Chapter 67: Emergencies

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Emma is 3 months pregnant and they still haven't told anyone yet. Emma feels a bit uncomfortable announcing that they are having another baby after just loosing one. Emma and Killian are working on their relationship, it's difficult because they are in different stages of grieving. Overall they are just trying to keep it together for the kids. Killian has started working again so Emma is left alone with the kids during the day while she tries to work on her cases. She has been working less and less but she needs to work to keep her mind occupied. Ellie has started preschool so for the first hours of the day it's just Emma and Elliot. These moments are always the hardest for Emma because she is used to Gabe being there and Elliot is still confused about his brother. Grace and Henry are enjoying living in their own apartment. Grace has been applying to schools and Henry is still working on his book. Today they are enjoying time alone as a couple. They sit on the couch and Henry is on his computer until he abruptly closes his laptop

"Grace I have to go"

"What do you mean, are you okay"

"I have to do something"

"What are you talking about"

Henry stands up frustrated
"I'm angry that Gabe is dead, I'm angry that Regina died, I'm angry that your dad died and I'm angry that my dad left me!"

"Henry" Grace says as she embraces him in a hug

"Why Grace" Henry asks between tears

"I don't know. But when I found my dad hanging off that ceiling fan I thought my life was over. I thought that I could never be happy but you made me happy your family made me happy"

"But sometimes I feel there is so much to be sad about"

"I know, I'm sad and angry too. We just have to be frustrated together"

"I'm going to see my dad, my biological dad"

"Henry, Emma said he was a bad guy. Your upset let's just take a breath"

"I'm not going to take a breath. I'm going to find my dad. My mom said that he left her their car. Why would he leave her the car if he didn't care"

"Henry we have been over this before. It doesn't prove anything. You have no idea what this guy is capable of"

"You're right I don't know, but I have to know. Can you understand that, I need some answers!"

"Henry........I guess I you have to go today"

"Yes, I found his address. He lives in an apartment in Queens. It's about 45 minutes from here"

"Henry please just be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you"

"Look I'll call you in exactly one hour, then you will know that I'm safe"

"Do you really have to go alone let me come with you"

"No, this is something I have to do myself"

Grace kisses him "please be careful and call me okay"

"I will, I promise"

Henry leaves Grace alone in the apartment. She busies herself by cleaning up and watching tv. Trying everything not to worry

Emma is at home alone with Elliot. She is sitting on the couch working on her computer while Elliot plays with some blocks on the floor.

"Mama! Pease play" Elliot says

"Baby, mommy is finishing up a case right now"

"I want Gabe!!" Elliot cries

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