Chapter 12: Finally

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Emma and Killian have been together for 10 months now. Emma has been working vigorously on this case. She's sitting at the kitchen counter typing very quickly on her computer. Killian walks up behind her.

"Emma love will you please take a break"

"Killian I'm fine, I need to check on this lead"

"Love you're sick. You were throwing up this morning and you had a migraine last night"

"I know, but I'm so close to solving this Killian I can feel it"

"Would you please just lay down on the couch and let me make you something to eat"

"I really don't feel like eating"

"I know, how about I make you some tea and toast okay"

Emma continues to type on the computer. Killian grabs her waist as she's sitting on the stool and kisses her neck.

"Killian......I'm working"

"I know, you're not listening to me that was the only way to get your attention."

"Alright alright I'll take a break. Just let me send this to my superiors. We're so close to finding him. I just need a call back and then I can scope the area"

"Emma you're sick. Accept it and lay down"

Emma turns around in the stool facing him

"I'm fine Killian really. I just have a little bug, it'll go away soon"

"I know but I worry about you"

Killian picks her up and puts her over his shoulder. She starts laughing

"Put me down you dork"

He lays her on the couch and hovers above her. He pecks her lips and gets a blanket to place on her. She sits comfortably with the blanket while he makes her a cup of tea.

"Now I know you'd prefer cocoa but this will settle your stomach"

She takes the mug from him letting the mug warm up her hands. She takes a small sip and relaxes against him as he joins her on the couch.

"Better love"

"Yes thank you. Are you working today?"

"Yep, Liam has the lunch shift and I have dinner tonight. Tony always takes the late shift so we don't have to worry about it"

"Okay just wondering"

"Are you happy Emma"

"Once I've solved this damn case I'll be happy"

"I mean with us"

"Oh, Killian we're happy"

"I know I just thought that maybe it's about time that I ask"

Ring ring ring

"That's my phone sorry this could be them"

Emma jumps off the couch and picks up the phone.

"Ok ok, I'm coming, thank you"

Emma runs into the bedroom and throws on some jeans and a jacket. She grabs her boots and gun.

"Swan where are you going"

"I was right Killian. He's been hiding in the old abandoned church. The thing is, he was using a secret entrance and disguise every time he'd leave. I'm going to catch this criminal now"

Killian grabs her wrist as she runs out the door.

"Please be careful love. You're sick remember"

"I'm fine. I'll call you once I find him"

She pecks his lips and runs down the hallway. Killian touches his lips with his fingers. He'll never get tired of the tingly feeling left on his lips after every time she kisses him. All he wants to do is spend every waking moment with her. Will she ever agree to that.

Emma rushes to get to her car and drives 20 minutes to the church where Mr. Conklin has been hiding. she's being escorted by police so she gets there quickly. She arrives and kicks down the old door. Three cops follow behind her. They go in and find the church to appear normal. Some policemen and women check outside while others help Emma inside. She finds a basement door

"Guys down here" Emma whispers

One of the cops, Arthur, follows her into the basement

"Art do you see that" Emma asks

It's a long hallway and at one end appears to be a jail cell.

"Hello? Is anyone down here"


"Emma there is definitely someone in there" Arthur whispers

They rush over and see an older women. She is chained to the wall and bleeding from her side.

"Art get her out of here I'll check out the rest of the basement" Emma says

"Alright I'll send Sarah down" Arthur replies

Sarah, another cop, comes down and joins Emma

"Emma there's a door behind the staircase"

Sarah opens the door slightly and a gunshot is fired. Emma and Sarah run upstairs to get backup. Emma yells


They all barge into the basement and find Mr. Conklin sitting in a red arm chair in a room piled with dusty books and papers. He's holding a shotgun. They form a circle around him. Emma is the first one to speak

"Mr. Conklin drop the weapon. You don't want to do this the hard way"

"Oh believe me, this won't be easy for you"

Mr. Conklin stands up and fires the gun, it hits the man next to Emma in his shoulder. Emma fires her gun at him and hits him in the leg. This allows for someone else to cuff him and drag him upstairs. Arthur calls an ambulance and got the woman to the hospital. Unfortunately they have to bring Mr. Conklin and one of there fellow cops there also. They all head to the hospital. The woman needs surgery for her stab wound. Mr. Conklin must have stabbed her in the side moments before Emma found the woman. The orthopedic takes the bullet out of Mr. Conklin's leg and leaves him cuffed to the hospital bed. Emma has finally caught him.

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