Chapter 16: Wow

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"Ok kid I need to take you back to your parents"

"I just want a place to stay tonight"


"Look I know you're my mom. I looked it up on the computer. But I just need a place to stay for tonight"

"You weren't adopted?"

"I was. I had a mom, her name was Regina. Our apartment caught on fire about a year ago and she died. I was left in the foster system since I had no other family. The home I'm at now, the man wouldn't stop hitting me. So I decided to run, I just need a place to stay"

"Henry please sit down"

He puts his backpack on the floor and sits down next to Emma.

"Henry I know what you're going through"

"You do?"

"I lived in the foster system my whole life Henry. My life wasn't all that great, but I made sure you were adopted."

"You don't have to feel guilty, I know why you gave me away"

"You do?"

"You wanted to give me my best chance"

Emma let's tears fall down her face.

"How do you know that"

"My mom told me that I was loved. I looked you up on the computer. You help find bad people and turn them in. I can just tell that you like me"

Emma hugs him

"You're right kid I do. I wanted you to have your best chance."

Henry hugs her back.

"kid you can stay here tonight. Do you need me to get in touch with your social worker"

"No I hate her. She never even notices when I have a black eye or bruises anywhere"

"How many homes have you been in"

"Two, I lived right outside of Boston with my mom. When I was put in a home they moved my school. I have to take an hour bus ride since it's in the city. The home I'm at now is even further away from my school"

"So you're running away from the system"

"Yes, I hate it"

"I understand but it's hard to run away. They will find you eventually"

"That's why I thought I would come here. I looked you up when I decided to run."

Emma hears a knock on the door

"Crap, Henry just stay here"

Emma opens the door to Killian who walks inside

"You look gorgeous my love"

"Killian I need to tell you something"

"Look Emma I understand if you want to wait. I love you and I"

"Killian Killian it's not that it's just"

Henry walks over and joins them

"Hi I'm Henry, are you my dad?"

Emma shushes him immediately

"No no kid, this is my fiancé Killian"

"Hi nice to meet you" Henry says

"You too lad, ummm Emma who?" Killian questions

"I'm Emma's son" Henry replies


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