Chapter 71: Happy Ending

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Today is the day, it's Grace and Henry's wedding. Grace and Henry had their baby 2 months ago, she is a little girl and her name is Allison, after Grace's Mom. Brooke is now 4 months old and is the only child that has Emma's eyes and perfectly blonde hair. Ava and Liam have dark hair like their father, James and Ellie have brownish blonde hair, Elliot's hair was very blonde when he was born but it's getting darker. Henry and Grace are having their wedding in Boston. They are having it on the docks where Grace used to live and where they first met. Henry, Killian and all the boys are at Anna and Callum's house getting ready. Grace and all the girls are at Mary Margret and Davids house. Liam has officially come back from the Navy, he is excited to be here for his nephew's wedding. Anna and Mary Margret are at the docks making sure that everything is set up perfectly. Emma and Rose are helping Grace do her makeup

"You are beautiful Grace" Rose says

"She's gorgeous" Emma says

"She's a princess" Ellie says

Ellie, Ava, Becca and Lily are watching Emma and Rose do Grace's makeup. Baby Brooke and baby Allison are sleeping soundly in the playpen.

"Okay well lets get you four dressed" Rose says to the kids

"Yes then we will put the final touches on Grace" Emma adds. Rose takes the four girls into another bedroom to get dressed

"Emma can I ask you something?" Grace says

"Of course" Emma says and she sits down next to her

"I've imagined this day ever since I was a little girl. When my mom died.........I thought I would feel terrible and upset. And then when my dad died.....I didn't think I would have anyone to give me away........" Grace admits somberly

"Grace you don't have to feel guilty about feeling happy."

"Shouldn't I feel guilty?" Grace asks

"Grace, I didn't have my parents at my wedding either. I hadn't met them yet, but I had Killian's parents. Anna acted as my mom and Callum acted as my dad. I was sad that my birth parents weren't there but for all I knew they could've been dead. I was happy that I had them but more importantly I was marrying the love of my life, you are supposed to me happy"

"I just don't really remember what it was like to have a mom, until I met you. You are the closest thing I have to a mom and I want to thank you. If you and Killian didn't take me in I would be alone" Grace tries to hold back tears and Emma embraces her in a hug.

"Grace you are like my daughter. I love you and I will always be there for you. I am a grandmother to your baby and I am here for your wedding day. Killian and I are both here, but so are your parents. They are holding hands and smiling at their gorgeous daughter from somewhere"

"Thank you Emma" Grace lets a few tears slip down her cheek and Emma wipes them

"Don't ruin the makeup yet" Emma chuckles "lets go see the little bridesmaids"

Grace and Henry didn't want a big wedding. They only have a few friends coming and mostly family. Neal and his family will be attending also. Henry is letting little Liam, James and Elliot be his groomsmen, they also bought a little tie for Baloo to wear so he can be the ring bearer. Elliot is going to carry Gabe's old teddy bear so it's like he is at the wedding as well. Becca, Ava, Lily, and Ellie are the bridesmaids. Emma will push Brooke and Allison in a stroller since they are the flower girls.

"Okay we have all the kids dressed and ready" Rose says

"Let's get the bride dressed now" Emma says. She helps Grace in her wedding dress and clasps her golden heart necklace around her neck.

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