Chapter 8: Interview

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Emma gets home late after fooling around with Killian. She gets in bed immediately and falls asleep. She wakes up to her alarm sounding at 8:00am, she has a meeting at 9:30 with Mr. Jones. Emma has interrogated people plenty of times, but she's never felt this nervous before. She's searched her whole life for her parents and now she might have found her boyfriend of 3 months, long lost father in one night. Why does this only happen to her. She gets up and slowly makes her way to the bathroom. She washes her face and brushes her teeth. Then she gets dressed and makes a quick cup of coffee. She arrives at the police station and makes her way to the interrogation room. The cops talk with her for a minute and let her inside the room to talk with Mr. Jones alone. Emma walks into the room and sees a medium tall man sitting at the table. He is cuffed to the chair. He has light brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Emma definitely has her suspicions now.

"Hello Mr. Jones, I'm Emma Swan, I work for Mr. Humbert"

"Hello Ms. Swan"

He speaks politely like Killian but without the Irish accent. Emma takes her seat and puts the file on the table.

"So I've familiarized myself with your case but I have some questions"

"Ask away"

"So you've been in jail for the last 30 years"

"Yes, well actually it's 31 years"

"So you were arrested for murder and then for hiding evidence"

"Yes, but I was falsely accused"

"So your wife's body has now been found but they are still keeping you?"

"Yes well until Mr. Conklin can be placed under a trial. Which is where you come in"

"Yes and don't worry, I will find Mr. Conklin. Can you give me your best physical description of him"

"Well the last time I saw him was 30 years ago. He is about 5ft 9in. He has black hair and brown eyes. He has pale skin and is always wearing an Ireland sweatshirt"

"Do you know why he always wears it"

"Well we were friends are whole lives. He has worn that thing or at least had it with him since we were in high-school"

Emma makes a note of the information in her file.

"Now it says here that you have two sons, yet you refuse to release any information about them. Why?"

"The only thing I have left of my beloved Anna is my sons. I don't want any danger to come to them. I haven't been able to be with them unfortunately."

"Can you tell me everything you know about them"

"I don't see how this is relevant to the case Ms. Swan"

"You said it yourself, you think your children are in danger. That is a starting point for looking for Mr. Conklin."

"To be honest I don't know much about my children. That night after my second son was born and my wife was dead, I knew the police were going to arrest me. I had to keep my boys safe. I left them on an Ireland naval ship."

Emma dropped the pen in her hand

"Umm sorry"

She picks it up and writes down the rest of his information. They continue to talk about possible locations to start looking for Mr. Conklin. After about 30 minutes Emma leaves and returns to her bosses office. She reports on all the information she has and starts to ask her contacts for addresses. She'll officially start her search tomorrow. It's 3:00 now so Emma decides to get a late lunch at the bar. She walks inside even though it's closed. Liam, Becca, Rose and Killian are all there. As soon as Emma says hi to all of them she realizes how stupid she was for coming here. She just found her boyfriends father but she can't tell him because frankly she doesn't know how. Rose and Liam head over to the ice cream shop to do some business stuff but Killian and Emma both know what they mean. Killian makes Becca and Emma a grilled cheese. Becca plays on the floor with some stuffed animals while Killian and Emma talk.

"So luv how was the interview at the jail. I wished you would've call me afterwards I was worried"

"I told you I would be fine. You have nothing to worry about"

"I know, but that won't stop me from caring"

"You're very cute you know"

He kisses her on the tip of her nose.

"I know, so how was it"

"Ummm well it was.....informative"

"That's good I guess. I didn't expect to see you here today I figured you would be on your hunt"

"Boss says I'm not allowed to go out searching yet until we get some information from our contacts. This could be a very long and drawn out case"

"Well you know how to find people Emma. It's what you do best"

"Thank you"

She kisses him and Becca interrupts

"Ewww! Uncle Killy why do you do that"

"You'll understand one day princess, when you're 40"

Emma laughs at him. Emma and Killian play with Becca at the bar. The whole time Emma is trying to figure out a way to tell Killian but she just can't. She doesn't know how he will react or what he'll even want to do about it.

"Emma luv since you are going to be working obsessively on your case for awhile maybe we could have a nice dinner tonight"

"That sounds lovely but I'm just not in the mood to go out. I have some paperwork and I"

Killian grabs Emma's hands.

"I'll come over at 6 and we can watch movies and eat, we don't even have to wear clothes."


"Fine we can just relax in our sweatpants. Then maybe you can tell me what's bothering you"

Emma sighs and looks at him guilty

"Okay I guess I....that sounds good"

"Don't be frightened that I know what your thinking Swan."

"You're the only person who's ever known what I'm thinking"

"And I think secretly you love it"

Emma kisses him than leaves. She drives back to her home and gets comfortable. She decides she is just going to blurt it out when he gets here. That's a stupid plan but it's all she can come up with.

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