Chapter 35: Unfortunate

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James is now 3 months old. Today Emma is going back to work for the first time. Emma and Killian are both woken up by the sound of crying. Emma feeds James and Killian try's to calm down Ava. The house is full of screaming.

"Emma!! Are you sure you should go back so soon!" Killian yells in frustration

"Killian you'll be fine. Ava! Stop it, eat your breakfast" Emma yells as Ava protests eating her scrambled eggs

"Henry the bus is here!" Killian screams

"Okay! Bye guys" Henry says and runs out the door away from the crying children

"Killian I have to go, can you take him" Emma says as she grabs her wallet and keys.

"Emma I don't think you should go back to work......with him"

"With him?"

"With Graham, he bloody kissed you!!"

"Ava, Liam sit here and eat your breakfast!!" Emma says sternly

She puts James in the bassinet in the living room, he is still crying.

"Are you ignoring me now!" Killian asks

"No, I'm not fighting in front of the kids. Let's go on the deck"

Emma and Killian step outside the sliding glass door in their kitchen.

"So you think I shouldn't go to work because Graham is there"

"You kissed him!"

"I thought we already settled this. HE KISSED ME!!"

"Did you at least push him away"

"Killian of course, do you not trust me"

"I trust you but not him"

"He's not a bad guy, he just got caught up in a moment"

"So you are in love with him"

"You are blowing this way out of proportion. It was one kiss months ago"

"Well we never finished talking about it. And now he's been waiting for you to come back so you can kiss and have his baby"

"You need to calm the shit down. Have you been imagining this scenario for the last three months?!"

"You love him, you're leaving me"

"Will you shut up and listen to yourself. I love you with all my heart Killian"

"I'm not sure you do"

"Then get out"





Killian storms out of the house slamming the door. Emma has a few tears streaming down her face. She goes inside

"Mama where daddy go" Liam asks

"He had to go sweetie" Emma says while wiping tears from her eyes

"When will he be back" Ava asks

"I don't know honey" Emma says

"Why are you crying" Ava says

"I'm not honey" Emma says as she leaves the kitchen

Emma picks up her phone and calls her father.

"Hey, Dad its Emma"

"Hi Emma, is everything okay?"

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