Chapter 34: Valentine's Day

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It's been 1 month since James was born, so it's February. Today is Valentine's Day. Killian wakes up alone in bed. He finds Emma asleep on the couch holding James. He wakes her up with a kiss

"Happy Valentine's Day my love"

"Ugh I'm exhausted"

"Love you too Swan"

"Sorry but I was up all night. James was crying and Liam is sick. He threw up"

"You should've woken me up Em"

"No, I know you need rest"


"Okay I'm sorry. Can you go check on Liam"

"Sure honey"

Killian goes upstairs and checks on Ava first.

"Hi dada"

"Hi sweetie, let's go see Henry"

Killian picks her up and takes her to Henry's room.

"Good morning dad, Ava"

"Sorry lad but can your sister stay in here for a bit. Your brother Liam is sick"

"Okay, come on Ava"

Ava climbs into bed with Henry and he starts to read her a story. Killian goes into Liam's room.

"Hi my buddy"

"I want Mama"

"Come on lad daddy's going to take your temperature okay"

Liam has a 101 degree fever and is throwing up. Killian goes back into Henry's room.

"Okay Henry can you give your mother her valentines card from you and Liam. He's really sick so stay out of his room and bathroom"

"Sure dad, we'll go downstairs"

Henry takes Ava down the stairs and sees Emma on the couch.

"Good morning mom!" Henry says

"Hello guys"

"Happy Valentines Day" Ava says

"Thank you baby"

Henry hands her a card

"This is from Liam and I. Dad says that you and James shouldn't go upstairs today. He'll keep Liam up there"

"Alright I agree. We can't let the baby get sick. Thank you for the card this is very sweet"

"Can we play mama" Ava asks

"Well since your brother is asleep I guess we can"

"Can I go down to the docks. I got Grace a present"

"Eat some cereal or something first. Make sure you call me when you get there"

"Okay mom thank you"

Emma places James in the bassinet in the living room. Ava gets her baby doll and plastic swords.

"What are we doing with a baby and a sword?"

"It's my baby, you are the villain trying to take it so we fight"

"Oh I see" Emma says with a little laugh

Emma takes a sword and pretends to sword fight Ava. Ava fake stabs Emma and she falls to the ground dramatically.

"Yeah I win mommy!"

"Yes you do! Come on let's eat some pancakes"

"Are you cooking?"

"Your almost 2 and you already know that I'm a bad cook"

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