Spa Trip

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"Hey sweetheart, time to get up"
"You gotta get up, or else we're gonna miss our appointment"
"I feel fine though Vinny... I don't need to do to the doctors..."
"We ain't going to the doctors, we're gonna hit the spa"
"Hhmmm.. Eep!!"
Vincent picked her up and spun her around the room with a big smile stuck to his face. He put Anguis down and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and looked her in the eyes.
"Well you're certainly in a good mood today" she commented
"Duh, we got 3 whole days off, and I, well, may have rented out an entire spa resort for us and the other guys, and the whole place is ran by robots, so no other annoying people."
"Woah... really??"
"Yeah, n we gotta hurry, we only have from 8pm to 12 am"
"Jesus Criest Vinny we have so much time!"
"Well I only told the guys from 10pm to midnight, I have a little surprise just for you"
Anguis perked up a little and tilted her head just a little bit.
"A surprise you say, eh? I like surprises"
"Well then what are you waiting for? I'm waitin for you to get dressed so we can go"
"Oh, right, uhh... what should I wear, exactly?"
"Swim suit"
"Erm... I don't have one..."
"Yeah you do, check the top left drawer"
She raised and eyebrow and opened that section of her dresser. Laying in there was a full black bikini outfit and she held it up in front of herself.
"Huh, I kinda like the looks of this" she said, "it's got a nice design"
"Well, go ahead, try it on"
"Mkay, be riiiiight back"
Anguis walked into the bathroom and changed from her work outfit that she slept in and into the bikini. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw little dark purple galaxy-like swirls covering the top section of the outfit, then walked out of the bathroom.
"How's this look?"
Vincent turned around and his jaw dropped as he saw her.
"~giggles~ so I'm guessing it looks okay?"
"It, it looks fucking fantastic on you."
"I like it, it's comfortable"
"Now cmon I wanna show you the surprise"
"Alright alright, geez you're more excited about this than I am"
She put a tank top and shorts over her outfit and went outside and morphed into her new dragon form, which she deemed the name Eraylew for. Vincent followed and locked the door behind himself and looked up at her.
"No we're not flying"
"Awh why not?"
"Cause you'll be tired by then"
"Well so will you"
"I could still drive us"
"But I wanna fly..."
Her pupils widened a bit and she gave him puppy dog eyes. He tried to hold back a smile, but it didn't work and he started laughing.
"Alright, we'll fly-"
"-but only cause that look is really fuckin adorable"
She smiled and crouched down a little so Vincent could get on. He jumped on and Anguis roared and flew into the air, heading towards the one and only spa in town.
"So Anguis!"
"Any idea what day it is tomorrow?"
"Well, its May 6th, isn't it?"
"Yeah, aaaand you know what that means?"
"Uh... no?"
"Am I suppose to know?"
She landed in front of the place and Vincent slid down her tail as Anguis unmorphed. He opened the door to the place and they were immediately hit by the smell of flowers, fruits, lotions, and warm air. She gasped and walked into the place that was filled with helium balloons. Her hands flew up to her mouth and she gazed at the scenery.
"Oh my gosh Vinny!!!-"
"Happy few-hours-early 19th birthday darling"
Anguis squealed with delight and gave him a tight hug. Vincent smiled and patted her on the head and returned the hug.
"But how did you know-??"
"That it was your birthday?"
"Well remember how the school would announce who's birthday it was everyday?"
"You remembered from all the way back then??"
"This, this is amazing!! I love it!!"
"I was hoping you would, I didn't know what to get you for your birthday, so I thought I would do something like this"
"I know what I want as a present" she purred as she pressed herself against him.
"Oohhh do you now?" He said with a seductive smirk
"Mmhmm, you'd like it too"
She grabbed his hand and dragged him to one of the spa rooms and closed the door behind them. They both got undressed in the warm and humid room and Vincent smirked as she threw off her clothes and stood in front of him in just her bikini. He sat down on the wooden bench that was in the room and she crawled onto his lap and kissed him. Vincent opened his mouth slightly and allowed her to slide her tongue into his mouth. Anguis explored in there for a little and then laid down with her back on the bench and looked up at him.
"I think you know what to do here" she said with a wink
A little bell rang as Scott and the other guys walked into the spa and looked around.
"I thought Vincent said to be here by 10:30" said Robert
"He did" added Scott, "and it's like, 11"
"They're probably still stuck in that long ass line of cars, and how on earth are that many people still out this late at night?"
"No clue"
"W-who are the balloons f-for?"
"Dunno, maybe Vincent's birthday?" Said Robert
"No, his is in what, 2 days?" Asked mike
"Yeah 2 days" agreed Scott
They heard a muffled yell come from one of the rooms and Scott cautiously walked over to the area where the sound came from.
"Uhh, hello?"
There was some more commotion coming from inside the room and Scott caught a glimpse through a little opening in the curtain and quickly blushed and looked away.
"Well, I just found them" he said
"Bro really?" said Mike as he tried to get past Scott
"No trust me, you don't need to see that"
"Dude are they-"
"yes, yes they are..."
"Lemme get a look at Anguis at least."
"Damn he really is bangin her" said Fritz, who had snuck around Scott and Mike, "I thought he was kidding last time he said that"
Robert and Jeremy, both of them red in the face, glanced at each other and shrugged. Scott dragged the other two away from the room and had them sit down in the chairs in the waiting area. The guys sat there awkwardly until there were a few short yet loud moans and then everything went completely quiet for several minutes.
"They done or somethin?" Asked Fritz
The door opened and lots of stream poured out of the room. Vincent and Anguis walked out, still only in their bathing suits, chatting like they were best friends until they spotted the guys and then they both blushed.
"Ohh, uh, hey guys" said Vincent, "didn't realize you'd get here so early"
"You do realize it's 11 at night" said Robert
The two glanced at each other, not sure what to say.
"Well at least you enjoyed yourselves by the sound of it" said Mike
Their blushes grew deeper in color and everyone else started laughing. Anguis groaned from embarrassment and placed her forehead on Vincent's chest, trying to hide her face.
"S-so what's the special o-occasion? Since t-there's balloons and everything is a-all decorated"
"Oh, it's my little girl's birthday"
"What?!?!" Everyone else exclaimed
Anguis looked at them and shyly smiled, still half hiding her face.
"Why didn't you tell us??" Said Scott
"Shiiit I feel bad now, I didn't get her anything" said Robert
"Well H-happy birthday A-Anguis"
"Thanks Jeremy"
She went over and hugged him and Mike and Fritz both looked at each other, then at Anguis, then back at each other.
"Yeah happy birthday girl" said Fritz and Mike
"Thanks guys"
She gave them a high five and they both gave her a disappointed look and sighed.
"Damn man, I was like, hoping for a hug" muttered Mike
There was the sound of something pounding on the front door and everyone turned and looked at what was there. There was a shadow of something tall with only one full ear and was leaning to the right a little. There was no other arm and the figure would have to crouch a little in order to get into the spa. Vincent grabbed Anguis and hid her behind him while he walked over to the door and opened it.
"Bonnie?!?" He exclaimed as the purple rabbit walked into the room. The other 4 walked in as well and everyone gasped and backed up. Anguis was going to go up and hug Bonnie when Vincent grabbed ahold of her arm and made her stay with him. Golden Freddy bowed to Anguis and she waved to him.
"What are you guys going here??? Asked Scott
"Well duh, same reason you guys are here"
They all looked at Anguis and she smiled a little.
"How did you guys know it was my birthday?" She asked
"Oh I know a lot of things" said Goldie
"And how exactly did you get here?" Robbie asked, "the doors to the pizzeria are locked shut all night."
"Goldie can teleport, remember?" Said Chica, "he just teleported us one by one here and then tah dah, here we are!"
"Chica... where are your hands..." Anguis said with a sad tone to her voice
"Oh some bastard mechanic took them off for a gear, a single gear! And now I can barely move my arms at all! And my stupid jaw unhinged so now it's like 3 times the size it usually would be."
"Oh boy..." said Scott, "yeah I'm sorry about that guys... i was going to have someone fix all of you up with the newer technology, like what the toys have, but none of the parts came in, and someone stole the parts we had taken out in order to fit the new parts in, so we can't really fix you up-"
"Oh..." said Freddy
"- but I am getting new models for you guys"
"Really?!" Chica exclaimed
"Yep, and they already have the best technology there is, so you'll be better than the toys now"
"N-n-nice Ladd-d-d-die"
Bonnie gave him a thumbs up and then Anguis ran up to the rabbit and hugged him. Vincent smiled a little and then punched a few buttons into his phone. Some robots that worked at the spa came out a double door holding a large cake with a miniature model of a gray and black dragon on top. The guys looked at in awe as it was placed down on a table with sparkly confetti. Chica made a little squeaking noise and Anguis turned around and gazed at it.
"Woah... giant cake..."
"Oh this is the smallest size I could find" said Vincent
"Dude the cake is almost the same height as Anguis!" said Robert
She stood on the table next to it and the guys started laughing as the dragon section of the cake ended up making it taller than her.
"Okay more like Anguis is almost as tall as the cake" said Goldie
"Man I am small compared to like everything"
"Nah you're more like Fun sized" said Vincent
"Like the candy bar?"
"Yeah, exactly"
"Heh, I kinda like that idea better"
She jumped off the table and the same robots sliced up the cake and handed everyone a little slice. Anguis stuck her finger in the frosting and then poked Vincent in the nose with it, leaving a little dollop of white icing on him. He glanced down at her and quickly put a big blob of frosting on her cheek. She gasped and put another glob of frosting on his face and took off running. He caught up with Anguis in a few steps and grabbed her around her waist and dragged her back to the main area.
"Guys quick, grab a handful of cake and throw it at her!!" Vincent yelled out
Scott and Jeremy grinned and threw the cake at Vincent rather than Anguis and he dropped her and covered himself. Mike, Fritz, and Robert joined in and threw cake at him as well. He yelled as he was being bombarded with cake and then the onslaught of food was swapped out for Anguis tackling him to the ground as her Eraylew morph and started licking his face. Vincent started laughing and brushed Anguis off of himself and sat up. She jumped back on him and continued to lick the food off his face.
"Alright alright girl calm down"
The bots came back out and rinsed Vincent down and started cleaning up after them.
"Whoever gets to the hot tub last is a rotten egg!!" Anguis yelled as she took off towards that room.
Vincent ran after her and the other guys changed into their trunks and raced in. Mike was the last one in and the guys all pointed fingers at him and laughed. The animatronics sat on the outskirts of the hot tub and chatted with them.
"This is niice" said Robert
"Anguis you do know you're suppose to just relax in here, right?" Said Vincent as she swam around on her back, still as a Dragon
"I am?"
She unmorphed and sat down on the bottom of the pool. The water came up to her top lip and she smirked.
"Imma alligator"
Scott laughed and Fritz splashed her once, the little waves making her stand up so she wouldn't suffocate. Anguis shook the water out of her hair and sat next to Vincent, who pulled her onto his lap. She teased him by shifting her hips once and he held back a moan.
"Damn it girl, that felt good" he whispered to her
"I can tell, cause something's poking my ass now"
"Well you did that to yourself"
Anguis smirked and did it again and he let out a low growl and playfully bit her neck. Freddy gave them an odd look and nudged Golden Freddy and nodded to them.
"The hell are they doing? He just flat out bit her"
"Oh that's just a human's way of showing affection to one another, I think"
The clock in the room showed it was 11:50 and the others got out, dried themselves off, said happy birthday once more, and left with the animatronics. Once the door to the outside closed Vincent started messing around with her and pulled on the string that tied the bikini together and it partially came off. Anguis gasped and quickly pulled the fabric back into place.
"My gosh Vinny!"
"What?" He said with a wide smirk on his face.
She started to swim away so she could retie her swimsuit, but was pulled back into place.
"Where do you think YOU'RE going?"
She let out a little squeak as he gave her some more love bites and teased her by feeling her breasts.
"Mmm.. vinny..."
"Don't we have to go.."
"We can leave a little late" he purred as he moved one hand to her hips, "I'm sure the company won't mind a few extra minutes"
"But I'm kinda tired..."
"You're the one who has to take us home, so your call on when we leave"
"Mkay... can we go home then"
They got out and threw their clothes back on and left the building. Anguis morphed and flew them back home and made Vincent carry her back inside and into their room when they got there. She jumped out of his arms, slipped on some pajamas, landed on the bed, and unmorphed, letting out a loud yawn. The digital clock on the nightstand beeped once, signaling it was 12 am, and Vincent slipped into bed with her, now wearing his pajamas, and kissed her.
"Now it's officially your birthday" he said with a soft smile, "happy birthday love"
"Aww ~yawns~ thanks Vinny..."
Anguis snuggled up next to him while he turned off the lamp. She sighed happily and Vincent began stroking her hair.
"Ya know... for my first time celebrating my birthday... this has been awesome..."
"Oh don't worry, I've still got a few more surprises for you hon"
"Really? How much do you have planned out??"
"A shit ton, I've been planning this since you said you'd be my girlfriend"
"Woah... that's like 3 weeks..."
"Mmhmm, I'm hoping that you're gonna like it."
"I probably will..."
"...Wait, did you say it was your first time celebrating your birthday?"
"Yeah, not even my classes would celebrate it..."
"Man, that's rough... don't worry, imma make up for every. Single. One. "
"Awh you don't have to, "
"Yes I do"
"No really, I'm okay with it"
"Well I'm not" he said with a hug, "imma make aaaallllll 18 parties epic, like, it's gonna make a celebrity jealous"
Anguis giggled a little and within seconds Vincent was asleep. She laid there thinking what he could of possibly planned for her and she dozed off as well.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now