Chapter 66: Remebering

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It's been a week since the devastating car accident. Emma and Killian have moved into their new home in New York. Killian has not gone to work yet. His heart is healing nicely but he is still not allowed to do any strenuous physical activity for about a month. Ellie's leg is still in a cast and she rides in a wheelchair, or someone carries her. Elliot suffered a brain bleed but there was no long lasting damage. He still has to do brain strengthening exercises and rest a lot. Emma's leg is healing and she hasn't told anyone except Killian about the baby. Today is Gabriel's funeral. Killian wakes up in bed alone.

"Emma?" Killian gets up and goes into their bathroom. He finds Emma sitting on the ground with blood running down her wrists and thighs "Emma...." Killian gets a washcloth and cleans up her wounds "Emma please don't do this"

"I'm numb Killian. Our son is dead. I can't do this. I'm not strong, I'm weak" Emma says with silent tears falling down her pale cheeks

Killian picks Emma up and takes her to their bed.

"Emma I know today is hard, but we have to do it, for Gabe" Killian takes Emma's  arm and pulls up her sleeve. He finds many new scars on top of the older ones.   "Emma please you can' can't hurt yourself"

"IM A SCREW UP IM SORRY" Emma cries and Killian hugs her tightly

"It's not your fault. I'm sorry I killed Gabe, I killed you" Killian starts sobbing into Emma's shoulder. Emma kisses her husbands cheek tasting his salty tears as they combine with her own"

"I'm sorry Killian, I know you're hurting too. I'm sorry I hurt myself, I just don't know what to do. I love you"

"I love you too Emma"

Emma wipes away his tears and her own

"We are going to get the kids dressed and get them through this" Emma says attempting to holding back tears

"And we will get through it" Killian says

Emma gets up and puts a black dress with long sleeves on. Killian clasps a silver cross necklace around her neck. Emma brushes her hair and Killian gets dressed into his suit. They wake the kids up and get them dressed as well. They all drive to the church silently. Mary Margret and David are already at the church when they arrive. Emma hugs her parents and leaves the kids with them. Killian and Emma go to the hearse where Gabe's coffin is. They place his baby blanket inside. They hold hands and each place a hand on his coffin. They feel broken inside, like a piece of their hearts are missing. Four men carry the coffin into the church where everyone is seated. Emma and Killian stand with the coffin during the ceremony. A pastor says some prayers but Emma doesn't hear any of it. She stares into the eyes of her crying children and family members. She spots Liam sitting with Rose, Becca and Lilly. It means a lot to her and Killian that he came back from sea for this moment. Killian and Emma step up to the microphone to speak. Emma can't bring herself to say anything so Killian speaks while tears run down his cheeks

"On behalf of Emma and I, we want to thank you for being here, for our son Gabriel. This has been an extremely hard time for our family and we thank you for the support. Gabriel was our little boy, a light in our lives. Emma and I didn't have families growing up and we tried to build a loving home for our kids. We wanted them to feel loved and safe. Gabe will always be in our home because he is in our hearts. We will never forget our boy and we don't want any of you to forget him either. We want him to be spoken of daily as if he is here with us because he is. We want all of you to talk with him as we will talk with him. We love you Gabe, and we will miss you"

Everyone in the church is crying. After the ceremony the family gets in their cars to drive to the graveyard. Emma and Killian ride in the hearse with their kids. Emma carries Elliot and Killian carries Ellie. Elliot is very little and doesn't really understand what is happening. They walk to the gravesite and watch the coffin be lowered into the ground. Their friends and family leave flowers by the tombstone and hug them. Mary Margret and David hug Emma and Killian along with Anna and Callum. But they don't say anything to their parents, they have nothing to say. Liam hugs Killian and they have a long overdue brother moment. Eventually everyone returns home, leaving Emma and Killian by the gravesite with their children, Henry, and Grace. They all sit on the ground next to the grave with the flowers.

Emma takes a deep breath and holds back tears "let's talk guys, let's talk about Gabe. Daddy and I want you to know that you can talk to us"

"We should tell stories" Henry says "let's tell our favorite stories about Gabe"

"I want to go first" James says "I didn't like it when mommy was having more babies. But I loved to play with Gabe. He was always willing to play pirates, I will miss playing with him"

Grace hugs James and then tells her story "well my favorite memory of Gabe is when he was brought home from the hospital. Killian was not here and Emma needed help. But these little babies didn't seem to like me. They only stopped crying when their mommy held them. But one day Gabe stopped crying when I picked him up. He finally accepted my comfort, that's when I realized that maybe one day I could be a mom. And I owe that all to Gabe"

Emma hugs Grace then she speaks up

"Well my favorite memory was the day I took Elliot and Gabe home. I sat down with them and face timed your daddy. The boys were perfect that night, I took care of them and I felt immediately connected" Emma places Elliot on her lap and kisses his head to stops the tears from falling. Then Liam speaks up

"My favorite time with Gabe was when he got out of his crib and crawled into my room. He was an awesome sneaky brother and I will miss him" Killian hugs Liam and kisses his head. Ellie goes next

"I will miss Gabe, he used to throw his Cheerios at me. I would try to catch them but he could never through it far enough"

Henry than shares his story "My favorite moment with Gabe was when I called mom and all I heard was crying in the background. She tried to get Gabe and Elliot to be quiet but they wouldn't. So she gave the phone to Gabe to try and calm Elliot down and Gabe started chewing on it. I could hear his cute little gurgling noises through the phone. I never thought I would miss all the noises he made"

It's Ava turn to speak and she stands up
"It's not fair, Gabe shouldn't have died. He was sick when he was a baby but he lived. Now he died, it's not fair. I don't understand!!" Emma gets up and embraces Ava in a hug as sobs into her mother's shoulder

"I know, it's unfair. Life just isn't fair and there is no good explanation for it.........But it's going to be okay........because it has to be"

"No it doesn't mommy! I doesn't have to be okay"

"Yes it does Ava, it does" Killian says

"We should go home now, it's been a long day" Emma says

"Mama Gabe?" Elliot asks

"He's coming home too, he's always with us" Killian says

Grace and Henry take the kids and get them buckled into the car. Emma and Killian stand holding hands by the gravesite crying.

"How did this happen" Emma cries

"Our little boy" Killian cries

They hug each other tightly staring at their sons tombstone. Remembering the little time they had with him. Remembering his cries, laughs and smiles. Remembering how his dark hair and blue eyes sparkled. Remembering the love he brought to their lives. Remembering.........


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