Chapter 18: Father

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Killian asked his parents if they could have a family dinner on Wednesday; Today is Monday. They agreed but seemed slightly suspicious of him. Tonight Killian got off of work so Emma and him could spend the night with Henry. They want to ask him if they can adopt him. They realized that Henry had become part of their family and they didn't want him to leave. They also are going to tell him about the baby and the new house. Killian goes down to the courthouse and gets the paperwork to allow them to adopt Henry. He calls Henry's  social worker and talks with her for awhile about technicalities and such. Once he figures all of that out he drives to see the house he's interested in. He spends a couple hours their checking out the house and talking with his realtor; The house is truly gorgeous. It has four bedrooms upstairs and the master bedroom on the first floor. It even has a possibility of a guest room for the basement. Killian has always wanted a big family so hopefully this will clue Emma in on his thinking. After his day of productive family work, he starts his drive home. Emma picks Henry up from school and spends the afternoon at home with him. Her stakeout was a dead end, she needs more information about her client. After Henry does his homework he sits on the couch with Emma.

"Can we talk Emma"

"Sure kid what's up"

"You said that we could talk about my dad"

"I did say that didn't I"

"Well I just want to know where I come from. You understand that right"

"I never found my parents Henry but I understand. I'll tell you about him but I ummmm I can't tell you everything okay"

"I'm old enough, I just want to know what he was like."

"I know kid, just you're 10"

"I've gone through more than most adults"

He says with anger in his eyes. Emma looks at him with tears forming in her eyes.

"I know I know, I'm so sorry"

Henry hugs her and cries into her shoulder.

"I miss her, my mom. We didn't always get along but I loved her. Now I'm replacing her, and I'm replacing my real dad, who I never even met"

Emma rubs the back of his head

"Henry it's okay, you don't have to feel guilty. I'm not her, I'm not replacing her. No one can replace your mom. You don't even need to worry about your dad, you want to replace him"

Henry dries his tears and looks at Emma.

"Thank you for helping me, I was worried that my real parents would leave me too"

"I love you Henry no matter what, you are my son. I'll tell you about your father okay"

He sits up straighter and looks at Emma


"Well I met him when I got out of the foster system. We met when I was.........buying a car. He was there and I saw him"

"Stop, you said you wouldn't lie. I inherited your super power"

"Okay kid........I met him when I turned 18. I had just gotten out of the foster system and I was in a rough place so I stole a car"


"Hey I told you that you were too young for this"

"No no I'm sorry, I know never to steal"

" I stole a car, it was the yellow bug. But he was in it and I figured out that it was his stolen car."

"You stole a stolen car"

Emma chuckles

"Yes I did. Anyway we became friends and lived on the road together. So he umm stole some watches and told me that we were going to sell them. Basically he set me up so I was arrested for stealing the watches. He left me in prison and that's when I found out that I was pregnant with you. I never talked to him again but he did leave me the car"

"He abandoned you"

"He did, but it's okay. If I hadn't met him then I wouldn't have you. I wouldn't trade you for anything"

"So you've never tried to talk to him"

"He really hurt me Henry, I haven't really loved anyone besides Killian since. It took Killian a lot of work to get me on a date"

"Well you guys are engaged"

"He asked me the night before you came. The first time I said no, the second time I was focused on something else. But I said yes the third time"

"Wow poor guy"

She lightly slapped his shoulder


"Sorry but it's true"

"I know......I'm lucky to have Killian"

The apartment door opens and Killian walks inside.

"Hello family" he says brightly

He places a file on the counter and places a box of pizza on the kitchen table.

"Hi hon" Emma says

She walks over and kisses him.

"Okay I don't need to see that" Henry says

They both chuckle

"Come on lad I got pepperoni just like you like"

The three of them sit down and start eating

"So Emma, Henry. I have some news to share with you" Killian says

"What's up" Henry asks

"Well Emma and I were talking and we decided something"

"I want to, well we want to. We wonder if you would like it if we adopt you" Emma says

"Really! That's amazing!" Henry replies

He gets up and hugs them both. Killian takes the forms and places them on the table. Emma signs them along with Henry. Henry is extremely excited and can't believe it.

"Okay now we have some other news. As you know we're engaged, but also we are expecting a baby" Killian says and kisses Emma's cheek"

"That awesome!!!"

Henry hugs Emma and places his hands on her stomach

"Hi baby, I'm going to be your brother"

Emma smiles so brightly at him and at Killian.

"Now I have something to share with the both of you" Killian says

"What babe?" Emma asks

"I bought the house"

"You bought a house?" Henry says

"Yes!" Killian says excitedly, he pulls out the picture of it.

"Look it has four bedrooms with connecting bathrooms between them upstairs. The master bedroom is on the first floor. The kitchen is beautiful and there is a deck. The basment even has the option for a guest bedroom."

"Killian, that's a pretty big house. You didn't want to discuss this first"

"I know it's big love, but what if my parents want to stay. We discussed buying a house"

"They'll live 10 minutes from us, same as your brother"

"You have a brother?" Henry asks

"Aye lad, his name is Liam and he is married to Rose. They have a little 4 year old girl named Becca. Also my parents live in the same neighborhood as them"

"So you have a family" Henry asks

"I didn't always Henry, the first time I truly felt happy with myself was when I met your mother." Killian says

"Me too" Henry says with a smile.

Killian goes on to explain his complicated family story. They spend the rest of the night talking, just the three of them. A perfect new little family.

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