Chapter 61: Party

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Killian won the Food Network competition!! So now he gets to have his own cooking show on the food network! He will demonstrate recipes that he loves, and food that is healthy but easy to serve kids. After Killian won the competition, he returned home and brought Henry back with him. Henry visited for a couple of days and then went back to school. Killian has been home for two months now so it's October. The twins are very healthy and the kids are fine with the two new babies even though the house has been hectic. Since Killian won the competition, the family will be moving to New York in the summer. As the winner of the competition, Killian is being honored at a party in New York. All the contestants and their families are invited along with the chef judges and food network executives. Killian and Emma have been trying to work out if it is even possible for the whole family to attend considering this was planned last minute. Ava and Liam are in full time school and the others are in preschool. Since Killian won, he is no longer working at the restaurant. He stays at home with Emma and the boys for now.

"Emma luv, it would be nice if you could come to New York. This is a big moment and I want you there by my side"

"Babe I want to be there but I'm still breastfeeding and we can't take three month olds"

"Yes we can, they are in perfectly good health"

"We can't take two 5 year olds, a 3 year old, a 2 year old and two 3 month old kids on a plane. That would be a disaster"

"Well we get 1st class seats since the Food Network is paying for it"

"That doesn't necessarily make it any easier. Plus I don't know if I want pictures taken of our kids, I mean aren't there reporters and a red carpet"

"Obviously the kids wouldn't be on the carpet and I don't want them in the limelight either. Just you and me on the carpet, I want my new friends and chefs to meet you"

"I never imagined I would be walking down a red carpet in my life"

"Neither did I, I'm very excited for you to meet all of these people. I showed them all some pictures of you and the kids"

"You did"

"Of course, I talk about you guys all the time. Plus they wanted to see my beautiful wife"

"They wanted to see if I was good enough for you, you mean"

"Emma you are too good for me. But you have to admit we do make an attractive couple and adorable children"

"I can't argue with that"

"So you will come"

"Only if your parents come also. We will need a lot of help and your parents will want to be there"

"Alright love it's a plan, I'll call them. We leave in three days. They already paid for a hotel suite for us. Also Henry will be coming, I talked to him"

"Good, I miss him"

"We just saw him"

"I know but I will always miss him"

"Me too"

Emma and Killian spend the rest of the day packing for this mini vacation. The kids are very excited to meet the chefs they have seen on tv. Anna and Callum are excited to see their boy succeeding. They get up early in the morning to catch their flight. It is difficult with the young ones on the plane but they make it through with minimal tears. Then they are taken to their hotel in a limo.

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