Chapter 22: Nolan

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Emma is now 6 months pregnant. The doctor has ordered her to house arrest to insure the babies safety. Luckily her work has given her an extended leave. She deserves it after all of the work she has done for them. Killian has to work at the bar all day today so he dropped Henry off at school. Henry has been doing much better at school since he's been living with Emma and Killian. He still doesn't have many friends but he's okay with it. He likes to talk with his teacher during recess sometimes since she was always there for him. So today he goes to Mary Margret classroom to catch up.

"So Henry what's new with you. We haven't talked in awhile" Mary Margret asks

"Yeah well I was trying to be more social at recess"

"I know, I saw you playing soccer"

"Yeah! My Dad.......I mean Killian has been teaching me"

"Well you are becoming very good."

"Thank you!"

"So how's your mom, is she doing well"

"Yep she's great! Well actually she's crazy but great"

"What do you mean?"

"Well she's been ordered to stay in the house by the doctor. She doesn't like sitting still"

"Is she alright?"

"Yes but she needs to rest so that the babies can fully develop"

"Well maybe I could come visit her, or keep her company or something"

"You want to talk with her?"

"Well yes she seemed nice and I would like to get to know her better. You really love her and I'm happy that you have her"

"I'm really lucky, maybe you can come over today. Killian is working all day. You can talk about the babies and stuff. Maybe Mr. Nolan can come also"

"Henry don't you think you should ask your mom first"

"Well she will probably say no so I'm not going to ask her"

"Henry I don't want to be trouble"

"No I think you should talk to her, you guys have a lot in common"

"Henry I thought we agreed not to talk about that"

"Well you both have given up a child! She needs someone to talk to and I want you guys to be friends. You're both very important to me"

"Alright Henry, I'll come over with you but I'm not inviting David."

"Okay yeah! I'm excited for you to see the house!"

After school Mary Margret drives Henry home. She parks in the driveway and they walk to the front door.

"Henry this is weird I don't know why I'm here" Mary Margret says flustered

"Come on it'll be fun!" Henry says

Henry knocks on the door and Emma opens it.

"Hey kid so.......Hi Mary Margret"

"So mom, Mary Margret is here because she wanted to see you" Henry says and pushes Mary Margret inside the house

"I can go if you want Emma" Mary Margret says

"No no it's fine, as long as you don't mind how gross I look" Emma says

"Well you're pregnant not gross" Mary Margret replies

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