Chapter 70: Birth Part 5

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Emma is 9 months pregnant, her due date was 3 days ago. Mary Margret and David came into town a couple days ago to help Emma and Killian with the kids. Today Grace is over Emma's and they are planning her wedding. Henry is at class, Killian is at work, the kids are at school, and David is playing with Elliot in the basement. Mary Margret, Emma and Grace sit on the couch.

"Okay so flowers. Have you decided which ones" Mary Margret asks

"I thought youdecided on Lilies" Emma says

"No we said tulips" Grace says

"You both have pregnancy brain. You are lucky I am here to help you guys" Mary Margret says

"No Emma is right it was lilies" Grace says

"Want anything to eat" Emma asks Grace

"Do you have any ice cream" Grace asks

"Yep, Killian bought some last night for....."

"I don't want to hear that" Mary Margret says interrupting

"How did you know what I was going to say" Emma asks

"I could tell by the smile on your face"

"Sorry mom" Emma replies and gets up and walks into the kitchen

"Mom?" Emma asks, Mary Margret runs into the kitchen

"Is everything alright"

"No, no no no. I think I'm having a contraction. Damn, I forgot how much this hurts"

Mary Margret goes over to Emma "it's okay, just breathe. Your father will get the car and we will go to the hospital come on"

Emma grips onto her mothers hand in pain

"It's going to be okay Emma. Everything will be okay."

Mary Margret calls for David and he goes to get the car ready. Grace will stay home with Elliot.

"Mom please call Killian, I need my husband!!" Emma cries

David comes running in with a phone to his ear

"Mary Margret can I talk to you"

"No dad you cannot. I have a baby coming out of me!" Emma says

"Okay okay lets just get you into the car and to the hospital" Mary Margret says

David and Mary Margret help Emma into the car. Mary Margret sits in the back with Emma while David drives fast

"Agh!!" Emma yells in pain,  "Why the hell isn't this any easier than last time! Where is Killian?" She cries as she grips onto her mothers hand

"I'm trying to call him" David says "it keeps going to voicemail"

"Why the hell would he turn his phone off!" Emma exclaims

"Don't worry Emma, he will be here. He's never missed this before"

They arrive at the hospital and Emma is put in a labor room. David sits next to Emma's bed and attempts to comfort her

"Emma sweetheart it will be alright. Killian will be here you have time" David says calmly

"I know I know. I just need him Dad" Emma cries

"I know it will be okay" David blots Emma's forehead

"I still can't get a hold of him" Mary Margret says walking back into the room as she hands Emma a cup of crushed ice

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