Chapter 48: The Talk

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Today there is family day at Ava and Liam's preschool. Emma and Killian are going along with James. Elizabeth is 5 months but Emma and Killian are still paranoid about bringing her out of the house. They wanted one of their parents to watch her. But Henry and Grace said that they could handle being alone with her. It took a bit of convincing but Henry and Grace are staying at home to watch Ellie.

"Okay guys remember if she feels warm take her temperature and check her blood pressure if you think anything looks wrong and if"

"Mom! We got it, nothing will happen" Henry says

"Alright let's go. Please be careful kids, call either one of us or your grandparents if you need anything" Killian says

Killian and Emma walk out of the house reluctantly and into the car. Henry and Grace lock the front door and sit down in the living room next to Elizabeth who is laying happily on a blanket.

"She is so adorable" Grace says

"Yes she is, but she is still small for her age" Henry says

"I know, but she looks a lot healthier than when she was first born"

"Yeah she does, the doctor said that her heart is healing but it will take time..................So Grace can we talk about something for a minute while we're alone."

"Sure what's up"

"Well I'm really happy you're living here. I love having you around I just want to know if we are friends"

"Henry why would you even ask that, of course we are friends"

"But are we..........are we just friends"

"I guess............I'm not sure"

"Well I think about homecoming night often. I really enjoy spending time with you. And the kiss"

Grace leans in and pecks his lips

"I didn't forget about it Henry. My life has been turned upside down recently. I just don't want to ruin what we have here. I would be alone without your family, I can't risk it not working out between us."

"I understand if you don't want to talk about this but Grace, you can't give up before we try"

"Henry we are 14, odds are it won't work out and then I will spend my life alone. I can't loose anyone else"

"You won't loose me, and I think you have spent too much time with my mom."

"Shut up" she says with a laugh "I just mean"

"I know what you mean, but no matter what happens between us, my family will never leave you Grace. My mom depends on you so much to help with the kids. My dad and her love you like a daughter"

"What do you want me to say Henry"

"I want to know if you will go out with me sometime or something like that"

"I want to say yes Henry. You are the only guy I've ever kissed and the only one I could ever think about going out with. But my dad....I miss him, I'm angry and I can't be him"

"You're worried you'll become like your dad?"

"If something would ever happen to you, I couldn't live with myself. I wouldn't want you to feel broken if something ever happened to me"

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