Chapter 62: Searching

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It's June and Henry is home for the summer. Ava and Liam are 6, James is 4, Elizabeth is 3, and the twins are almost 1. It's been pretty stressful with all 6 kids home all day. Right now they are all running around outside while Emma and Killian are sitting on the patio. Emma is on her computer and Killian is on his phone.

"Killian I think I have finally found the house"

"Really love"

"Yes, its upstate. It is pretty much like our current house but a bit bigger. Plus it's not that far from your work and it's in our price range"

"How many bedrooms"

"Four upstairs and one down. The master bedroom is on the first level again"

"That's wonderful, that's 6 rooms for 6 kids"

"Well what about Grace and Henry"

"They are 18 now and they mentioned buying an apartment near NYU"

"Really, so they would live together"

"I don't know if it's set in stone. Regardless we have an extra bedroom for them. I think they will be happy together"

"Killian sorry to change the subject........... I want to ask you something but it's a little weird"

"Emma we have been married for almost 6 years now. You can ask me anything"

"I's just I want you to............never mind this is too weird"

"Emma I want you to feel comfortable asking me anything."

"Usually I am it's just............I wondered if you would consider getting a vasectomy"


"Look I just mean we cannot have another child. There is no way we could take care of another one and I don't want to make you but I figured we would be together forever so it won't matter and"

"Emma take a breath. Of course I'll do it, you just caught me off guard. I want to be with you forever and I agree, no more babies"

"No more babies. Thank you"

He kisses her

"So shall we place an offer on the house"

"Yes sounds good"

Emma and Killian contact their realtor and place an offer . Then they get up and run around with their kids. They carry Elliot and Gabe in their arms and run away from their kids who are chasing them.

"We will get you mommy!!" James yells

"I will get daddy!" Ellie yells

"You will never catch us!" Killian yells as Gabe giggles in his arms.

Emma climbs up the playground and sits on the top section with Elliot.

"Mama!" Elliot says as he plays with Emma's hair. She picks him up and blows on his tummy

"There is my little boy" Emma says as Elliot giggles

Ava and James climb the rock wall and come sit with Emma

"We got you mommy!" James says and Emma pulls them both into a big hug

"You caught us!" Emma says

"Mommy are we going to get a swing set in the new house" Ava asks

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