Chapter 51: Disney

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It's September 2nd so it's Elizabeth's first birthday! She has had another surgery and her heart is functioning almost completely normally. She will not need another surgery until she is 10. After that, her heart should be fine for the rest of her life. Ava and Liam are 4, James is 2, Henry and Grace are 15. Ava has started going to kindergarten a year earlier at a private school. Emma and Killian had her intelligence tested and she has an IQ of 151, she is now a member of Mensa. It is an elite group of people with high IQs that get together once a month to discuss what it's like to have a crazy mind. Luckily she is flourishing in her school and enjoys being mentally challenged, she is no longer acting out. They had the grandparents and some preschool friends over this afternoon for a late lunch for Elizabeths birthday. They left at about 6, now Ellie is opening her presents with the help of her parents and siblings. Ava, Liam and James enjoy opening baby gifts. She gets some books, clothes and toys. They all sit down on the living room floor playing with Ellie and the new toys. Killian and Emma have one last surprise up their sleeves.

"Okay your mother and I have one gift for everyone." Killian says. He hands an envelope to Ava to open. She rips open the envelope and pulls the paper out of it

"Tickets?" Ava says as she examines them and hands them to Henry

"These are tickets to Orlando! Are we going to Disney??" Henry asks excitedly

"Yes we are!" Emma says

All the kids jump up and down with excitement and tackle their parents in a big hug. Ellie crawls over to her mother confused about the commotion

"Mama" Ellie says

"Ellie we are going to Disney!!" Ava says as she hugs her sister

"When are we going?" Grace asks

"We leave tomorrow morning" Emma says

"Really!" James asks

"Yes your mother and I have packed. Henry and Grace, you guys need to pack. We are staying for a week" Killian says

"Thank you guys!" Henry says

They have a big family hug and try to get  them down to bed. It takes awhile since they are all excited. Ava and Ellie share a room and they fall asleep first. Liam and James run around upstairs until Killian can calm them down and they fall asleep. Grace and Henry pack and then get ready for bed. Once the house is quiet Emma and Killian get into bed.

"I set my alarm for 6am" Emma says

"Alright sounds good. Do you really think it's a good idea to bring a 1 year old, 2 year old and two 4 year olds on an plane."

"They are well behaved, plus we have Henry and Grace to help. I'm just happy you got a week off of work. You've been spending a lot of time at the restaurant"

"I'm only worried about the two little ones. I know I've been working a lot but we need the money and things are going well"

"We both are making enough money to go on this trip."

"You are happy with working at home right"

"Babe I'm fine, I'm technically still working. Plus I get to assign cases and still figure out the puzzle. I love being with the kids and I have gone out in the field a couple times"

Killian kisses her forehead and then her lips

"Let's get some sleep love. We have a long day tomorrow"

Emma and Killian wake up at 6 and pack the car. Henry carries James, Grace carries Ellie, Emma carries Ava and Killian carries Liam. They place the sleeping children in the car. Luckily they have a minivan which fits their family of 8. They get to the airport and check their suitcases. The kids were too tired to complain about the lines. Going through security was a bit difficult but they managed without any tears. They take the kids to bathroom and then board the plane. Emma and Killian made them bags of trail mix for the ride and some sandwiches. Liam, Ava and James sit in one row with Henry and Grace behind them. Emma, Killian and Ellie sit in the row across from the three kids. The plane ride is about 3 hours. Killian brought his laptop and headphones so the three kids can watch a movie. They decide to watch Peter Pan since it's their favorite. Henry and Grace talk and entertain themselves with their phones. Emma and Killian entertain Ellie who enjoys looking at the clouds outside the window. She only cries once because she is hungry. They feed her some Cheerios and she calms down. The plane ride is successful with minimal fighting over who sits where. They arrive in Orlando at 11 and head to their hotel. They are staying right outside the Disney property in a Marriott Hotel. Emma gets Marriott points through her job which helps lower the price of their stay. They have three adjoining rooms. One for Henry and Grace, one for the kids and one for Emma and Killian. They place their bags in the room and then head to Downtown Disney. They are going to spend the rest of the day there and head into the parks tomorrow. They grab lunch at a restaurant and everyone eats. Then the kids ride on the little train and the carousel. They also spend time in the Lego creation center. The kids really enjoy building with blocks. At the end of the day they all go to Ghirardelli ice cream shop and get milkshakes for dinner. The kids are all hyped up on sugar and jump on the beds when they get back to the hotel. They have three adjoining rooms with the little kids room in the middle. Eventually they pass out and Emma and Killian tucked them in bed. They have a portable crib for Ellie that they set up in the kids room. Emma goes to say goodnight to Henry and Grace.

"Okay so I know you have two beds but I'm leery about leaving you two alone in here"

"Mom stop it"

"Sorry kid I'm just saying. We might be checking on you in the middle of the night so........ good night"

Emma closes the door and heads back to her bedroom. On the way she kisses all of her children goodnight. She gets in bed with Killian. He rolls on top of her and pins her wrists above her head. She giggles at him

"What are you doing"

"I'm enjoying our vacation"

"What's on your hand"

"It's Liam's fake hook. I thought maybe I could be the captain since we are in Disney"

"What does that make me" Emma asks as he uses the hook to brush away her hair from her face

"That makes you my princess"

"I was thinking I'm more like your wench" Emma says with a suggestive smirk

"Well that can be arranged"

Killian takes the hook and tears through Emma's thin night shirt. Then he takes the hook and drags her pants down. He sucks on her breast while he slips the hook in her panties

"We're ruining his toy" Emma says through labored breaths

"We can buy him a new one" Killian says and continues

Henry walks through the kids room quietly and leans up against the door to Emma and Killian's room. He hears the bed creaking and runs back to his room with Grace and locks the door

"Well my parents will definitely not be checking on us tonight"

"Oh god are they"

"Yes, ugh I never want to think about that"

"So you never think of sex"

"Between my parents, definitely not"

"Well what about with me"

"Ummm well I guess I have but I"

"Henry we've been friends forever and I love you. I know you love me too. My life would suck without you, I just want to be together. You know in hotels there is always a box of condoms in the room"

"Grace I just I don't know, I've never done this before. I love you but I don't want to mess this up"

Grace gets out of bed and takes her shirt off slowly

"Come on Henry this might be the only chance we get. Emma would know, she always know. I mean if we don't do this while they are.......busy we may never have the chance"

"First of all my mom will figure it out at some point. Second of all don't talk about my parents having sex when you want me to have sex"

"I know I know, come on let's have our own fun" Grace says as she pulls Henry's body close to hers and slowly lifts his t-shirt off his head.

"Well I guess Disney is a magical place" Henry says as he kisses her

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