Just the Beginning (2.0)

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The old pipe caught her in her left eye and she cried out in pain. Her father dropped the object and started to run, but Anguis was a bit faster than that; she quickly turned around and jumped on top of him as he ran by and morphed her hand into a dragon's hand, sinking a large claw into his back, making his spine break in several places. The loud audible cracks made Anguis grin and he collapsed, unable to get back up again. She got up and faced her mom, who stupidly didn't try to run as she was busy incapacitating her father. Anguis' eyes had a faint red glow to them and she slowly walked closer to her mom when the older lady broke down in hysterics.
"Anguis please!! He didn't really mean any of that!! You were the daughter I always wanted!! Please!! I'll do anything!!!"
"You LIAR!!! You never wanted me as a daughter, you tried to fucking get rid of me before I was even born!"
"No no no, none of that is true, your father made up that story!"
"Oh really? How come whenever I walked into the doors at school, SOMEONE always said 'oh there's the girl that survived abortion', huh?! EXPLAIN IT!"
"Please Anguis forgive me!!!"
"Fucking hell no, you two caused me so much god damn grief and hardship in my life, I've nearly died several times because you idiots can't figure out how to care for a kid!"
"NO! No excuses bitch, your time is up"
She snapped her mother's neck, killing her instantly, and her father gasped in horror as he watched his wife's body go limp. Anguis threw the body to the side and faced her father, who was attempting to crawl away as fast as he possible could. Anguis laughed and caught up to him in a few steps and placed her boot on his head and put some pressure on it.
"Oh, were you planning on going somewhere?"
"How.... how could you..."
"How could i what?"
"How could you do this to us..."
"Being alone for years does some strange stuff to you, so does grief and heartbreak, like it almost causes you to go... mad I guess, it's a lovely combination to be feeling all at once."
"You're a son of a bitch"
"More like a daughter of a bastard in your case, I mean; I am your kid and now: your killer"
Anguis kicked her father over onto his back and he gasped his last breath as she sunk a claw into his chest and ripped it out, curving it back so it would deal more damage. He started coughing up blood and glared at her, flipping her off and cursing at her before he died.
Anguis got off the body and wiped the blood that was on her hand onto her dad's clothes and then unmorphed her hand so it was back to normal.
*this is cool, I could get used to this power*
She started cleaning up the mess, carelessly throwing the bodies into the dumpster. She spotted an old rag that sat beside the bin so she grabbed it and began cleaning up the blood that was splattered throughout the alleyway. Anguis frowned as she realized the blood stained the ground a little and started scrubbing to get it out.
*god damn it cmon man, work for me towel*
All the sudden, one of the doors from the back of a store opened and Anguis gasped and dove behind a dumpster, hiding from whoever was coming out from the doors. She slowed her breath down so her breathing couldn't be heard and she closed her eyes, hoping no one would notice her. There were a few footsteps and someone quietly chuckling to themselves.
"Well well well, what do we have here?"
Said someone with a deep, husky sounding voice.
Anguis glanced up and there was a rather tall man standing over her. She quickly got up and braced herself, but not morphing anything, and got ready to fight, and while doing this, slipped and fell onto her ass, having the disadvantage if the person was to lash out at her. The guy shook his head and smiled a little, leaning up against the dumpsters. He crossed his arms and looked down at her.
"You know... just rubbing the blood isn't going to pick up the stains..."
Anguis eased up a bit and looked at him with a puzzled expression.
"Umm, wait, what?"
The man shook his head again and held out his hand and stood up straight.
"Oh I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself, Name's Vincent, Vincent Afton."
Anguis looked at his hand, then back at his face, and then placed her hand in his. Vincent helped her to her feet and kissed her hand before letting it go.
"So darling, what's your name?"
"Uh, Anguis, Anguis... well I don't have a last name..."
"Well, what an interesting first name, I recognize it from somewhere, I just don't quiet remember where..."
"Yeah, it'll come to me eventually, but in the mean time, let's clean up your little mess here, it seems like your parents were complete assholes man"
Anguis stood there dumbfounded as Vincent pulled out a towel from his back pocket and began cleaning up the blood, carefully mopping it up instead of forcefully scrubbing like Anguis had tried to do.
*wait, why is this guy trying to help me, I just flat out murdered two people and he acts like it's just a little accident... and hold on, how did he know they were my parents?? Was he watching me??*
She warily got back down on her hands and knees and started using Vincent's method for cleaning up the mess, which she had found out worked very well. Every now and then she would glance over at him curiously, trying to figure out things about him just by his actions and appearance. He had his long hair tied back behind him in a loose ponytail, and it was dyed purple, which confused Anguis a little, but then she remembered her was a bright green. His shirt matched his hair, but in a different hue, and he had the sleeves rolled half way up his forearm, which showed off his somewhat tan skin nicely. Vincent glanced over at her while she was checking him out and their eyes met and the two of them quickly turned their heads away and went back to cleaning.
Once they finished, the two stood up and looked at the newly cleaned area and then back at each other.
"Well, I would say we did a good job on this" said Vincent
"I mean I guess so"
Vincent looked at her again and caused Anguis to blush slightly and look away.
"Oh hey I remember why you seemed so familiar"
"We went to school together, remember I was the patrol officer for a little while"
"I sorta remember..."
"And you also showed up in the newspaper a few days ago"
"I did?"
"But, wait I haven't been- eh never mind"
"What was that?"
"Uh, nothing"
"It's okay, you can tell me"
"Um, well I was gonna say I haven't been here for over 11 years, how does anyone still remember me?"
"Well I remember you"
"True... hm... what was i in the paper for?"
"I think it was a Missing child alert"
"You seem surprised by that"
"But... I thought no one cared about me anymore, I mean I disappeared and I never heard anything about anyone looking for me... are you sure that was actually me?"
"Yeah, here I'll show you,"
He began walking back to the alleyway doors and Anguis hesitated for a second and then followed him back into the door he originally came out of. She tried to read the sign on the back of it but it was worn down with weather. Vincent opened it for her and she cautiously walked into the darkened room. He followed her in and closed the door behind them, making it completely dark.
"I can't see much in here..."
"Well I would turn on the power but we don't have that much during the night shift so we gotta save it."
"Oh, umm.."
"Don't worry, once we get to the main room it'll be easier to see."
*i better not be getting kidnapped... but it's not like it's easy to get away now*
She heard Vincent start walking in a certain direction and she felt around for a wall to help her find her way around. She slowly walked down the hall, making sure she didn't kick anything and she heard him laugh again.
"Here, just take my hand and stay close, it'll probably be faster that way."
She reached out and felt his hand and held onto his arm as he guided her through the dark maze. It seemed like eternity until she finally saw a little bit of light coming from somewhere.
"You're Kind of a clingy girl ain't ya?"
Anguis realized she was holding onto him like a nervous child would with their parent and she backed off a little.
"No it's alright, it's kinda cute actually"
She felt the blood rush up to her face and they finally walked into an open room and Anguis gasped as she realized where she was.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now