Chapter 19: Annoucements

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It's Tuesday afternoon. Henry is at school and Emma and Killian have an ultrasound appointment. They meet at the doctors office at 12.

"You ready love" Killian asks

"Yes I just want everything to be okay"

"Don't worry Emma our baby will be fine. I'm sure he will love the new house"


"I'm betting on a boy but I'd be happy with a daughter as well"

"I want to find out as soon as we can"

"You don't want it to be a surprise?"

"Killian you know I hate surprises"

"I know I just thought this is our first child, we should at least let the first one be a surprise"

"Are you implying that we will have more children"

"Well I was hoping maybe we might some day"

"That's why you bought the big house isn't it"

Emma stands up to leave

"Emma please I'm sorry we don't"

"I can't do that Killian I'll be a crap mother this is too much I"

She falls in to his arms crying. He leads her to the bathroom so they can talk in private.

"Emma it's going to be okay"

"You are planning our future and house and life and I haven't even looked at a wedding dress."

"Emma you can wear your red leather jacket if you wish. All I desire is you. If you don't want a big family I'm alright with that"

"No, I know you want a family and I've always wanted one too. It's just scary to think about sometimes"

"I know darling. Let's get this ultrasound, we need pictures to show my parents."

Emma kisses him and he wipes her tears away.
They walk back into the waiting room and wait for their name to be called.

"Mr and Mrs Jones" the doctor calls

"Still not used to that name" Emma says

"Come on luv"

They are lead into an exam room and Emma puts on a hospital gown. They squirt cold blue gel on her stomach and the doctor starts to rub her stomach with the ultrasound wand.

"Alright well it will still be sometime until we know the gender. But you are a little over 2 months along, things seem to be normal here let me just"

He stops talking and his eyebrows furrow in confusion, but a smile remains on his face. Emma immediately noticed

"What! What's wrong"

"Hmm well it seems we missed something at your first appointment. Listen to this"

He turns the sound up on the machine that displays the heartbeat.

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