Chapter 53: Thanksgiving

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Emma and Killian are hosting everyone for thanksgiving. The family is coming over at 3. They wake up early and start getting the house ready. Henry helps the kids clean up their rooms. Emma sets up a kids table in the kitchen and the adult table in the dining room. Killian and Grace start cooking in the kitchen. Emma and Henry entertain the little ones in the living room.

"Mommy when will Nana and Papa be here" James asks

"They are coming at 3 honey"

"Dada!" Ellie yells, Emma picks her up

"Sorry my little daddy's girl but daddy is cooking dinner"

"Can we play Henry!" Liam asks

"Alright how about we all go play hide and seek in the basement" Henry says

Henry takes the kids downstairs and Emma holds Ellie and goes to help out in the kitchen

"Do the chefs need any help in here" Emma asks

"Love, you know that you are not the best cook" Killian says

"I know but I could slice something or whatever"

"How about you wash the dishes in the sink" Grace says

"Excellent idea!" Killian says

"Great thank you Grace" Emma says sarcastically

Killian kisses Emma's cheek and she smirks at him. She helps clean up the dishes. After a long morning of cooking, the dinner is ready just in time. The doorbell rings at 3 and Emma answers. She opens the door to reveal Rose, Becca and Lily. Baloo runs up and licks them than runs downstairs.

"Hi auntie Em!" Becca says. Emma hugs both the kids

"Hi!" Lilly says

"Hi guys! I've missed you. You are so big now! How old are you guys" Emma asks

"I'm 8 now!" Becca says

"I'm 4!" Lilly says

"Well your cousins are downstairs, go on and play!" Emma says

They go into the kitchen and say hi to their uncle Killian, then the kids run downstairs to play with their cousins. Emma and Rose go sit in the living room.

"The house looks the same Emma"

"Well it is probably cleaner than normal. You look good Rose, I've missed you"

"I've missed you too"

"How are you doing. With the kids and moving and such"

"I like being with my parents. Liam has sent some letters to the kids so that's been nice"

"He's sent a couple to Killian as well. Have you had a chance to talk to him"

"Once, It went well. No matter what he does I still love him"

"You know he loves you right"

"I know, but we have a lot of work to do on our relationship"

"At least you guys are starting to work on it"

The doorbell rings and all the grandparents enter. Emma calls the kids up to say hello to their family. Anna goes into the kitchen to help Killian and Grace finish preparing their food. Callum and David go downstairs and get the kids outside. They are going to have a big family soccer game before dinner. This has become an annual thanksgiving tradition as of last year. The rules are everyone has to play if they are 2 or older, not pregnant, or not a grandmother. Mary Margret and Anna added the last part, meaning they also get to be the referees. They watch Ellie and Baloo while the rest of the family starts the game. Baloo always tries to bite the soccer ball and has popped a couple, so he isn't allowed to play. David and Callum are always the captains. The family stands together and they pick teams

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