Chapter 5: The Truth

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Emma closes the door and Killian tells Liam he'll take a cab home. Killian and Emma sit on the black couch in the living room. Emma pours both of them a glass of red wine.

"I have a confession my dear"

"Killian you're scaring me did something happen"

"No well, no it's just I lied about today"

"What do you mean"

"I mean Liam and I didn't have business uptown"

"Then where were you"

"Emma, I know it's only been three months but I think I'm in love with you"

"Whoa wait I"

"Just hold on. I know that you think I'm moving too fast and I don't expect you to say it back. But I just I trust you enough to tell you something"

"Okay.........I'm listening"

"Today is a very bad day for Liam and I. You see it' birthday"

"Oh Killian"

Emma moves closer to him and holds his hands

"Don't worry I never celebrate it. You see the day I was born my mother died in childbirth. My dad was completely devastated. He was so heartbroken over my mom he didn't want anything to do with Liam and I. So he dropped us off at the naval academy. You see in Ireland there is a big navy dock right near the hospital. He left three year old Liam there holding me. We were taken aboard one of the ships and forced to work as servants. It was a miserable time. So Liam and I like to take this day to honor our mother. We go to docks and just sit, sometimes we rent a boat but we just look at the water. It's calming for us, that's really the only comfort we had during all those years aboard a ship"

At this point Killian was in tears and Emma wipes them away with her thumb. She lightly pecked his lips then downs the rest of her wine.

"I'm so sorry Killian, that sounds awful"

"Emma I just really want this relationship to progress so I wanted to show you my darkest parts. You can run away if I'm too damaged for you"

"Hey Killian I'm probably more screwed up than you. Your niece made me realize that I do.........I do love you"

Killian immediately finds Emma's lips and kisses them hard. She pulls back.

"It's only fair I tell you some of my story" Emma says

"Emma you don't have to"

"No I, I want to"

Killian squeezes her hands

"Go ahead love"

"Well I also don't celebrate my birthday. Don't ask me when it is, I'm not going to tell you otherwise you'll do some romantic gesture"

"Fair enough Swan"

He smirks at her. She smiles then continues

"I don't celebrate my birthday because that's the day my parents abandoned me. They left me on the side of the freeway. They didn't even care enough to drop me off at a hospital. I went into the foster system. Parents would come in a watch us play like they were picking out which puppy to buy. No one ever thought I was good enough, no one wanted me. I had to learn to fend for myself. I went through so many homes and had terrible experiences that permanently scarred me"

Emma is in tears now. Killian pulls her close in a hug and rubs her back. Killian speaks up again.

"When I was growing up I always felt like a failure. Liam always listened to the crew and did the work they asked of him. I was disobedient and was punished pretty severely, I have plenty of scars to prove it."

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