Chapter 9: My Dad

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At 6, Emma opens her apartment door and let's Killian inside. He's wearing a tshirt and some loose fitting grey sweats. Emma has an old college tshirt on and navy sweats. Her hair is pulled up in a messy bun. She's never felt more comfortable around someone ever in her life before. Killian brought some Chinese food and they set it up on the coffee table in the living room.

"So luv what movie should we watch"

"Umm I'm not sure, what do you want to watch"

"I have an idea"

Killian pulls a DVD out from her cabinet next to her tv. He puts it in and waits for the title scene to appear on the screen.

"The princess bride. Really Killian"

"I love this movie Swan"

Killian sits next to Emma on the couch with his arm around her shoulder. He picks up the remote and is about to press play when Emma places her hand on top of his to stop him.

"Killian wait I have to tell you something"

He got really serious

"Is everything alright love"

"Yes well no it's just I wasn't completely honest with you"

"What do you mean"

"I told you that my case was interesting but really there is a lot more I need to tell you"

"Are you okay did something happen"

"No no I'm fine. I just figured out something"

"Sorry love I'm confused"

"I met your father today"

Killian dropped the remote and stared blankly at Emma

"You you what! I don't bloody understand"

"I know I know it's confusing just let me explain. He's been in jail for 30 years but he was wrongly convicted and"

Killian stands up

"wait wait wait. You met my father and didn't tell me"

"What do you think I'm doing now. I didn't want to tell you earlier with Becca around and I just didn't know how to tell you"

"What happened, what do you know about him. Did you even mention me"

"No Killian, he has no idea that I know his sons. Okay here is his file you can read all of it. It's everything he's been through since you were born."

"You're sure he's my father Emma"

"His story and yours match exactly. Plus the timing and dates are all correct"

Killian sits down on the couch next to Emma, he has the file in his lap and is reading rather quickly. Emma has her arm around his shoulder aimlessly stroking his arm. After 10 minutes he's read the jist of it.

"So my dad didn't forget about us. He just hasn't been able to get to us"

"he's been in a tough situation"

Killian hugs Emma and buries his head in her shoulder. He has tears flowing down his cheeks.

" I I always thought he left us because of me. I thought he was a dead beat dad"

Emma strokes the back of his head

"Shh hey its okay. He still loves you Killian, you can have a real family"

He pulls back and Emma has tears on her cheeks too. They wipe the tears off each others faces.

"Emma I have you, everyone else is just a bonus"

She wraps her arms around his neck and they kiss passionately until they pull away to breath.

"Emma, do you think we're in danger"

"What do you mean"

"Well this man who murdered my mother he might want to hurt Liam and I. It's in the file"

"Yes but until we know who Mr. Conklin has been in contact with or even where he is we don't know anything. You haven't received death threats or anything"

"No but someone stole $100 from the register"

"You never figured it out"

"We think it was one of the bartenders who works there. She was fired from her last job because she stole"

"So why did you hire her"

"Liam believes in second chances. Sometimes he's too nice though"

"I wish I was too nice sometimes"

"Me too love. Me too"

They sit in a comfortable silence for awhile.



"Can we meet him."

"I think he'd like that. He looks a lot like Liam. They have the same hair and you three have the same blue eyes"

"Really, I've always wondered what my parents looked liked"

"Me too"

"Oh Emma, I'm sorry I"

"Hey no it's fine. I get it, I wish I could know that feeling but sadly I will never"

"Don't say that. You found my father I'm sure you can find yours"

"I've tried Killian, I've looked my whole life. I only ever found one thing. A newspaper article about me. A baby found on the side of a freeway, a women found me and brought me to the hospital. Then I was put in the foster system. For all I know, my parents are probably dead. Look let's just forget about me right now and focus on you. You have a dad now"

"Emma it's not like he raised me. He still abandoned me"

"But he had a good reason. He didn't want you to grow up in jail. You have no other relatives you could've gone with"

"I didn't"

"No he said that his parents and your moms parents both died in a car accident on the way home from their wedding"

"Oh gosh"

"Yes I know, it's tragic"

"So I should try and forgive him"

"Killian we both know that it's impossible to completely forgive him, you just have to understand the situation. You should go and tell Liam. Maybe you guys can talk to him tomorrow. I can call the station."

"Okay, I'd like that"

Emma hands him a couple of the papers about his dad to show to Liam. He kisses her and heads to Liam's apartment. Emma flops down on her bed exhausted from the day. At least telling Killian went better than she expected.

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