Chapter 32: Graveyard

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Emma is now 8 months pregnant, she feels much better only having one baby in her uterus. She has insisted on working until the baby is born since last time she couldn't. So today, Killian took the twins to the zoo while Emma is at work and Henry is at school. Emma and Graham are working on finding a guy who faked his death to his girlfriend so he wouldn't have to pay her when she had their child.

"This guy is a jackass" Emma says frustrated

"I still don't understand how he faked his death" Graham says

"He pretended to go off to the army and had a death letter sent to her. It's just amazing what men do to women"

"I'm sure you don't know anything about that............You're a gorgeous..........woman. Who would take advantage of that?"

"First of all, I'm pregnant and don't look pretty. Second of all the rest is none of your business"

"So something has happened to you....... I figured maybe something"

"Again none of your business. I wasn't always a happy person with a family. You don't seem to be a happy person with a family either"

"You know my wife died"

"Right.....sorry..............Here look at this"

Emma shows him her computer screen which displays the fake death note

"This is obviously a fake. How did she not see it" Emma says

"She must have been blinded by love"

"She must have. There is still something I'm missing about this guy I can feel it. What the hell is it!" Emma says frustrated and slams her fists on the desk

"Well once they run the prints we can try and track this guy"

"Look it says that he even had a fake grave"

"Wow so he got a gravesite but he couldn't make a decent death letter"

"I don't know but we need to check it out"

"Emma you're not supposed to leave the office. If your husband found out or Mr. Humbert"

"Shut it I'll be fine. We need to see what he buried there. It could lead us to him"

"I agree with that, but you should stay here"

"Don't you know me at all. I can't just sit still. I'm coming, you drive"

Graham and Emma get into his car and drive 20 minutes to the graveyard. They find the grave that reads Jacob Ververs. Graham takes his shovel and starts to dig up the grave. They showed the graveyard tenant their badges so they are allowed to be there.

"You know, if I wasn't pregnant I could probably dig that up faster" Emma says impatiently

"Your just being impatient.......But your probably right"

"Damn well I'm right"

"You are quite a woman Emma"

"Don't flatter me"

After some time Graham reaches the casket. He opens it and finds plastic bags full of what appears to be cocaine. There are also plastic bags full of money

"Wow! So he does have money" Graham says

"I guess he was in the drug dealing business" Emma says

"Maybe it's good he ran away from this girl"

"Wait do you see that"


"Taped under the lid of the casket"

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