Chapter 58: Early

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Killian has decided to participate in the Food Network competition. He starts filming the second week of August; It is currently August 1st and Emma is 7 months pregnant. Since Killian is leaving soon, they are spending this Saturday alone as a family. It's still fairly warm out so Killian is grilling chicken outside on the grill. They recently got a playground/swing set for the twins birthday in April so all the kids are playing on it. They like to pretend that it's a pirate ship. James swings on the swings to pretend to be the engine of the boat. James is also in charge of throwing the tennis ball for Baloo to play fetch with. Liam is the captain and stands at the top of the swing set. He uses a toy telescope to look at the backyard. Ava is in charge of "battle" she stands on the rock wall and looks for danger. Ellie is almost 2 so she doesn't really understand the game. Liam and Ava tell her to run around the playground. They pretend she is the evil crocodile that they have to capture. Grace also plays sometimes, she pretends to be the mommy crocodile and carries Ellie around as the kids chase them. Ellie is able to run like a normal two year old. Her heart is in good condition now and the doctors say she won't have a disability growing up. She still has to see the cardiologist twice a month and have one final surgery when she is 10.

Emma sits in a lounge chair on the patio near Killian while he grills the chicken and vegetables that he is making for lunch

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Emma sits in a lounge chair on the patio near Killian while he grills the chicken and vegetables that he is making for lunch.

"That smells good babe, what am I going to do without your cooking"

"Grace likes to cook too, she is getting very good"

"Yeah, she mentioned she was thinking of possibly going to culinary school"

"I'm just happy that I inspired her"

"It's going to be hard with you gone for so long"

"I know, 6 weeks is a long time. But I might not make it far in the competition"

"Well I want you to win, I'm just upset you have to film so soon"

"Emma I really am not sure about competing. I'm upset about possibly missing the babies birth"

"Me too, but this is your dream. Look you finish filming on my due date, you could fly back quickly"

"Emma you know that you will most likely be a couple weeks early because it's twins"

"I know, but worst case you miss the first week. You will be there the rest of the time"

"I have it all worked out with my parents and yours. There will be someone here with you everyday and every night"

"Killian isn't that a bit extreme"

"No Emma, you've been put on bed rest technically. You need help, Grace can't do everything she's only 17"

"I know, it's just annoying not being able to take care of my children"

"You are taking care of your children by resting. Keep those two healthy"

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