Chapter 59: Birth Part 4

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Emma and Killian rush to the hospital. They called Doctor Whale on their way. Emma is immediately rushed to a delivery room. Killian holds her hand the entire way. Doctor Whale examines her

"Emma you are 10cm dilated. Unfortunately I can't stop your labor"

"No no they can't come now. It's too soon" Emma cries

"I know, but our hospital has a good record with preemies. With some help they have a good chance of surviving"

"No I can't have them" Emma says between screams of pain

"Emma it's okay, you can do this. They will be fine" Killian says to her but he's crying as well

"They're going to die" Emma cries and Killian squeezes her hand and kisses it

"Emma on your next contraction I'm going to need you to start pushing for 10" Dr. Whale says

"I can't AHHH!" Emma screams

"1 2 3 4 5 " Dr. Whale counts

"Breathe" Killian says to her

"6 7 8 9 10" whale counts

"Killian" Emma cries

"It's going to be okay, they will be fine" Killian says even though he doesn't believe it will be

"Okay Emma I can see a head. Doctors ready! Start pushing now Emma!" Whale yells


"Keep going you're almost done" Whale says

Relief washes over Emma as the first baby is out. The doctors cut the chord and rush the baby to a medical table.

"Killian there isn't any crying" Emma cries

"They'll save the child" Killian says and kisses her forehead

"Emma this next one is coming you need to push again." Dr. Whale says

"No no please" Emma cries

"I'm sorry we can't stop, you need to push now"  Whale says

They hear crying in the distance. Killian kisses Emma cheek which is mixed with sweat and tears.

"Keep pushing darling you can do this" Killian says


Emma pushes the second baby out and again there is no crying. The doctors work on the babies to keep them alive.

"Emma you did it" Killian says

"Are they okay"

"I can't see anything. There are a lot of doctors"

"I heard a cry" Emma says

"They will be fine Emma, they will be strong"

Emma doesn't reply she just holds his hand tighter. After awhile the babies are placed in incubators attached to many wires. They wheel them next to Emma and Killian.

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