Chapter 33: Birth Part 2

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Killian calls his parents and they arrive quickly and watch the twins. Killian drives Emma to the hospital, Anna and Callum will bring the twins once their new sibling is born.

"Killian drive faster! Ahh!!" Emma screams as she clutches his arm

"I'm trying love"

They arrive at the hospital and Emma is taken to a labor room. The doctor comes in and examines her

"Okay Mrs. Jones you are definitely in labor. You are 5cm dilated so you have a little bit of time. I'll check on you again shortly"

"Oh Killian this is not how I planned on having this baby"

"Emma don't worry we are prepared"

"I haven't thought a lot about the baby, I've been focused on the two we have and our teenage son and work. I was supposed to have another three weeks!!"

"I know I know love. It's okay we will love this baby equally. Just breathe babe"

"Do you think the twins are okay"

"Emma let's focus on this baby now. Ava and Liam are fine"

"Ahhh....another contraction!!"

"Just breathe love, the doctor said we have some time. Just breathe"


"Hold on its almost over"

"God why am I doing this again"

"This time it is just one baby, it will be easier"

"Now we will have 4 kids"

"Emma we always talked about this big family"

"I know but I'm already failing" Emma says and starts crying again

"Emma you get like this during labor, it's just anxiety and hormones okay"

"Do you still love me"

Killian moves closer and cups her cheek

"Emma, of course I love you. Why would you even ask that"


"Emma we can talk about that later. Let's focus on the baby now okay. I will always love you, always"

"I love you too" Emma says and they share a quick kiss

Emma is in labor for 11 hours. Killian is beside her the entire time. Finally they bring her to the delivery room to start pushing. Emma is covered in sweat and completely exhausted. She has almost squeezed Killian's hand off.

"Okay Emma we need you to push now" the doctor says

"Okay baby come on you can do this" Killian grips her hand and blots her forehead.

"Killian I can't do this, ahhh Damn it!! I can't, I can't do it!!" Emma cries

"It's okay honey you are so strong you can do it"

"One more push Emma just one more" the doctor says

"Em I can see the head" Killian says

She pushes until a wave of relief washes over her, they hear a baby cry

"Killian what is it"

Killian looks down at his new baby and smiles brightly at Emma.

"It's a boy Emma. We have a boy" Killian kisses her lips happily

The doctor holds up the little crying baby

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