Travel Time

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The sun began to peak above the horizon when Vincent woke up. The fire had gone out overnight and he woke up and stretched, turning away from the sunlight. There was an indentation in the sand where him and Anguis had slept and he looked at the size of her paw versus the size of his hand, and then something sparked in his head.
*wait, where is she?*
"Anguis?! Aaaanguiiiiis!!!"
The tree line to his left shook and she jumped through, holding a fairly large fish in her mouth, one easily bigger than Vincent.
"Holy shit girl, where did you get that?!?"
"Oh, I went hunting a few hours ago, I've been flying around over the ocean the whole time and there were a bunch of these tunas, so I grabbed one so we could eat it. I mean, if you don't mind eating fish, that is"
"Hon, you're amazing, this is one of the few things I actually will eat, in fact it's like one of my favorite foods, besides toast of course, there's no way you could beat toast"
Anguis giggled and placed the fish down in the sand, then unmorphed. Vincent went over to the water and cleaned off all the blood that was stains onto his knife, then returned and started slicing pieces off. Instead of reigniting the fire, Anguis just speared the meat with a sharpened stick and held it over the red hot coals and dumped small amounts of water on them, smoking the fish instead of actually cooking it.
Once she finished with that, she handed a chunk to Vincent and they both dug in.
"Mmm, this is good, how'd you know how to do this Anguis?"
"Oh this is how I would cook most of my food and dry it out."
Since they could see their surroundings better in the daylight, Anguis looked around at the polluted land and frowned slightly.
*man... there's so much trash here... it's kinda depressing actually, this place would be beautiful without all of it*
She spotted a piece of scrap metal and got up and walked over to it. On one side it read "S.S. Yutek" while the other was rusted away from weather. She morphed and picked it up, then blew fire onto it and melded it into a shape of a large bowl. She then went placed it down next to the embers, grabbed some more dry wood from the forest, started the fire back up, filled the bowl with salt water, and gently placed it on top of the fire. Vincent watched her curiously while he continues cutting the fish and tried to figure out what she was doing, admiring whatever skills she was using in order to accomplish her goal. The water was rapidly boiling when she stuck her paw in the water and scraped off a white substance that had begun clinging to the side of the makeshift bowl and put it on a slab of tuna, then blew smoke out her nose, drying the meat.
"Okay I gotta ask now," said Vincent, "what are you doing?"
"Making fish jerky, ya know, so we have something to eat along the way, since it is gonna be a few days."
"Ah, that's actually a really good idea"
"I used to do this all the time back at camp if I got a buck or a boar, since usually that was too much food for one siting"
"Cool, where we gonna put it though?"
"Hmm... hold on"
She placed the smoked slab on the rim of the bowl and went to the edge of the forest and scraped off a large section of bark on a live tree. Vincent watched in awe as she carefully pulled it into strips and weaved a little basket out of it, then smoked it once more so it rapidly dried out. Then she created a handle and made it into a container that she could carry while flying, then trotted back, and put the food in there.
"Tah dah"
"Damn, you got some skills there hon"
"~giggles~ thanks"
He finished cutting the tuna up into pieces and munched on a raw slice while looking over at Anguis and watching her as she quickly dried out the meat and placed it into the basket. They finished about half an hour later and Anguis took the salt water, that was now fresh water, and gave it to Vincent so he could rehydrate himself, then she drank the rest and threw the bowl off to the side.
*hmmm... I wonder* Anguis thought as she morphed into a very different looking dragon. Vincent had his back turned to her when she did that and turned around and gasped in shock.
"Woah, Anguis... that's beautiful...."
She had turned into a smaller, fluffy white dragon with a green and yellow Mohawk that started between her eyes and stopped at the base of her neck. She still had her webbed wings, and now had ears like a dog and long eyelashes that made her golden eyes stand out. Her large black claws glistened in the sunlight and she still has scales on the underside of her body and other sections of her body. Instead of a plated arrowhead as the tip of her tail, there were long flowing feathers that drifted in the breeze. She looked down at Vincent and tilted her head a little.
"What did you say?"
"That morph... its gorgeous.."
"It feels different, like it's not as heavy as the other one"
He got up and walked over to where she was sitting and petted her leg.
"You're super fluffy n soft, I like this"
She giggled and scooped him up so he was sitting on her nose. He noticed the scar that was on her eye was still visible, but it was only when he leaned forward and kissed her he saw it.
"So, you ready to go?" Anguis asked
"Alright cool"
Vincent slid down her neck and she grabbed the basket with her mouth and started flying again. He nestled himself in the fur and watched as the swamplands turned into more solid ground, then into plains. They both saw congregations of alligators and groups of wild boars and other various animals.
------------------------------------------------------For 4 hours they flew until Anguis spotted a town to her right.
"Vince! You want me to land a while away and then we walk? Or-"
"Just land in the middle of town"
She glided down and people gawked at her as she gracefully landed and took a few steps to slow down without burning the pads of her feet. Vincent jumped off and stayed by her side as they walked through the streets, stopping traffic. Almost everyone stopped what they were doing and started snapping pictures of them. A little boy saw them and ran out into the street to meet them when a car came flying up, honking its horn at the child. Anguis threw her tail down in front of the car and stopped it from hitting the little kid, but ended up putting a small dent the front end of the car on accident.
"Oopsies" she said, "sorry"
"Excuse me sir, can I pwease your dwagon? It's vewy pwetty"
"Uhh, sure I guess, but you gotta be more careful little guy, you coulda gotten killed by that car"
The kid ignored him after he got permission and Anguis lowered her head down to look at the child that was now clinging onto her forearm.
"Hello small human"
"~gasp~ you, you can tawk??"
"What's your name?"
"Woah... that a cool name"
The mother of the kid ran out of a store and up to them and pulled him away.
"Sorry about that guys, he just absolutely loves fantasy creatures, and thank you for stopping that car from running him over"
"Oh it's no problem, I was kind of expecting stuff like this to happen"
"She's fwuffy mommy, pet her"
Anguis smiled and touched her nose to the child's outstretched hand and he giggled and continued to pet her. The mom cautiously scratched her on the nose and the child laughed some more. Anguis laughed as well and gave the kid a kiss like a dog would and both Vincent and the mom laughed as the child gasped and tried wiping away the saliva.
"Mommy! Mommy! she wicked me!"
"Yes I saw Travis, now cmon, mommy has to finish shopping"
The family left and the two continued walking around. They found a clothing store and Vincent went in to buy Anguis some clothes while she sat outside next to the basket, grooming herself like a cat. More people came up to her and took photos of them with her and started making a large crowd, which was overwhelming for Anguis and she whimpered slightly, but stayed put. Soon she had a few hundred people around her and she somewhat stood up and started backing up a little. Her ears lowered and she whined and ended up being backed up into a corner.
"Is it okay if-"
"Move I'm trying to get a picture!"
"I wanna selfie with it!"
"No my turn!"
"Move I-"
"No I need to-"
"Hey dragon! Look over here-"
"No look this wa-"
"Yoo hoo, cmon girl!" Said a familiar voice
Anguis looks past everyone and Vincent stood in the back holding the bags of clothes for the two of them. She let out a sigh of relief and jumped over everyone and landed behind them. Vincent placed the bags in the basket and jumped back up onto her and she grabbed the basket with her mouth again and continued walking. The paparazzi followed them and bombarded Vincent with questions.
"How old is it?"
"She's almost 19"
"How do you know it's a girl?"
"I just do"
"What's her name?"
"Where did you find her?"
"Outside the place I work"
"Are you sure it's a girl?"
"Is she dangerous?"
"Well, she can be, but you'd have to provoke her first"
"Vinny... I'm having another anxiety attack..." she whispered to him
"Alright, could you turn around really quick? So I can tell em?"
She did as what was asked and he slid off of her and stood in front.
"Alright everyone back up a bit, you're makin her nervous"
"How do you know? She looks fine to me"
"She told me she was"
"You can talk to her? How? Through your minds?"
"No, I can talk out loud" Anguis said quietly
"Oh my gosh, it can talk!"
"Dragon! Say something else!"
"Yeah cmon!"
"Do it!"
She whimpered again and pinned back her ears, looking for an escape route.
"Guys stop it!" Vincent yelled, but it was no use.
The crowd began closing in on them again and Anguis let out a loud whine. Vincent jumped back on her and she took off into the air, flying to the opposite side of the town and landed on the outskirts. She put the basket back on the ground and laid down, still shaking a lot and breathing rather fast. Vince got off her again and she unmorphed and hugged him to try and calm herself down.
"It's okay sweetie, they weren't gonna hurt ya... and you should probably put on some clothes"
"Oh, uh, right"
She took off Vincent's shirt and gave it back to him and rummaged through the bag for the clothes he got her. She pulled out a purple hoodie and black sweatpants and smiled.
"Awe thanks Vinny, I wonder why you chose a purple hoodie..." she said sarcastically
"It's a mystery I guess"
She threw them on and gave him another hug before morphing again.
"So now what?" She asked
"Guess we go on to the next town."
Anguis grabbed a chunk of meat from the basket and ate it within seconds, then grabbed the basket again and waited for Vincent to get situated before jumping back into the air and flying to the next town. 
Dusk was upon them when they came to a bit larger city and Anguis landed on side street that wasn't as busy as the Main Street and waiting for Vincent to get off.
"So ~yawns~ now what?" She asked
"Guess we're just gonna wander around and maybe find a motel or someplace to stay the night."
Vincent peaked his head out around the corner, making sure there wasn't anyone on the side walk, and gave Anguis an 'all clear' thumbs up. She creeped out and walked beside Vincent as they explored the city. People in restaurants gawked at them and took photos through the front windows and the people stopped in the dead still traffic rolled down their windows and called out to them.
"I don't like this..." Anguis whimpered
"Then why don't you unmorph darlin?"
"I don't want people recognizing me as the way Jack portrayed me as... I might start something and get arrested..."
"Ah, I see... what if you tried turning a bit smaller?"
"I've tried that already... I'm a bit too tired to create another morph like that"
"Oh, okay"
A bunch of eager female adults ran up to them and Vincent and Anguis stopped in their tracks.
"Oh my gosh can we take a picture with it??" One of them asked
"Uhh... I mean sure, why not"
He moved out of the way and the girls took a picture with Anguis and squealed in excitement.
"My other friends are so not going to believe this"
"Hey, so you're kinda cute, wanna come to a few bars with us?" A girl asked Vincent
"Sorry, I'm already taken"
"Cmon, just one night won't effect the relationship"
"No thanks"
"You do know my girlfriend is right here, right?"
"Who? The creature?"
Anguis exhaled sharply, causing smoke to come out her nose and the girls looked up at her.
"Are you just saying that so you don't have to go out with us?"
Anguis unmorphed and glared at the girls.
"No, no he's not, I'm literally right here"
"Oh my god... it's her..."
"Please don't hurt us!!!"
She sighed and morphed again to the fluffy dragon and Vincent petted her side. A girl in the back took out her phone and started recording in case Anguis did attack.
"Why does everyone assume, after one stupid fucking video, that I'm going to attack and hurt them... I'm not like that... I don't understand why..."
She started walking away and Vincent glared at the girls and ran after her.
"Cmon, lets go find a place to stay for a night..." He said
They found a hotel and Anguis unmorphed and hid behind Vincent while he checked into a room. The person at the front desk gave her a weird look and gave them the key to their room. They took the stairs and arrived at their room in a few minutes. Vincent opened the door for her and smacked her butt hard while she entered the room, making her yelp slightly and turn around and look at him. He smirked and closed the door behind him and locked it.
"What was that for?" She asked
"What was what for?"
"You smackin my ass"
"Oh, that was cause I could"
She rolled her eyes and went to take shower while Vincent checked out the room they were staying in. He found a phone charger that the last person had left and noticed it was the same charger for his phone, so he plugged it in and let it recharge. He got bored after a while and snuck into the bathroom and sat on the counter, waiting for Anguis to finish. She did after a few minutes and reached out for a towel that had fallen off the rack and Vincent reached down and handed it to her.
"Thanks" she muttered as she stepped out of the shower, "hold up Vince why are you in here???"
"Cause, I wanted to do this."
He grabbed the end of the towel and yanked on it, causing it to spin her around and loose the towel.
"AAH! VINNY GIVE ME THAT BACK!" Anguis yelled as she covered herself
"Do I have to? I'm kinda likin the view without it"
She tried to grab it and he held it over his head and laughed.
"Ha haha haaahaa, you can't reach iiit"
"Cmon man gimme it back"
*Man he's in a cocky mood today* Anguis thought
Vincent smirked and threw the towel out the door and she went to go get it when he grabbed her and pulled her back against him.
"What the-"
"Let's do something fun" he purred into her ear.
She blushed and he placed a hand on her breast and gave it a squeeze.
"Hmmm... I dunno..."
"Cmoooonnn, please I'm really in the mood right now"
"I can, uhh, kinda see that."
"Well... okay fine"
"Hehe hell yeah"
Anguis squeaked as he picked her up and carried her out of the room and he grinned and turned off all the lights.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now