Party Disaster

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Vincent woke up first and let out a loud yawn.
*man I haven't slept that well in a while* he thought
He glanced over at Anguis and his eyes widened a little in surprise as he noticed Emma was laying there next to her.
*what the, when did she get here?*
Anguis was lightly purring in her sleep and had a faint smile on her face, which made Vincent smile as well. He decided that he was going to make breakfast for everyone and got up, threw on some clothes, and went downstairs into the kitchen. He whipped up a quick batter and popped a few pancakes onto the stove, sprinkling chocolate chips in them when he was done cooking them. He heard a quiet little yawn and turned around to see Emma had gotten up and was rubbing her eyes, trying to get used to the sunlight. She wore light blue pajama top and bottoms that were covered in unicorns shooting rainbows out from their butts.
"Well, good morning Em, sleep well?"
"Sort of..."
"I had a bad dream... but Mrs. Dragon let me sleep with her, and now I feel much better"
"Well that's good to hear, do you want some pancakes?"
"Oooo yes please!"
"Okay, go ahead and sit down at the table, do you want anything on them? Any fruits? Syrup? Whipped cream?"
"Can I have strawberries, syrup, and whipped cream on them please?"
"Sure thing"
He drew a little face on there with the whipped cream and decorated it with chunked strawberry freckles and maple syrup hair. He placed it down in front of her and she gasped, making Vincent chuckle.
"It looks like me!!"
She started eating it when Anguis came down the stairs in her pajamas, also yawning and stretching. Vincent looked over at her and smirked.
"Good morning my love" he cooed
"Morning Vinny"
She walked over and hugged him, and he patted her on the head. Once he flipped the freshly cooked pancakes onto the plate, he reached down under her arms and picked her up, getting a squeak out of her as she tried to support herself by wrapping her legs around him. He chuckled a little and touched his forehead with hers, gazing into her eyes.
"I still love that little noise"
"You do?"
She blushed slightly, making Vincent laugh as he gave her a quick kiss.
"So cute!" Emma squeaked
Both Anguis and Vincent looked over at her and saw that she was looking at them and smiling. They both smiled with their tongues out, getting Emma to giggle as she went back to eating her food.
"So sweetie, whatcha want for breakfast, hm? Maybe some eggs n bacon?"
"Oooo okay! That sounds tasty"
He put her back down on the ground so he could cook her food, only to be hugged from the side by her.  He glanced down at her, smiled, and patted her head, getting a content purr out of her as she let go to hang out with Emma. They played a little hand game were laughing when Jeremy walked downstairs into the kitchen. He glanced over at the two girls and smiled shyly before going over to them, sitting down next to Anguis.
"H-hey Anguis"
"Oh, good morning Jeremy"
She patted him on the back and continued to play games with Emma.
"L-listen, Anguis... I-I've been thinking about th-things..."
"L-look... I do r-really like you..."
Vincent heard what he said and decided to listen in on the conversation, glancing over at them from time to time.
"I know you do Jer"
"B-but, I mean not as a f-friend..."
"I-I have a big crush o-on you..."
Anguis' face turned a light pink, not sure what to do in this awkward situation. She saw that Jeremy was still staring at her from the corner of her eye.
"C-can you L-look at me really q-quick, please?"
Vincent and Anguis both looked over at him just as he leaned in and kissed Anguis on the lips for a second. Emma dropped her fork on the plate in surprise and he pulled away, blushing madly. Anguis went from a dumbfounded expression to a worried one and quickly got up and ran up the stairs, closing the bedroom door behind her. Jeremy sighed and heard Vincent clear his throat. His eyes widened as he realized his mistake.
"Boy you've got some balls to do that" Vincent growled as he walked by with Anguis' food, "you and I are going to have a long, long talk later kid"
"I-I'm s-"
"Shut up ginger"
Jeremy kept his head low and didn't make eye contact with him, even though he knew he was being stared down. Vincent went upstairs and knocked on the door before walking in. He saw her pacing back and forth on her side of the room with her arms crossed, almost if thinking of something. She noticed him and gasped, quickly glancing around him to see if he had anything else on him. He noticed her skittish reaction and raised an eyebrow.
"Anguis? Are y-"
"Vinny I'm so so so sorry!! I-I didn't know he was going to do that, honestly!! I never would of ex-"
"Anguis, Anguis, Anguis, calm down sweetheart, I know you didn't know"
"I'm not mad at you, honestly."
"It felt so wrong.... I'm so grossed out by it..."
She sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed, placing her head in her hands. Vincent noticed how distraught she was over the situation and placed her food down on the table before turning into his Naga morph and slithering onto the bed.
"Do you want me to fix it love?"
"How?? How do you fix a wrong feeling??"
"Oh, it's easy enough"
He wrapped himself around Anguis and gently laid her on top of his chest. He softly kissed her on the lips and felt her melt into almost immediately, making him smirk a little. Vincent unmorphed himself and snaked his hands down to her rear, squeezing it and getting a little squeak out of her. He chuckled and pulled away so they could breathe a little. She blushed a little once they made eye contact, then caught a whiff of her breakfast and glanced over at the nightstand where it was.
"Oh, you made breakfast already?"
"Mhmm, it doesn't take long to make them"
"Aren't you gonna eat anything?"
"Yeah I will eventually, I usually don't eat breakfast though"
"Oh... alright this pajama top is really really itchy at the seams."
She slipped off the shirt and scratched her shoulder, where it was red from irritation. Vincent's jaw dropped open and he stared at her. Anguis noticed him looking once she stopped scratching herself and laughed to herself, leaning on him a little bit.
"You, uh, seem to like this view, don't you Vinny?"
"You stuttered!"
"Shut up"
"Make me"
"Oh that's easy"
He pushed her over onto her back and crawled on top, kissing her along her jaw line. Anguis kept on giggling, enjoying the attention she was getting, and flinched a little when he decided to nip at her bottom lip. Vincent continued to kiss her when they both heard quiet footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Shit it's Emma" Vincent said while wrapping a blanket around Anguis
They both sat up and Anguis was handed her breakfast, making it look like nothing was happening when she walked into the room.
"Mrs. Dragon, are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine..."
"Jeremy says he's sorry"
"Can you tell him that's it's okay?"
"I'm still gonna have a nice long talk with him later" Vincent mumbled
"Just don't hurt him, please"
"I'm not gonna sweetheart, don't worry"
Emma crawled up onto the bed and sat down next to Anguis, hugging her. Anguis smiled and patted her on the head while setting her dirty dish off to the side. Vincent took it and went back downstairs to wash it while the two girls stayed in the room.
"Mrs. Dragon?"
"What were you like as a kid?"
"Oh... um... very scared most of the time."
"I didn't live in a house, or with my family"
"My family doesn't really like me. My mom and dad would yell at me every day, then one day they told me I couldn't live with them anymore"
"I don't really know why... I was about your age when it happened"
"Oh, where did you go?"
"I lived in a forest for a while, finding my food and whatnot"
"Where there any wolves?"
"Oh yes, lots of wolves and bears too"
"That's scary... you're really brave... so how did you meet Mr. Vincent?"
"Oh, I decided to come back to town to prove to my parents that I wasn't scared of them anymore and met him by where we work now"
"How long have you known him?"
"Ever since we went to elementary school together"
"Woah, that's a long time ago"
"I wanna go swimming" Emma said, randomly changing the subject
"Where at?"
"The lake"
"Oh, okay! We can do that. Do you have your swim suit"
"Yeah, but I need help putting on the top though, it ties in the back"
"I can help you, don't worry"
Emma jumped off the bed and ran out of the room to go get her swim suit while Anguis went over to the dresser and grabbed hers. She slipped into it when Emma came back up with the bottoms on and still wearing a shirt. Anguis helped her tie it on and held her hand while they went downstairs. The animatronics had powered on and were walking around, talking to one another and cleaning things. Jeremy and Vincent were at the table talking to each other and looked over when the girls reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Mr. Vincent, Mrs. Dragon and I are gonna go swimming"
"Alright, have fun"
"D-don't forget s-sunscreen Emma"
"Oh yeah"
"I'll go get it for you guys" Lolbit said as she walked towards the bathroom
"Vinny you wanna come with?"
"Sure, Jeremy you're welcomed to come with too"
"Hell I'll just invite everyone over, we'll have a little party"
"Yay parties!" Emma chirped
Vincent sent out a mass text to everyone and Lolbit handed Anguis the sunscreen. She applied it to Emma first and then covered herself with it. Vincent saw her struggling to put it on her back and smirked before walking over to her.
"Need some help darling?"
"Heh, yeah, can you get my back?"
"Sure thing"
He placed some on his hand and rubbed it in, making her skin shiny. He finished in a matter of seconds and patted her on the shoulder.
"There ya go hon"
"Thank youu"
He looked down at the excess sunscreen that coated his hand and decided to smack Anguis in the rear with it. She yelped and looked down to see a white handprint on her bottom, then glanced back up at Vincent.
She rolled her eyes, but smiled a little, and turned to walk out the door with Emma, making Vincent chuckle.
"Hey, I loooove you" he called out
"Love you too Vinny"
He laughed some more as he watched them walk out into the water and turned around to see Jeremy giving him a questioning look.
"N-nothing..." he muttered as he went to go change into his swim suit.
*what a strange kid...*
Emma giggled as Anguis playfully splashed her in the shallow water.
"Can't catch me Mrs. Dragon!!"
She tried running away, but was caught shortly after and squealed as she was spun around with. Anguis put her down in the water and smiled a little.
They both laughed for a little and Emma started wandering off towards the drop off point, where it went from about 3 feet of water to 20 feet almost instantly. Anguis watched her carefully to make sure she didn't go over it as the child peered over the side.
"Woah...." Emma whispered
"Do you wanna swim out there?"
"I can't swim that well..."
"Oh don't worry, I can carry you"
Anguis morphed into her fluffier dragon morph and floated on her back. Emma climbed onto her stomach and Anguis held onto her with her paws as she used her tail to propel herself backwards. As they passed over the edge, the temperature of the water dropped so that it was much cooler than the shallow water. Emma picked her feet up out of the water and looked down to see the school's of fish and a turtle swimming through the water.
"Woah... so cool"
"Isn't it though?"
Anguis shuddered as the temperature dropped more the further out they went, and decided to swim back to shore to warm up. Emma gave her a confused look as she spun around and glided back towards the house.
"Why are you going back?"
"The water is cold, and so I can't stay out there for long"
"Oh, do you not like the cold?"
"Not really"
They got back to the shallower water and Emma hopped off and sat down in it, the water coming up to her neck. Anguis unmorphed and sat down next to her, leaning back a little. They watched the waves roll in until Anguis felt something hit her back, and suddenly there was cold water. She gasped and turned around to see Mike and Fritz holding water balloons in their hands, and an entire bucket of them between the two of them.
"Run Anguis! Run!!" Mike called out as he threw another one
It smacked against her arm and she knew she didn't need another warning as she quickly got up and took off, trying to run through the water. The guys kept hitting her with balloons and laughing, and Emma joined them and tried throwing one at her as well.
"Keep on running girl, we got more of them in the car!"
"Yeah, we wanna see them tits and ass bounce"
"Eh hem, you want to see what?"
Mike and Fritz's laugher died down quickly as they glanced behind them to see Vincent standing there with his arms crossed. They looked at each other nervously and then back at him.
"Fritz said it, not me"
"Hey it was your idea to bring water balloons, for that specific reason too"
"It wasn't for that specific reason"
"Yes it was, you even said 'oh hey, Vincent invited us over for a party at the lake behind his house, let's get some water balloons for Anguis'"
"I thought we were gonna give her some, and we all have a full blown water balloon fight."
"Uh huh, sure"
"Both of you shut up and give me those things... can't even leave my girlfriend alone at our own house without someone harassing her..."
They rolled their eyes as he took the bucket and brought it around the side of the house to put it in the garage.
"Heh, too bad he doesn't know we brought other fun things to hit Anguis with" Mike muttered
"Why do you guys tease Mrs. Dragon?" Emma asked as she tugged on the hem of Mike's shirt
"Woah, wait Anguis and Vincent had a kid already??" Fritz asked as he noticed her, "I didn't think green and purple would of mixed to get a ginger haired girl"
"No, I'm Jeremy's sister"
"Awh, well ain't you adorable" Mike said while patting her on the head
She jerked away from his hand and tried to look upset by crossing her arms and pouting.
"You still never answered my question"
"Oh, what was it?"
"Why do you guys tease Mrs. Dragon?"
"You mean Anguis?"
"Because, we can"
"But that's mean"
"Never said we were nice people, now scram kid, go find your brother"
"No, stop being meanies to Mrs. Dragon, she's not mean to you guys"
"Kid, don't worry about what we're doing, just mind your own business"
"What was that, short stuff?"
"I said no!"
Mike scoffed and pushed her down to the ground, making her land flat on her back.
"This is how you get beaten up kid, now fuck off"
Her lip started trembling and soon she was crying. Fritz cringed as he realized it was a bad idea and started walking back towards the car, leaving Mike there by himself.
"Not so brave now, are you little gi-"
He got smacked across the face and he stumbled back in surprise. Anguis had snuck up on him and growled as she reached down and picked up Emma, holding her with one arm and gently rubbing the back of her head with the other.
"Go pick on someone your own age you fucking twat!"
"Oh, but you are my age Doll"
"Don't call me that" she spat at him
"Fine, but you gotta show me a titty first"
"What?? No!"
"I'll beat you down to the ground too Doll, I'm not scared of you"
"Stay away from us!"
Mike chuckled and took a step foreword, getting Anguis and Emma to both flinch a little. Emma started crying even harder and buried her face into Anguis' shoulder.
"Oh boo hoo, are you scared little girl?"
"What is going on back here??"
Vincent came back around the corner and saw that Mike had the two girls backed up against the house and his eyes narrowed. Mike realized he was in a bad situation and tried to escape, but was caught by the collar of his shirt and slammed into the wall. Vincent pulled his knife out and held it up against his throat. Anguis gasped and held Emma's head down so that she wouldn't look and see what was going on.
"You messed with the wrong family boy" Vincent growled
"I-I was only playing Vince-"
"YOU MADE EMMA CRY, THATS NOT PLAYING AROUND YOU BASTARD! You're lucky I haven't killed your ass yet!"
Mike was trembling and looking for an escape route. He saw an opportunity and kicked Vincent in the knee before taking off. He howled with pain, but morphed into a fully fledged dragon and tackled him to the ground before he could get far and snarled. Mike gasped as he stared him in the face and shrunk back.
"V-Vincent?? Is that-"
"You fucked with the wrong people... Anguis, get Freddy for me, and take Emma back to her room, I don't want her to see what's about to happen."
Anguis went back inside when Jeremy glanced up from the game he was playing and gasped once noticing his sister was in hysterics.
"E-Emma!!! What h-happened???"
"It was Mike... Have you seen Funtime Freddy?"
"I'm right here Anguis"
"Here, you come with me, Jeremy, take Emma to her room"
"And don't come outside"
She walked back out to where Vincent was and gazed at his new dragon form in awe. His black scales shimmered in the sunlight, creating a rainbow look to them. His eyes were a dark red with a small amount of lighter reds, and they captivated Anguis.
*woah... he looks really good as a dragon... hot damn*
Funtime Freddy walked over to them and his chest compartment opened. Mike yelled as he tried to escape, but Freddy held onto him and stuffed him in there, locking it closed. They couldn't hear him banging on the insides as the animatronic went down to the basement to drop off its victim. Vincent sighed and caught a glimpse of Anguis, who was still staring at him, making him laugh.
"Yes Anguis?"
"That morph...."
"What about it?"
"It's so... good looking"
"Oh, is it now?"
"Yeah... I love it"
Vincent grinned slightly and kept that thought in the back of his mind and unmorphed next to her. She held her arms out as if giving him a hug and he picked her up and gave her a light kiss as she wrapped her legs around him.
"By the way, are you okay? What did Mike do?"
"He didn't do anything to me, but Emma was trying to tell him to stop being mean to me and so he got annoyed and pushed her to the ground."
"What an asswipe... I shouldn't of invited him..."
"Well, now you can teach him a lesson and be able to get away with it"
"Hmmh, I like the way you think"
Anguis giggled a little and nuzzled her head against his neck, resting a little. Vincent looked down at her and smirked a bit.
"You have no clue how good I feel holding you right now"
"I mean, I'm carrying a hot chick in a bikini with one arm, I feel like a god right now"
"~giggles~ you look like one too"
"Ooo you're just asking to be banged later tonight, aren't you?"
"Hmm, I'll make sure to fit that into my plans..." *its so tempting to fuck her right now though*
"Shouldn't we go check up on Emma?"
"Oh shit, yeah, lets go"

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now