Chapter 65: Morgue

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Emma gets the kids a snack from the vending machine and they continue to wait in the waiting room.

"Guys I didn't get much information on the accident. Can you tell me what happened" Emma asks the kids

Ava speaks up "well when the car crashed everyone was unconscious except for Liam and I. A fireman took us out of the car and to the hospital. There was a lot of blood and we were scared. But Liam saw you on a stretcher when we got to the hospital, the nurse let us wait outside your room"

"And James, how did you get here" Emma asks

"I woke up in an ambulance. A nurse said she would find you, it took her a long time" James says and Emma hugs them

"Oh guys I'm so sorry this happened. Don't worry everything is going to be okay" Emma tries and comforts them then a doctor approaches them

"Hi are you Mrs. Emma Jones"

Emma stands up "yes that's me"

"I'm Doctor Torez, I just completed surgery on your daughter Elizabeth Jones. She is in recovery. Her femoral artery was severed in her left leg, she lost a lot of blood. I reconstructed her femur, she will be in a cast for a couple months. Then a brace for awhile and she will need some physical therapy. I'm very confident that she will be a completely normal and active kid after a year.

"Can I see her?"

"Of course, follow me"

The doctor leads Emma and the kids to a hospital room on the second floor. They walk in and see Ellie lying in a bed with her leg propped up. Dr. Torez tells Emma that she will inform her if there is any information on her other children or husband.

"Mommy! My leg hurts" Ellie says groggily

"I know baby, the medicine will start working. You will feel better soon"

"Where's daddy"

"The doctors are fixing him, you just need to rest, it's really late, it's almost morning. Ava, Liam, James how about you lay down on the small couch in this room and get some rest"

"Mommy can I talk to you" Ava says and steps outside the hospital room. Emma follows her

"What's wrong honey"

"Is daddy going to die"

"I don't know Ava"

"But he could die right"

"It is possible but I don't want you to worry"

"What about Elliot and Gabe, are they dead"

"Ava you know Elliot is in surgery. We are lucky to be alive, I need to keep looking for Gabe. Maybe he's with a nurse just like James was"

"I want you to tell me if they die mom, I can handle it"

"Ava you are 8. I am your mother so listen when I tell you that I will take care of it"

"I'm older than I seem!!"

"Ava you don't need to be an adult. I will take care of everything"

"Mom, sometimes kids grow up faster than they are supposed to!"

"I know, I grew up faster and I don't want you to"

"Well I can't help it!"

"I'm sorry honey, I know. I love you so please stay with your siblings."

"Just promise me that you will tell me if something happens"

"I will tell you Ava. Please stay here, stay safe"

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