Chapter 47: Snowflakes

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Today is January 16th, it's James 2nd birthday. They are having the family and some preschool friends over at 4 for dinner and cake. Emma is asleep in bed until someone kisses her forehead. At first she thinks it Killian until she opens her eyes and sees her adorable son smiling brightly at her

"It's my birthday mama!" James says

"That's right my baby boy"

Emma tickles his tummy and he giggles which wakes up Killian

"We have an intruder in our bedroom" Killian says

He kisses his son than Emma. Killian gets out of bed and checks on his sleeping infant who is now 3 months. He then goes to the kitchen and sees Grace already in there

"Alright sous chef, you ready to make a birthday breakfast" Killian asks

"Chocolate chip pancakes coming up" Grace says

Ava comes running downstairs into the kitchen.

"Daddy! Liam took my book!!"

"Alright sweetie, why did he take it"

"He wanted me to play but all I wanted to do was read"

"Okay I'll go talk to him"

Killian goes upstairs into Liam's room and Grace feeds Ava some berries

"Hey son, want to tell me what happened. Why did you take your sisters book"

"She doesn't like me, I'm not smart"

"Lad you are very smart."

"Not like Ava"

"Don't worry, I have a feeling she is smarter than me too. You know not to take her book so I am sure this won't happen again. Come on we are making chocolate chip pancakes for your brothers birthday"

He carries him downstairs and places him at the counter. Liam apologizes to Ava and they wait for the pancakes to be made. Emma comes out of the bedroom carrying James over her shoulder while he is laughing.

"The birthday boy is here" Emma says

She places him down at a seat at the counter. Killian places plates of cut up pancakes in front of the kids. Grace and Henry eat with the kids while Emma and Killian talk

"Hey Killian, I just checked the weather and it looks like we are about to get a blizzard" Emma says

"Really? Do you think we need to cancel the party" Killian says

"No mama!!" James says

"Baby I'm sorry but it won't be safe for people to drive here in the snow" Emma says

James starts crying and Grace picks him up

"I have an idea James, we will have our own birthday party" Grace says

"How?" James asks

"Grace is right we can play games and have fun in the snow" Henry says

"But I want to see my friends and grandpa and cousins" James says

"Honey we can have them over another time okay" Emma says

"Alright well Grace and I need to start cooking the birthday dinner and the cake. Henry why don't you start to plan some games for tonight" Killian says

Henry goes up to his room and starts to think of fun activities for the kids to play later using just stuff inside their house. Emma sits in the living room with the three kids and Elizabeth laying happily on her mat on the floor.

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