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"Mmh... ow..." Anguis groggily said as she woke up
Another sharp jab shot down her spine and she grimaced and sat up against the headboard. She quickly realized she wasn't wearing any clothing and had a strange burning feeling on a spot on her back.
*what the hell, why am I naked? The fuck did Vincent do to me? Wait he wouldn't do anything... right? What am I even talking about, I know he wouldn't do anything*
She decided to get up and stand in front of the mirror that was at the foot of their bed, looking at her back. There was a little scab where the needle had gone in and was yanked out, and around the area was shining in the light.
*oh lovely, it probably got infected or something. Maybe I can take a shower to clean it off, to be safe*
She had the tub filled with warm water and sighed as she slipped into the water. Anguis glanced over at the shampoo bottles that were lined up and took a new one off the shelf.
*huh, 'French Vanilla' scented, interesting"
She poured some out on her hand and rubbed it into her hair before laying down with her head in the water. She was washing herself when the bathroom door opened and she went silent. There was only a few footsteps before it stopped again and she heard an annoyed sigh.
"Damn it is warm in here..." Vincent muttered, "and what the hell is up with this one wacky ass stray eyebrow hair..."
Anguis peaked out from behind the shower curtain and giggled once seeing the one hair sticking straight out from his face. Vincent whipped around once hearing her and looked at her in surprise before putting his hand on his chest.
"Fucking hell Anguis, I didn't know you were in here"
"How? You didn't hear the water running?"
"No I just got back from shopping... got you a few things you might like"
"Oooo, really?"
"I'm pretty sure you'll like them. What are you doing in here anyways?"
"Taking a bath"
"Mmh, are you now?"
"Yeah, but the water is cold so I'm getting out"
Anguis pulled the plug on the drain and stepped out. She was about to grab her towel when Vincent snatched it off the drying rack and held it at his side.
"H-hey!! I need that!" She stuttered as her face turned red
"Hold on a sec.... you're getting chunkier"
"Wait? I'm getting fat?" Anguis said while looking down at herself
"No no no, that's not what I mean silly, I mean you're putting some meat back on your bones, it's a good chunky look"
She raised an eyebrow to him, stating that she still didn't get it or believed him, and he sighed.
"You're going back to how you usually look, you're not a walking skeleton anymore"
He continued to stare at her as a small blush came over his face and he smirked. Anguis went to grab her towel but he held it behind himself.
*ugh he's making this difficult... turd*
An idea popped into her head and she walked over to him, stood on her toes, and brought him into a kiss. Vincent gave her a surprised look, but kissed her back, dropping the towel and wrapping his arms around her. She heard the towel hit the floor and smirked, morphing in her cat features to grab the cloth with her tail. She wrapped it around herself and then pulled away, getting yet another surprised look from Vincent.
"Hah, I got it"
"What the- how?"
"Oh you know ~wags her tail~ I improvised"
She flashed him a smile and was about to walk out of the bathroom when she felt Vincent pull on her tail.
"OW! Vinny!" Anguis yelled while whipping around to face him
"What's wrong my little kitty?"
"That huuurt..." she whined while rubbing her lower back, "you did that really hard..."
"~chuckles~ sorry love, didn't mean to"
She unmorphed and stormed out of the room, closing the door behind her, and threw on her clothes. She was about to leave the room when the bathroom door opened again.
"Anguis wait"
She ignored him and went downstairs and sat on the couch, turning on the tv. It was still on a wildlife based channel so she sat there eagerly watching the show. It was during a commercial break when Vincent came up behind her and put his arms around her, resting his head on hers. She annoyingly sighed and tried her best to keep ignoring him.
"Sweetie I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you"
"I'm not upset" she snapped
"I can tell you are"
"your aura is cracked a little more..."
"It is...?"
"can I do anything to make it up? I don't like seeing you like this"
"Mh, I don't know"
"What if iiiii tickle you?"
"Hm... what about-"
"I don't want anything, I'm fine."
An idea popped into Vincent head and he chuckled deeply before whispering into her ear.
"Now... what if we go, oh I dunno, kill some people, hm?"
Anguis looked back up at him and saw that his eyes had turned white. A quick flashback hit her and her eyes widened a little as the scene replayed in her mind.
'Ooo, your eyes glow too' Anguis said, 'they're almost completely white looking now'
'Attractive, is it?'
'Hell yeah it is'
'It's what happens when I'm in a killin mood...'
That last sentence echoed in her head multiple times before she stood up and backed away from him.
*what if I'm next...*
"I-I'll pass on that Vinny..."
"What? Cmon don't be soft"
He walked around to the front of the couch and spun his knife around in his hand. Anguis felt her heart beat quicken and she took a few more steps back.
"N-no Vinny really, I don't want to..."
"Cmon what's the matter? Afraid you'll get caught by the cops?"
"Then lets go kill someone, this blade isn't gonna stay dry for long"
Vincent stood a few feet away from her now, pointing the blade at her. Anguis shook her head again and he scoffed.
"Hmph... fine... maybe I'll just murder that pussy"
He jokingly jumped towards her as if he was going to stab her and she screamed, morphed into her white fluffy dragon look, and took off.
"Wait Anguis!! I was kidding!!"
She didn't hear him as she pushed open the screen back door and flew off towards the town.
*oh my god I am next, I'm gonna die*
She heard another flap of wings behind her and took a quick glance back, seeing Vincent had morphed as well and was quickly catching up to her. She dove down towards the ground and did a few maneuvers before hovering above the park. Looking around, she didn't see him.
*whew... I lost him.*
A split second after that thought, she felt something sharp dig into her side and she fell towards the ground, landing on her stomach. Anguis cried out as Vincent stood over her and put his mouth around the back of her neck, holding her down. Another flashback hit her of when she was a child and a wolf had tried to kill her as well, holding her down by her throat. Tears quickly pooled up and streamed down from her eyes, matting the fur to her face.
*I'm gonna die... by my own boyfriend... at least he'll make it quick*
The jaws around her throat lifted away and she was licked on the cheek. She whimpered out a confused sound and looked up at Vincent. His eyes weren't white anymore, and instead he had an eager hungry look to them. He continued to lick her and purred while doing that.
*he's... grooming me? What? I thought he said he was gonna murder... oh I misheard him..*
There was a loud and continuous thumping sound and the two of them looked up to see a news helicopter flying over them.
'Breaking News, this is just in. The same two dragons from several days ago are spotted again in the...'
The reporter's voice dragged on about the last sighting while Fritz sat on his couch completely dumbfounded.
"Umm... Mike...."
"What Fritz?"
"Come look at this..."
Mike groaned and got up from where he was sitting and walked into the living room, where the tv was.
"What is it?"
"Isn't that Anguis?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Who's the other one?"
'Oh um... this is awkward... they appear to be mating... I'm not quite sure that can be shown on television... oh it can? Weird... I feel bad for that little white one, it's so small compared to the other one-'
"What the hell" Mike said, "that's gotta be Vince"
"I'm betting that was his idea"
"Probably... wanna go to the park?"
"Oh hell yeah let's go"
*aaaaagh why, why, why, why, WHY did we have to do this here* Anguis thought *theres so many people here... oh god this is embarrassing..*
She cringed again as her chest rubbed up against a rock, then completely gave up on trying to not draw attention to themselves. She went limp and let out a loud cry as she felt Vincent push in deeper.
"What's the matter love?" He purred
"I-I haven't done this as this morph..."
"All your different morphs are virgins?"
"I mean this hurts a bit... so I guess"
"Mmmm... they won't be for long..."
He placed his paws around her hind legs, somewhat stood over her and continued thrusting into her, smiling slightly while Anguis continued to cry out with pleasure.
*i probably should of taken this easy on her...* he thought, *i mean this morph is much larger than hers, she can probably stand up underneath me while I'm sitting...*
He felt her walls tighten down around him as she reached her limit, then felt himself come to an end. Vincent let out a loud roar before finishing and stood over her, panting.
"I've always wanted to do that..." he muttered
"Do what?"
"Fuck you as a dragon"
"Oh, uh, alright then"
He chuckled and laid down next to her, using his wing to pull her over so that she was next to him. He resumed licking her head and had a low hum going while doing so.
"Why do you keep licking me?" She asked
"You taste like vanilla"
*oh yeah, that vanilla shampoo I was using earlier... I didn't know it would taste good too*
A twig snapped nearby them and they looked over to where it was. A young child, not much older than 10 had wandered over to them and was staring at them with his mouth open. Behind the fence there was a mother calling for him, crying hysterically while a male held her back, talking on the phone with someone.
"Brenden no come back!!! You're gonna get hurt!!!"
Anguis glanced up at Vincent, then to the kid, then back up at him. He got the hint and lifted his wing, allowing her to walk over to the child. A hushed gasp went over everyone as she came face to face with him and she looked up at the parent, who looked as if she was about to faint. She knelt down in front of Brenden and gently nudged him with her snout, trying to hint for him to go back. He kept gawking at her and didn't respond, so she laid down completely and looked him in the eye.
"Go back home little one"
"Y-you can talk?"
"Yes, now go back to your mother"
"I don't wanna"
She sighed and stood back up, picking up the child by the back of his shirt with her mouth, then carried him back over to his mom and gently placed him down on the other side of the fence next to her. The mother quickly grabbed her kid and stepped away from Anguis, who had sat down and was looking around at the onlookers curiously.
*woah... look at all these people... they just watched us have sex... hm, it's not as embarrassing as I thought it would be...*
"Don't worry honey, I called the cops, they'll take care of them..." she heard the dad of Brenden say
*oh no, that's bad*
Soon enough police cars came and they all jumped out, pointing a gun at her.
"FREEZE!!" One of them yelled.
She whimpered loudly and instantly Vincent was by her side. He growled and stood over her, getting the police's attention. Anguis stood up on her hind legs a little and nuzzled her head against Vincent's, trying to get him to calm down. He did the same to her while still staring down the cops.
"Shoot them!!!" Yelled the mother, "they hurt my baby!!"
Vincent growled yet again and looked over at the mom, sitting down and leaning over so that Anguis was still underneath him, while at the same time he was face to face with the family. He looked down at the kid, then back up at the mother.
"Is he crying?" He asked
"Then he isn't hurt"
"The dragon can talk!!!" Yelled someone in the crowd
Everyone started yelling at once, trying to get them to talk again. Anguis whimpered again and backed up so that she was as far back underneath him as possible, with her tail between her legs. She nudged Vincent on his stomach, trying to get his attention, but he didn't do anything about it, so instead she ran over and hugged his forearm, sitting back on her two hind legs. He looked down and lifted his arm a little, making her stand up. He licked her between her back legs, making her yelp and blush. He chuckled and picked her up, now sitting on his back legs and cradling her to his chest.
"Whatcha need my lovely?"
"I-I can b-barely breathe... I-I'm so s-scared right n-now V-Vinny... help"
"Relax baby girl... you're having an anxiety attack again... you'll be okay..."
"I w-wanna go h-home..."
"We can't, The helicopter would follow us"
"Then everyone will know where we live"
"Here, just follow me"
He placed Anguis back down on the ground and started walking towards the small lake in the middle of the park. She looked back and the large crowd and stood there, her eyes watering up a bit.
*the cops are still there... and there's more of them... and the people are screaming at us... I wish they'd st-*
Her thought was interrupted as Vincent half yawned, half roared. He noticed she hadn't moved and lifted his wing up a bit, inviting her to lay down next to him. She continued to stare at the crowd, so he got up and walked over to her, nudging her with his snout.
"Cmon sweetheart, you'll feel better the further away from these guys you are."
"I d-don't think I c-can move"
He sighed and picked her up by the scruff of her neck, carrying her to the spot. He laid her down in the grass first before curling up around her, hiding her completely under one wing.
"There, I think we'll just camp here for tonight, everyone should be gone by the morning"
"But w-what if they're n-not"
"Well then I'll make them leave, or we camp here for another day if the cops are still around."
"O-okay... w-why don't we just u-unmorph and l-leave?"
"Do you really want them knowing who we are?"
"...G-good point"
Anguis squirmed around for bit and ended up settling down underneath Vincent's forearm, snuggling up against him. He smiled and resumed grooming her with his tongue, licking her from the tip of her snout and slowly making his way to the top of her head. She started purring and drifted off to sleep. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see who it was.
"Heyyyyyy Vincent"
"Fritz? Mike? What are you two doing here?"
"We saw Anguis on the news, so we just assumed you were the other dragon."
"That still doesn't answer my question of what are you two doing here"
"Well I wanted to ask a few questions, I just dragged Mike along cause why not"
"Mkay, what are your questions?"
"I thought Anguis didn't like getting railed in front of people, or is this some sort of turn on for her now?"
"Oh I kinda forced her into it, I think she enjoyed it though"
"And why the hell are you so fucking big??? Like on the news-"
"Wait, the news?"
"Yeah man, that helicopter that's above you is a news chopper"
*oh boy, probably shouldn't tell Anguis I fucked her in front of the world, she wouldn't care for that*
"Oh, alright then"
"Sooo, why did you choose a giant ass morph? Anguis is a good sized dragon, and then there's you"
"Dunno it's the first thing that came to mind"
"Dude how did you even fit in her? Your dick has gotta be huge" asked Mike
"That I don't know, but damn it felt good as fuck, and I think I might prank the city tomorrow"
"How?" Both the boys asked
"Gonna build a fake nest"
"Oh my god dude everyone is gonna flip. Out."
"I know, but she can't actually have a child, but nobody else knows that"
"Dude that's gonna be the funniest shit ever"
Anguis mumbled something and groggily looked around, but was unable to see anything. She heard voices and scooted her way foreword, poking her head out from underneath his wing. Fritz glanced over and saw her, then walked to her and scratched her on the nose.
"Hai Fritz"
"How are ya?"
"I mean everything kinda tingles, and I'm kinda hungry, but otherwise I'm doing good"
"Hungry eh?"
"Alright, Hey Mike!
"Lets make a McDonald's run, Anguis is hungry"
"Why don't they just go"
"Um, remember, they have 3 cities worth of cops outside the fence"
"Oh yeah"
"T-there's more of them?" Anguis asked
"Yeah there's a ton of them"
"Don't tell her that" Vincent scolded
Her ears laid back against her head and Anguis nervously glanced up at Vincent.
"Are they gonna do something to us Vinny?"
"I doubt it sweetheart, but I'll take the bullets if they do try anything."
*i phrased that wrong...* he thought as a more concerned look covered her face.
"Alright well we'll grab some food for you two and find a way to sneak it in" said Fritz
"Alright, thanks"
They started walking away when Mike remembered something and spun around on his heel.
"Also, Jenny and Emma should be here at the fence line, they were out shopping for clothes when you flew in."
"Really?!" Anguis said while perking up
"Yeah, maybe you can find them"
They left and a few minutes later, Anguis wiggled her way out from under Vincent and stood up.
"Imma see if I can find Emma"
"Okay, if you need me just do something to get my attention"
She wandered over so that she was several feet away from the fence line and looked around. Everyone was either staring at her or taking pictures. A lone cop stood with his back to the fence, but turned around when someone gasped and pointed. He pulled out his pistol and had it aimed at her. Anguis jumped back a little in surprise, but she let her head hang down and walked up to him. He started shaking the closer she got and eventually they were face to face. She tilted her head a little and sniffed his uniform, which smelled heavily of cigarette smoke. He let his weapon hang at his side and then she licked him in the face, thinking it would be a sign of affection. Instead he raised his pistol to the air and fired a shot, making her yelp and fall back on her side while trying to run away.
"Yeah, you stay away from me Dragon"
The ground shook as Vincent landed between her and the fence and he let out a loud roar to establish his authority there. Everyone backed up while Anguis shakily got to her feet, limping a bit on her front left leg. She looked over and saw a large gash on her shoulder from a rock and she whimpered and looked up at Vincent, who had now turned his attention to her.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah... I'm fine I think"
"Mmh, you don't sound fine, who shot you?"
"The cop just shot in the air, it just scared me a bit, that's all"
He turned and glared at the police man, who had put his weapon back in its holster and hid his back to them again. He snuck up and sunk his front fangs into his shoulder, making him scream in agony and collapse to the ground.
"Back up Needed!!!" He cried into his radio
Another cop ran over to him and called the paramedics. He looked up and saw Anguis' shoulder before smacking the injured policemen.
"You idiot! They said NOT to shoot the dragons"
"I didn't shoot them!"
"Okay then how is the white one's fur dyed red with blood? Huh?"
*wait, what?!* Vincent thought
He turned and looked at Anguis, who was slowly limping her way along the fence line, still looking for Jenny and Emma. His eyes widened in alarm once seeing her shoulder and he ran over to her.
"Woah wait a second missy, you're not fine."
"Yeah I am"
"No you're not, look at your shoulder!!"
"It's just a little cut"
"No. No. No, lay down"
"I'm fine Vinny"
He sighed and forced her to lay down on her non-injuries side, then laid partially on top of her so that she wouldn't get up. She squirmed underneath his weight and tried getting away, but he kept her down.
"Hmm.... this doesn't look to good sweetie... it's rather deep"
"I'll heal, don't worry"
"Mmh.... fine... Oh, also, you wanna prank the town?"
"Build a fake nest, act like you're gonna lay an egg"
"Oooo that would be funny"
"Oy! Guys! We got food and the Fitzgeralds"
"Wait!! Don't cross that fence!!" Yelled the injured cop
By that time Mike and Jeremy had already hopped the short metal fence while Fritz was struggling to climb it while trying to hold Emma on his shoulders. More policemen tried to get through the crowd to stop them, but they got over before they could get there. Fritz put Emma down on the ground and she immediately ran over to Anguis and hugged her on her snout. Jenny, who decided to take the long way around and go through the main entrance, shuffled her way on over to them. Vincent started licking around Anguis' gash to clean up the blood and accidentally licked the injury itself, making her flinch. She let out a short but loud roar and hissed at him.
"Sorry! sorry, sorry, didn't mean to"
"What's wrong with her?" Jenny asked
"She's injured"
"Oh dearie, again?"
"Hold on"
She scurried over to the edge of the fence closest to the paramedics caring for the injured policeman and flagged one of them down.
"Excuse me kind sir, but can I get some disinfectant wipes and some gauze wrapping? The white one isn't healing like she's suppose to."
"I'm not sure if that's a good idea ma'am, the other one injured one of our officers-"
"He won't bite me, I know he won't"
"Alright, you're the one taking the risk"
He handed her the requested items and she ran back to Anguis.
"You need to sit as still as possible, no matter how much it hurts, okay?"
"Here, hold on"
Vincent shifted around a little and once more gently bit her on the back of her neck, pinching her nerves in a way to where she couldn't move, even if she tried. Jenny cleaned the wound and bandaged her up while Anguis whined loudly from the sting of the disinfectant. Everyone on the outside of the fence stared in awe as she finished up and tucked away the remaining gauze.
"There you go dearie"
"Thank you Mrs. Fitzgerald" Vincent said while releasing Anguis.
She immediately stood up and freaked out a bit, alarming everyone.
"What did you do to me?!?!" Anguis yelled to Vincent
"Relax, i just temporarily immobilized you, that's all"
"Don't do that!! Fucking scared the shit out of me!!"
"Sorry, I just didn't want you moving while she was cleaning it up"
"Well at least tell me next time" she snapped at him while limping back towards the lake.
He sighed and shook his head as he watched her walk away.
"She seems to be moody today" Fritz commented
"Yeah, it's the second time she's gone off on me today"
"Probably on her period" Mike blatantly said
Jenny face palmed and shook her head while Vincent gave him a blank glare.
"Well anyways, here's your food" Fritz said while handing the bags over to Vincent
"Oh, thanks"
"I think the rest of us will get going" said Jenny as she took Emma's hand
"Bye bye Mr. Vincent"
"Bye Em"
"Yeah we're gonna get going too" said Mike
"Alright, see yah"
Vincent took the bags of food over to Anguis and laid down beside her. They both ate all the food in the matter of seconds and were asleep before the others had even left the park.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now