Chapter 2: Bar

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Emma spent the rest of the week focused on work. She ignored any feelings she may or may not have towards Killian Jones. After completing her last case of the week Emma decided she needed to relax. She put on a sexy dress and went to the bar that was right across the street from the ice cream parlor. She hadn't been there a lot since she only moved to this neighborhood about a month ago. She walked in, and the bar was definitely crowded. Emma walked through the crowd and sat down at the bar next to some guys who were mildly attractive. Honestly Emma just needed one drunken night. She got the bartenders attention, he turned to face her.

"Fancy seeing you here swan"

"Of course Killian, you're here" Emma says sarcastically

"I hope that's a good thing Swan, what's your drink of choice tonight"

"I'll have a whiskey, neat"

"You looking for something tonight Emma"

Killian smirks at her sexy attire

"That's none of your business. What are you even doing here"

"Well if you didn't notice, the name of this place is Jones bar. My brother and I own it"

"That makes more sense"

"So I look like a bartender"

"Well you look more like a flirt than you do an ice cream parlor owner"

"Ahh well you see that is my sister in laws shop. Her name is Rose and she is married to my brother Liam."

"So you help at the ice cream shop"

"Well actually they went on vacation with their daughter Rebecca"

"So you have a neice"

"You seem interested in me Swan, I thought you wanted to..........relax tonight"

"Shut up Killian, aren't you going to go home with one of these whores flirting with you here"

"Well as I recall Swan that's exactly why you came here"

"Are you calling me a whore"

"No love, but you" He glances at her chest

"Shut it" Emma snaps

Emma downs her drink and gets up to leave. As soon as she stands up, two big men walk into the bar and fire a gun shot. Killian grabs Emma's wrist and pulls her behind the bar. Emma tries to leave his grasp to fight off the men but Killian forces her to stay behind the bar. The men walk up to the bar and point the gun right at Emma. Killian puts his hands up

"Hey mates leave the lady alone"

"Give us the money and nobody gets hurt"

Killian pulls the money out of the register and hands it to the men. The man points the gun at Killian and shoots him in the arm. They run out of the bar. Emma kneels down where Killian has passed out.

"Someone call 911!!" Emma screams

Emma try's to put pressure on his bleeding arm. The ambulance arrives and takes him away. Emma follows him to the hospital.

Killian wakes up in a hospital room. His brother is sitting next to him in a chair.

"Liam, what the hell happened" Killian asks

"Two robbers came and shot you"

"Did they get away"

"No, the police caught them and our insurance will pay for the damages. Luckily no one else got hurt"

"Is umm someone else here to see me"

"Ah yes you're talking about Emma the beautiful blonde in the black dress"

"Hey mate you're married"

"Are you seeing her or is she your hook up for tonight"

"She's not my.......Just, can I see her"

Liam leaves and lets Emma come in the room. She sits down in the chair next to him

"Hello Swan" Killian says with a smile

"How can you be so happy when you almost lost your arm" Emma snaps

"I'm happy because you're alright love. I'm surprised you stayed"

"You took a bullet to save me. You didn't have to do that"

"Well Emma, there is just something about you. I think we connect in some way"

"I don't think so"

"Emma, you have a look in your eyes that I recognize all to well. The look of abandonment"

Emma stands up and starts to pace around the hospital room

"How the hell do you know that" Emma snaps as she stares at him

"I'm a bit intuitive, just like you."

"You don't want to be with me!" Emma screams "I'm broken inside" she says barely above a whisper.

"I don't mind a bit of repair love"

Emma leans down and kisses Killian. Killian deepens the kiss and they continue to make out. Liam his wife Rose and their 3 year old daughter Rebecca walk in. Liam coughs, Emma and Killian pull apart slightly embarrassed. Emma says hello to them awkwardly. Rebecca runs and jumps on her Uncle Killian's bed.

"Uncle Killy!"

"Hi my little Becca"

Emma turns to Killian

"I'll call you" Emma says softly

Emma leaves the hospital and heads back home. Liam and Rose sit down in chairs next to Killian's bed.

"So I thought she wasn't your hook up" Liam says smugly

"Shut up Liam. I really like this woman"

"I'm glad you met someone Killian, let's just hope it works out" Liam says

"Come on Becca let's go home. Daddy's going to help Uncle Killian return home safely" Rose says

Rose and Becca return home while Liam helps Killian sit up.

"So the doctor said that you need to wear a sling for 2 weeks. Luckily you didn't loose your arm." Liam says

"Well tonight was a good night" Killian replies

"That kiss looked pretty passionate"

"It was quite something" Killian says with a slight blush on his cheek

"Come on let's get you home"

Liam helps Killian change out of his hospital gown. He drives him back to the bar. Killian lives in the small room above the bar since his apartment building burned down 2 months ago. He's lucky that there was room above the bar for him to stay in. Liam drops him off and heads home. They are going to close the bar for a couple days to clean up some damage. Killian gets in his bed and it's about 1:00am. His phone starts to ring.


"Hey Killian, it's Emma"

"Well Swan, I didn't think you would call me so soon"

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay"

"Well love, your kiss left me a bit breathless, but other than that Im fine"

Emma could practically hear the suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows

"Well then I guess I'll see you around sometime" Emma says

"How about tomorrow night. Come to the bar at 7"

"I don't know about dinner that seems a bit"

"Like a date, that's what I was going for Swan."

"Killian it's just that"

"Alright I get it, how about you come over to the bar at 3. It will be unlike any date you've ever had before"

"...........okay I'll come to the bar."

"Wonderful, see you tomorrow Swan"

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