Chapter 26: Boat

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The twins are now 2 and a half months. Killian is going back to work tonight for the first time and Emma is going to work tomorrow morning. Killian wakes up in bed and sees Emma sleeping peacefully. It's been enough time and he knows that they have about an hour before the babies will start crying. He pulls back the covers and pulls down Emma's pajama shorts. He lays between her legs and puts his mouth on her. Emma wakes up after he stimulates her for a couple of minutes. She fists her hands in his hair.

"Killian! What are you.."

"Just relax love"

After she cums once she pulls his face up to her and kisses him. They have hot sex and luckily finish before anyone starts crying.

"Those kids have excellent timing" Killian says with a smirk

"I'm glad they do" Emma says with a suggestive smile.

They kiss and get up to take care of the babies. This afternoon, Emma and Killian take the twins and Henry to the park. Killian brings a picnic basket and blanket, Emma carries the diaper bag and they each carry one twin in a Bjorne.  They lay down the picnic blanket in the field next to the playground. There are some other families there as well. Ava starts crying so Killian walks her around the park a bit. A women approaches him while he is walking near the playground swings.

"Hi I'm Sarah. Your daughter is very cute, how old is she"

"I'm Killian, she is two months"

"My daughter is two years old, she's on the swings right there" the woman says as she points to her daughter laughing on the swings.

Emma comes over carrying Liam. She kisses Killian's cheek and puts her arm around his waist

"Sarah this is my wife Emma and our son Liam"

Emma says hi and they exchange small talk. The woman walks away and Killian smirks at Emma.

"Are you jealous my love"

"Well you are handsome, especially with a baby"

"Hey no need to be jealous love. You are the only one for me."

He kisses her lips.

"Come on let's go eat some lunch" Emma says

They sit down on the blanket and eat. The twins move their arms and legs and smile at their parents. Henry makes funny faces at them and Ava laughs for the first time. Emma tickles her stomach and kisses her. They are so excited to experience all the firsts with their baby. Killian picks Ava up off the blanket and they do everything to make her laugh. Henry tries to make Liam laugh but he just blows spit bubbles at them. Emma takes a video of Killian and Ava laughing and sends it to Anna and Callum.

"She is so adorable, I will never get tired of hearing her laugh" Emma says

"We will keep her happy Em, she will never stop laughing" Killian replies and kisses Emma on the forehead.

After lunch, they put the twins in the stroller and go for a walk. Henry walks beside them and talks the whole time. He's been calling Killian, Dad, ever since the babies were born.

"Dad will we ever get to go sailing"

"Well lad, with your mother and I working again and the twins, I'm not so sure when we'll have time"


"But we will eventually"

"Killian, you can take him now right now" Emma says

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