Chapter 57: Chopped

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Emma is 6 months pregnant. Tonight Killian's episodes of Chopped are coming on at 5. He got burgers and fries for everyone since that was what Emma was craving today. They eat dinner than gather in the living room to watch. Killian sits on the  couch with Ellie and Liam. Grace, Ava and James sit on the floor with a red fuzzy blanket. Emma sits in a comfy chair next to the couch. She is very uncomfortable being 6 months pregnant with twins.

"Mommy I want to sit with you!" James says

"Lad your mother is sitting in her chair. The babies take up room so you can't sit on her lap" Killian says

"I don't want anymore babies! I want my mommy" James yells and storms out of the room into the kitchen

"I got it" Ava says and runs after him. Killian follows her and listens to their conversation from the doorway

"James you can't be mad at mommy and daddy"

"They want to replace us with more babies"

"No they don't. They want us to have more brothers or sisters"

"Why would I want that"

"It's fun to have brothers and sisters to play with. Siblings are the best of friends because we are family. We always love each other"

"Okay you're right"

"Go kiss the babies"

Killian pats James on the back as he runs back into the living room and gives Emma's pregnant tummy two kisses. Killian hugs Ava and smiles at her. They return to their seats in the living room.

"I love you mama" James says

"I love you too buddy" Emma replies

They all sit down in the living room and turn on the food network.

"Daddy when is it starting" Liam asks

"5 minutes lad"

They wait the agonizing 5 minutes then the show starts. The host introduces the contestants and the judges

"Look daddy it's you!" Liam says

"That's so cool!" James says

"Daddy in there!" Ellie says as she points at the tv

"It's just a tv show Ellie, but it's cool" Ava says

"Killian you look good, how were the chefs! Did you get any autographs, were they nice" Grace asks

"Well yes actually they were nice and seemed to enjoy working with me. I didn't get any autographs"

"I'm sure that girl sitting next to you enjoyed it. Is she single" Emma says

"Well she is single but I wasn't interested. If you haven't noticed I have a beautiful wife and many children" Killian replies smartly

"Do you get to do it again daddy" Ava asks

"Well hopefully. They said they would contact me for another job sometime"

The family finishes watching the episode of Chopped. The kids aren't that interested but they liked seeing their daddy on tv. Killian and Emma tuck them in bed. Grace heads downstairs to her room. Emma and Killian lay in bed together. Emma is typing vigorously on her computer, doing some work on her case. Killian is on his phone checking email.

"Luv look at this"


Killian waves his hand in front of Emma's face
"Hello earth to Emma" She doesn't even notice, he then kisses her neck and Emma stops typing

"Sorry I was in work mode"

"I know, it's very adorable but look at this email I was sent"

Killian passes her the phone and she reads the email out loud.

Hi Chef Jones,
Based upon your recent performance on the successful episode of Chopped. We are inviting you to participate in our Food Network Star challenge. This is a show where 10 chefs compete to have their own food network show. Please contact us if this interests you, we will give you further information
Thank you,
The Food Network

" Killian that sounds amazing"

"So you think I should do it"

"Well this is your dream, being a professional chef and working with professional chefs"

"But Emma I'm sure the challenge would take awhile"

"We can work it out. You can call them tomorrow and get specifics about the timing"

"But we're having two new babies. I can't leave you for that"

"We can work it out. We need the money because we are having two babies."

"I know but I wouldn't make money if I didn't win"

"I think you'll win. I mean you have experience and charm and you can cook"

"Thank you, but the shows tape in New York"

"If you get this job we will have to end up moving there"

"you wouldn't mind living in New York"

"I've lived in the city before. But we could get a house upstate"

"I'd really like that"

"Plus we would be closer to Henry"

"Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves Emma"

"Come on babe, you have a good chance of winning. This is your dream"

"What would I tell Mario"

"You can give his restaurant good publicity. He would understand being in the food business"

"That's true, but the kids. They wouldn't want to move and leave their friends"

"They are young. Little kids make friends fast and easy. Don't worry about that"

"So I should compete"

"It will be a bit hard depending on how long you're there but it's worth it. We survived without you for two weeks. We can do it again"

"It would be longer probably"

"Let's not worry until we have the specifics okay. Plus it's June, they wouldn't start taping the show until fall probably"

"Yeah you're right"

Killian leans over and captures Emma's lips in a kiss. He cups her cheek as her fingers stroke through his hair when she deepens the kiss

"You still want to get handsy with me when I look like this" Emma asks

"You look more gorgeous everyday."

"Shut it, I know that's not true"

"Oh but it is"

They continue to make out as Killian slowly peels off Emma's clothes and his own. Emma's been pregnant before so they have mastered having sex despite her pregnant belly.

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