Chapter 23: Baby Shower

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Killian wakes up when he hears a gasp. He immediately sits up in bed and looks over to Emma's side of the bed. She is awake and on her iPad.

"Emma is everything alright" Killian asks concerned

"Sorry did I wake you up. These damn kids are keeping me awake. I haven't slept in forever"

"I'm so sorry love"

"They keep kicking me"

Killian moves closer and places his hands on her stomach.

"My sweeties daddy and mommy really love you but mommy would love you more if you stopped kicking please" Killian says and he starts humming a lullaby to the babies

"That's actually working a bit"

"What are you watching on the iPad love"


"Emma don't lie to me"

"I'm not watching something, I'm............I'm trying to investigate Mary Margret"

"Emma we talked about this. You can't be doing work like this while your pregnant. I don't want anything to happen, I don't want you to go looking for evidence"

"I know, but I'm bored out of my mind"

"You're so cute" Killian says and kisses the tip of her nose

"Shut it, I'm huge and sleep deprived"

"Still gorgeous"

He kisses her lips and then kisses her stomach

"Try and get some sleep love. You have the baby shower later today"

"Ugh Killian I don't want to go"

"Don't whine my Swan. You know Rose and my mother are very excited to throw you this shower. Plus we could use some presents, I mean we're having two kids"

"I know you're right, I'm just not a baby shower kind of girl. I won't even know anyone there"

"You will know our neighbors. Plus it's a bunch of Rose's mommy and me friends"

"Am I really a mommy and me type of parent"

"You will be a great parent. You will be mommy by day and bails bonds person by night"

"I'm not a superhero Killian"

"You're my superhero"

She lightly hits his chest

"Haha very funny"

"You used to love my cheesy lines" Killian says and kisses her forehead

"I do, but I'm exhausted and so done being pregnant"

"You have never looked as beautiful as you do now, carrying our children. Plus you've had a major sex drive this entire time"

"I still can't believe you have sex with me when I look like this"

"Will you ever get it into your pretty head that I love you no matter what you look like" He kisses her on the head. "I'm going to get some sleep now before work. Please try and get some sleep luv"

Killian falls back asleep but Emma continues looking for information on Mary Margret Nolan. She doesn't find much information. Before she knows it, Killian's alarm goes off and he gets up.

"Want to join me in the shower my darling"

She glares at him

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