

"And I you Swan"

"You haven't called me that in awhile"

"Well we get so caught up in the kids and our new wonderful life, sometimes it's nice to remember when it was just us. I was just the creepy guy at the ice cream parlor and you were the beautiful blonde who ordered a pint of cherry vanilla ice cream"

"You remember which flavor of ice cream I ordered"

"Of course I remember every detail of when I met the love of my life"

"I remember exactly what you looked like, I also remember eating that tub of ice cream thinking about you"

Just then all the kids come running down the stairs screaming. Emma and Killian pull apart as the kids run down to the basement

"Well now we are back in reality" Emma says

"Let's go see what mischief our little ones are getting into"

"They get that from you"

"And you my luv"

Emma shoves him and he laughs. They go downstairs and see the kids running around the empty room. They entertain them for awhile until the doorbell rings. Emma answers it to find all the grandparents and Rose standing there. Emma and Killian hug Becca and Lily and they run downstairs to see their cousins. The grandparents go in the kitchen to set up the little party. Emma chats with Rose

"Rose I have really missed you"

"Me too, how are the babies. I haven't even met them yet and they are one!"

"I know, the kids really miss you and their cousins"

"I miss them too"

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