Chapter 52: Magic Kingdom

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Today the family wakes up and prepares to go to magic kingdom.

"Ok come on let's gets dressed little ones, Ava do you want to wear your princess dress" Killian says

"No daddy, not every little girl wants to be a princess. I want to dress like a pirate with you and Liam" Ava says

"Okay darling whatever you want" Killian says. He turns to Emma "She is definitely your daughter"

"Don't worry, this little one likes her princess dress" Emma says as she places a little crown on Ellie

James dresses up like a prince along with Henry. Grace and Emma put on crowns but they don't want to wear dresses in the park. Killian, Liam, and Ava dress as pirates. They first go to the little mermaid ride and get pictures with Ariel. The kids enjoy going on the ride as it plays under the sea. They get pictures with princess' and go on some rides. The kids have a blast but they get tired after lunch. Henry and Grace run off on their own while the rest of the family sits down at a bench. The kids sleep in the strollers that they rented. Emma's phone rings and she sees that it's Rose. She picks it up


"Umm hi Emma, I know we haven't talked in awhile"

"That's okay, how are you"

"Well being a single mom has been a struggle. I just felt bad for never talking to you after he left. You have always been a really good friend"

"Rose I understand, I'm glad you guys are okay"

"I'm calling to tell you that I'm moving"

"You're moving?"

"Actually I moved yesterday. I'm living with my parents now"

"Oh where?"

"They live in Maryland"

"That's nice"

"I just wanted to tell you. The girls miss you guys."

"We miss you too. Have you talked to Callum or Anna"

"No, I haven't. I don't know if they would even talk to me"

"Rose of course they would. Look I can't really talk long but when can we see you guys"

"Sorry am I catching you at a bad time"

"Well we are kind of in magic kingdom, the kids are waking up"

"Emma I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disrupt your vacation."

"Rose that's alright. Look we are hosting thanksgiving this year. Why don't you come"


"Please come. Talk to Anna and Callum and you guys could maybe stay there"

"Thank you Emma, I will"

Emma hangs up as Ellie starts crying. Killian picks her up and calms her down.

"What did she say love"

"They are coming for thanksgiving, and she moved to Maryland with her parents"

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