Chapter 4: Baby Sit

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Emma and Killian have been dating for three months now. They mostly just talk on the phone and go out on dates when they have a free night. They are really taking their relationship slow. Emma is too afraid to get hurt again and Killian is afraid to scare her off. It's a Sunday morning and Emma has just woken up. She went on a date with Killian on Friday but he had to work last night. It's about 9am so Emma makes herself some breakfast, she sits at her small kitchen table and eats. Her phone rings 15 minutes later.


"Hey luv it's me"

"Hey, how was work last night"

"Not too bad but are you busy today?"

"Nope just finishing up on a bit of paperwork but nothing big"

"Do you think you could do me a favor"

"Sure, what do you need"

"Could you babysit Becca today"

"Whoa Killian I can't babysit. I am definitely not mother material"

"Emma stop it, you'd be an amazing mother."


"Look Rose has to work all day at the Ice cream parlor. Liam and I have some business to attend to uptown. We will pick her up around 9 okay"

"Okay fine, but you owe me"

"I'll take you out to a nice restaurant okay"

"Okay, when will you drop her off"

"Her mom will drop her off in an hour"

"Okay then I'll see you later"

"Take care luv"

Emma is completely stressing out. Her boyfriend just trusted her with his niece. She finds herself talking out loud

"What the hell! I can't take care of children. Does he want to see if I can be a good mother. Gosh is he thinking about that?!?! No no no this is too fast I barely know anything about him. Emma just relax relax"

Emma calms herself down and sits on the couch. At exactly 10am there is a knock on her door.

"Hi Emma!" Rose says

"Hi Rose, come on in"

Rose and Becca walk in. Becca is holding her mommy's hand.

"So I have a bag of some toys. She has no allergies just don't give her too much sugar. She naps from 12-3. Give her a bath tonight and bedtime at 7:30. Any questions"

"No I think we will be okay."

"Alright and you have my number"

"Yes I do"

"Okay well her daddy will pick her up tonight. Bye Becca"

Becca kisses her mommy goodbye and Emma is left alone with her.

"So Becca what do you want to do today"

"I don't know"

Becca seems to be a bit shy today.

"Okay well let's look in your bag. Here I see some paint, do you want to finger paint"

"Yes please!"


Emma covers part of the kitchen table in newspaper. She gets a bit of paint out and places a white piece of paper in front of Becca. Becca tells Emma all about how she can mix colors. She paints a flower for her mommy since her name is Rose. She paints a wand with a star at the end for her Uncle Killy since he calls her his princess. She paints a heart for her daddy, she is definitely a daddy's girl. Lastly she paints a castle, well something that resembles a castle for Emma since she thinks that Emma looks like a princess. After painting for awhile. Emma helps Becca wash the paint off her hands. Then she makes grilled cheeses for lunch.

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