Chapter 29: Operation Cobra

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Emma is 5 months pregnant, meaning it's August. So Henry is back in school, he is going into the 7th grade. His elementary school is connected to his middle school so he still gets to see Mary Margret. Today Henry is helping Emma with a secret mission. He is calling it operation cobra. Emma is working a case today at the her office so Killian is home with the twins.

"Alright my little babies we are going to have a fun day!"

Killian buckles the babies in the car and drives to the park. He takes them to the playground and walks around with them. He does get a lot of women who come up and talk to him. He is polite but always mentions that he has a wife. One time he was holding Ava when a women came up to him. Ava told the women that her mommy was prettier than her, Killian tried very hard not to laugh. But he did scold his daughter since that was rude, even though Killian thought his daughter was right.

When Henry got to school he went to visit his old teacher Mary Margret. He gave her some coffee in a disposable cup along with a pear. Then he headed to class. After the first half of his day he gets a lunch break. So he headed down to Mary Margret's classroom to have lunch with her.

"Hi Mrs. Nolan"

"Hello Henry, how was your summer"

"It was great! I spent a lot of time sailing with my dad. I also got to hang out with my friend Grace"

"That sounds wonderful. How's your boat doing"

"Well I had to clean it a lot and fix the sail but I had help"

"Who is Grace"

"Oh her dad owns the docks. My dad and her dad are friends so I started hanging out with her. She's really cool"

"Does she go to school here"

"No actually she is homeschooled. She works at the docks with her dad"

"Well she sounds very nice. How are your parents doing"

"Well my mom is pregnant again"

"Really that's great"

"Yep it is. The twins are getting so much bigger but they love me. We have so much fun unless they cry"

"Do they still cry at night."

"Some nights but I'm so used to it that I don't even hear it anymore"

"That's great"

"Why didn't you have any more children Mrs. Nolan"

"Henry we tried for awhile but it just wasn't meant to be"

"You shouldn't give up, it could still happen"

"I don't think so honey, I get to be with kids all day while I teach"

"Did you like your coffee today"

"Yes I did thank you very much"

"Umm where is the cup"

"I threw it away in the trash can over there"

Henry quickly grabs the cup from the trash and runs out of the classroom "Nice talking to you, see you again later"

"Umm bye Henry"

Henry places the coffee cup in a plastic bag and puts it in his backpack. Then he returns to the cafeteria to eat his lunch.

Emma is at the station working on a case with her new partner Graham Hunter. Today they are filing some petty theft reports, nothing too serious.

"So Emma, we just started working together last week. We haven't talked much" Graham says

"Well we've been busy this last week" Emma says

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