Chapter 43: Birth Part 3

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Killian runs into the hospital holding his three kids. He sees Mary Margret and runs to her

"Any news" Killian asks out of breath

"No unfortunately not" Mary Margret says with tears in her eyes

Mary Margret takes a crying James from Killian's arms.

"Daddy is mommy okay" Ava asks

"I don't know sweetie" Killian replies

"But I want mommy" Liam says

"I know guys, don't worry" Killian says as he tries to comfort his kids

"Alright guys let's go get a snack from the vending machine and leave daddy here okay" Mary Margret says.

Mary Margret gives Killian an encouraging look and walks away. Killian bursts into the hospital room and sees doctors surrounding Emma

"I want to know what's going on with my wife!!"

One of the doctors pushes him out of the room

"Sir you need to wait out here okay, we are working on helping your wife"

"Please, can you tell me if she even has a chance, and the baby"

"Her abdomen is filling with blood and we are trying to stop it from stoping her heart, we are booking an ER and taking her to surgery"

"When will that be over?"

"I'm sorry sir, I don't know. My attending doctor will update you I promise. Just wait in the waiting room please"

The doctor runs back into the room and they push Emma out of the room on her hospital bed. She is hooked up to a million wires and people are running. Killian has tears streaming down his face and he walks to the waiting room where his kids are waiting. David and Henry are now here.

"Dad is mom okay" Henry asks worried

"Henry, she's in surgery. I don't know if she will be okay"

Henry hugs him tightly and starts to cry

"Don't worry lad, she is the strongest woman I've ever met. She will make it through"

They sit in the waiting room. Rose, Becca, Lily, Callum and Anna came. They wait for two hours without any word from any doctors. Killian has been pacing the entire time. Callum stands up and stops Killian

"Killian sit down, you need to take a break"

"My wife could be dead, my baby, my world is in that room. I can't loose that"

"I know, have faith in the doctors okay. How about I take the kids back home, they are a bit restless."

"Okay yes, take them please. They don't need to see this"

Henry comes over to Killian

"Dad I want to stay"

"Henry we don't know how long"

"No she's my mom!"

Henry kneels down and breaks down crying. Killian crouches down next to him

"Hey Henry, you will never be alone. You have me and this whole family here. They love you and I love you. Go sit down okay. You can stay"

Anna and Callum take the kids home and Rose's kids also. Rose wants to stay along with Emmas parents.

"Guys I'm going to get us some food from the cafeteria, why don't we all go" Mary Margret says

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