Regaining Trust

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Another big creature jumped over Vincent and Emma and tackled the bear to the ground before it could swipe at them. Vincent and Emma both yelled in surprise and ducked down inside of a large bush and hid themselves. They heard the bear roar and yelp while another unfamiliar roar sounded. They both looked at each other and then Emma decided to take a peak outside of the bush. She moved a few leaves out of the way and gasped, right as Vincent grabbed hold of her and pulled her back into his lap.
"Mr. Vincent!" She whisper shouted
"Not now Emma, I'm trying to think of a way out of this situation"
"But Mr. Vincent, that other-"
"Hold on I said"
Emma pouted and sat there listening to the fight. There was a few yelping sounds from the bear and then a loud splash. It went quiet and Vincent shook a little, imagining what had just happened. There was a loud snorting sound and suddenly the sunlight that was lighting up the bushes disappeared. Vincent grabbed his knife and put Emma into a little spot hole in the middle of the bush.
"Stay here and keep quiet, I'll protect you."
"But Mr. Vince-"
"Shhhh... it'll be okay..."
There was a low growling noise as Vincent sprung out of the bushes and tried to stab the animal. His knife slipped off the scales and his arm was grabbed by Anguis' mouth.
*oh shit she's in her morph*
Vincent was thrown against a tree and he yelled as he sunk down to the base of it. He looked back at Anguis and gasped once seeing her eyes were pitch black besides a little white dot in the middle. She snarled at him and started walking closer to him.
"What the hell do you want" she growled, her voice much deeper than usual.
"A-Anguis, I just came here to apologize, I'm not trying to hurt you"
"You've already hurt me Vincent"
"I didn't mean to, honestly"
"You were using me, using me to get money for yourself."
Vincent looked down at her chest and saw it had turned a yellowish orange, making her pitch black aura extremely noticeable.
*ooh boy*
A stream of fire was shot at him and he quickly jumped and rolled out of the way. She kept her vision locked on him as more fire boiled up inside of her.
"I wasn't going to keep the money for myself, honestly!! Anguis, just hear me out! Please!"
Another stream of fire was blasted at him and he quickly ducked underneath it. She tackled him to the ground and held him there as more fire was generated. She opened her mouth and the back of her throat started to glow. Vincent closed his eyes and turned his head away, accepting his doom. There was a scream and Anguis immediately turned her head towards the sound. Emma ran out of the bush crying as a wolf leapt out at her. She gasped and quickly grabbed Emma by the back of her shirt and held onto her with her paws. The wolf whimpered once Anguis roared at it and took back off into the forest. She unmorphed and held the crying girl to her chest, hugging her and holding her head close.
"Emma... oh god... I'm so sorry you had to see that..."
Vincent stood back up and brushed himself off and adjusted his pony tail. He looked over at the two girls and frowned a little once seeing they were both crying and walked over to them, placing a hand on Anguis' shoulder.
"M-Mrs. Dragon... were you going to kill Mr. V-Vincent?"
"I-I don't know what got into me.. I'm sorry Emma... I wasn't trying to hurt him..."
"Anguis honey... it's alright, I know you weren't being you..."
Anguis growled a little bit and stood up, still holding onto Emma. She backed a way a little bit and saw Vincent's aura crack even more.
"And what makes you think I forgave you, huh??" She spat at him, her voice and eyes back to normal
"Anguis... I-I'm sorry... I didn't know you'd be this upset at me for that..."
"How did you think I was going to react?! You know I have trouble trusting people, and you knew I trusted you!"
"I know... but... I did it for us..."
"For us?!? FOR US?!? Vincent, you made a bet to make ME to... THAT, in front of them! You used me to get money!"
"That's not what I meant by it, sweetheart, really!"
"What on earth were you going to do next, sell me off to Jack, or maybe to my brother so they could do what they wanted with me?"
"Honey... no, no no no I would never do that to you... I-I..."
He fell to his knees crying and hugged her legs, startling both Emma and Anguis.
"D-Darling... I got the money so we c-could go on vacation away from those w-weirdos... I was gonna take you s-somewhere warm and tropical so we could be alone... I'm sorry, I didn't know, I was being stupid... I could of gotten the money the other way, but I, I-"
"Shhh... Vincent, why didn't you just say so?"
"I was going to... but I figured if I didn't talk, I wouldn't make you even more mad...but I just made it worse."
Anguis put Emma back down on the ground and looked down at Vincent, patting him on the head.
"Please forgive me Anguis... I don't know how I would live with myself if you stayed out here, still mad at me..."
She stood there, not saying a word. Vincent's heart sank as he thought of the worst possible outcome.
*maybe she doesn't accept my apology...* he thought grimly.
Emma tugged on the bottom of Anguis' hoodie and she glanced down at the child. She had tears in her eyes as she hugged Anguis' arm.
"Mrs. Dragon, Mr. Vincent is really really sorry... last night he was beating himself up on the door because of it..."
"Anguis... it's okay if you don't want to forgive me... but if you don't... here..."
He held out his knife for her to take and her eyes widened a bit once realizing what he wanted her to do. She sighed and pushed his hand away and hugged him.
"I accept your apology Vinny..."
"Y-you do?"
"Mhmm... just, don't do that again please"
He laughed nervously a few times before completely breaking down with tears of relief.
"I-I won't, trust me..."
"You can get up now too, dunno why you're on your knees"
Anguis helped him back up to his feet and brushed away the tears. Vincent smiled slightly and embraced her in a tight hug. She returned the hug and giggled quietly to herself.
"Geez Vinny, you act like I went missing for a week"
"I-I just really, really care about you..."
"I can tell"
"M-Mrs. Dragon, l-look"
Anguis peered out from under Vincent's arm and saw that the wolf had come back, this time with the pack. Vincent glanced behind him and quickly turned around and held his arms out, protecting the girls. Emma glanced up at Anguis and saw her eyes change again. She morphed into something small and disappeared into the tall grass.
"Huh?" Emma commented
Vincent looked behind him and noticed she was gone. He quickly looked around for her until he heard a roar and whipped around. Anguis had morphed back into her dragon form and was fighting off the wolves that jumped up at her.
"Vinny! Get Emma and yourself out of here!"
"What about you?!"
She glanced behind herself and he saw that she was in a killing mode and didn't needed to be told twice. He morphed in his feathered wings and picked up Emma, holding her in his arms.
"Hang on Em!"
He jumped off the ground and took off back towards the highway. Emma gasped as she opened her eyes and noticed they were flying. Looking over Vincent's shoulder, she saw Anguis leap out of the area and fly behind them, bleeding from a few spots on her face. They both landed at the same time and Anguis immediately unmorphed and braced herself up against the car, spitting blood out from her mouth.
"Gah stupid hounds..." she muttered
Emma whimpered quietly once seeing the gashes on Anguis and hid her face in Vincent's shoulder. Vincent saw them too and sighed.
"Oh dear... let's get you home honey, I don't want those cuts getting infected."
Anguis sat by the kitchen sink while Vincent opened the medical kit and sorted through the supplies, grabbing the cleaner and some gauze wraps.
"This is gonna sting a little, Mkay?"
He wetted a paper towel with the cleaner and gently rubbed her wounds. She hissed and pulled her arm away from him, quickly trying to fan out the cut.
"Oow that hurts more than a little."
"I know, I know, but I gotta clean it hon. I'll try doing it as quickly as possible, okay?"
She nodded slightly hand held her arm back out for him to clean it. She flinched a little as the towel touched it and whimpered quietly. They finished bandaging her up about 20 minutes later and Vincent put the medical supplies back while Anguis went over to the couch and laid down, covering her eyes with the back of her hand. Baby noticed her there and walked over while dispensing an ice cream.
"Hm? Oh, Ey"
"Would you like some ice cream?"
She held out the cone and Anguis glanced over at it for a second, then shook her head and looked at it again, taking the treat.
"Yeah thanks Baby"
"Mhmm, no problem"
The animatronic walked away as Anguis started eating it. A warm feeling rushed over her when she had eaten all of the ice cream and she shuddered a little, then continued eating the cone. Vincent came back and saw her finish off the food and smiled a little.
*maybe I can redeem myself while she's drugged out... or maybe it might be worse... guess I'll find out*
She glanced up to where he was standing and blushed slightly before her gaze dropped to the floor. He walked over to the side of the couch and looked down at her.
"May I sit here?"
"O-oh, yeah of course"
She moved her feet and sat up so that he could sit down. He took a seat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her next to him. She purred lightly and laid down on him, resting her head on his shoulder. Vincent decided to pull her onto his lap, having her sit between his legs, and wrapped his arms around her. She pulled her knees up to her chest and nuzzled her head against him.
"Please don't run away like that, you scared me and Em a lot"
"I'm sorry Vinny... I just-"
"Shhh... no need to apologize love, I should be the one apologizing actually... I knew you have a brittle trust line... and I broke it, and now everything is worse for you..."
"What do you mean?"
"Look at your aura... it's shattered completely again and there's even more holes in it.."
He let out a shakey sigh and hugged her.
"I-I broke your aura... I was trying to fix it, but just made it worse"
"Don't worry Vinny, if you've fixed it before, you can easily fix it again, I believe you can"
She looked up at him and smiled a little. A few moments later she found herself on her back, pinned under Vincent. She panicked a little and squirmed under his hold, but was unable to move.
"V-Vincent... d-don't hurt me, please..."
"Shhhh... I'm not going to hurt you love," he purred as his lips hovered over hers, "I just want to spend some loving time with you"
With that, he gently kissed her and slid his right arm underneath her back, cradling her head with one hand. Anguis was taken by surprise by his approach, but figured out what he wanted after several minutes and loosened up, kissing him back. Vincent smirked slightly and slid his tongue into her mouth unexpectedly, getting a little muffled squeak from her. He dragged his tongue over every little crevasse in her mouth and continuously licked her tongue, trying to get her to do something. Anguis tried to turn her head away, but couldn't. She tapped on his shoulder, trying to get his attention, but he ignored it. She whimpered loudly, but that also didn't work, so she lightly bit down on Vincent's tongue and he hissed and pulled away.
"Ow! What was that for??" He growled
She flinched, as if expecting to get hit and whimpered, shaking her head a little.
She just shook her head again.
"Use words woman! I don't know what you shaking 'no' means!"
He raised his voice and Anguis looked up at him nervously. She saw his pissed off expression and quickly morphed, escaping out from under him and flew upstairs. Vincent was surprised by her actions and sighed as he realized he scared her.
*i'm a fucking idiot... I really need to get some sleep... I'm getting pissed off too easily...*
He slunked upstairs to go to his room roughly 30 minutes later and opened the door, only to find Ballora sitting on the edge of his bed with Anguis, still in her morph and sitting on her skirt. They looked over when the door opened and Anguis whimpered again and hid herself behind Ballora.
"Oh, uh, Ballora?" Vincent said, "what are you doing here?"
"I came to comfort your little one" she said very sternly, "you really scared her, she's been shaking this whole time. "
The animatronic stood up and held the small dragon in her arms, scratching her head with one hand. Vincent sighed and scratched the back of his head.
"Anguis, I-I'm sorry I yelled at you... I didn't get any sleep last night... so I'm really tired, and you know what happens when I'm really tired..."
He laid down on the bed and sighed, staring up at the ceiling. Anguis cocked her head sideways, as if she was confused, and crept out of Ballora's hold. She jumped and landed between Vincent's legs and crawled on top of his chest, curling up and looking at him. He glanced down at her and scratched her head, feeling her purr.
"Is this all you wanted sweetheart? You just wanted to snuggle? Nothing more than that?"
"Yeah..." she whispered
She unmorphed and placed her hands under her head, still laying down on top of him. Ballora chuckled quietly to herself and left the room, closing the door behind herself. Vincent wrapped his arms around Anguis and smiled as he continued to pet her. She looked up and gave him a little kiss on his lips before laying her head back down. She felt Vincent relax when she did that and smiled, seeing his aura glowing the same purplish-red as before. Vincent looked down and saw that her aura was glowing a warm yellow, but none of the cracks or holes mended themselves.
*I'll fix you Anguis... I'll make sure I fix you and never break you again, no matter what the costs...*
He dozed off into a deep sleep and eventually, when Anguis figured out he wasn't going to try anything, she fell asleep as well.
"Pssst, Vinny, wake up"
He flinched a little as he felt someone poke him in the nose.
"Huh, who wha?"
He opened his eyes a little, looked down, and saw Anguis sitting on his crotch, leaning over with her finger pointing at him.
"Oh, now you're awake" she said while placing her hand back down on his chest.
"What do you want sweetheart..." he mumbled
"Jeremy and Emma wanna go to the park, can I take them there?"
"Which one..."
"The one in town, where you n I killed Dustin"
"Mmh yeah sure... do you need any cash?"
"I dunno what I would buy with it though"
"Mm I have a few ideas..."
He reached over and opened a drawer in his nightstand and pulled out his wallet and handed her a couple of hundreds and twenties.
"Here... should be enough for all of you guys I think..."
"Thank you Vinny!"
She was about to get off the bed when Vincent reached out and held onto her wrist.
"Stay safe hon... and please don't try to get into any trouble, unless your forced into it... then kick their asses-"
"Okay Vinny"
"-Unless it's the cops, then just do what they say"
"Kay Kay"
She leaned over and kissed him before sliding off and leaving the room.  Vincent yawned and looked over at the time, seeing it was a little past 2.
*mmh, they're probably gonna grab some snacky lunch-dinner sorta thing first.... I hope they pick a good restaurant... Anguis should really treat herself to something nice... actually...*
He grabbed his phone from off of the side of the bed and unlocked it with his finger print. Scrolling through an online store, he smiled when he found a little snake ring for her.
*i think she might like this...*
He ordered it and placed his phone back down before going back to staring at the ceiling. He sighed and dozed back off to sleep in the matter of minutes.
{5 hour time skip brought to you by Pizza Hut}
"~giggles~ do it again! Do it again!"
"A-alright, but this is the l-last time, my arm is g-getting tired."
Emma picked her feet up off the ground and Anguis and Jeremy swung her between the two of them, holding onto her arms. She giggled as she went back and forth, then extended her legs as they stopped swinging her.
"~giggles~ I like doing that, it's fun!" She exclaimed
"It sure looks like it is"
"I'm getting hungry"
"W-what do you wanna e-eat?"
"I wanna happy meal"
"O-okay, McDonalds it i-is"
They walked down towards the Golden Arches and walked into the air conditioned restaurant, a little bell ringing, signaling someone had entered.
"A-Anguis, what do you want?"
"I dunno, I've never eaten here before"
"W-well, what d-do you feel like eating?"
"Anything really"
"Hmmm.... I-I'll just order a b-big batch of nuggets and w-we all can snack off o-of it"
Jeremy walked up to the register and ordered the food while Emma and Anguis went to go find a table. They found a small booth and sat down.
"So Emma"
"Yeah Mrs. Dragon?"
"Having fun?"
"Do you wanna go get ice cream after this? I know a really good place to get some"
"I don't think Jer has enough money for it though..."
"Oh it's okay, I got a little that I can spend"
"Oh okay! Then yeah"
"Hehe, okay"
Anguis glanced out the window and gasped at the sight of a familiar person.
"Emma, duck!!"
They both went under the table as the person glanced inside the restaurant, scanning the area, then left, walking the direction they originally came from. Anguis sighed with relief and they both popped back up as Jeremy got their food and started walking over to them.
"Mrs. Dragon, what was that for?"
"I saw my brother..."
"Do you not like your brother?"
"More like he doesn't like me... he wants me dead"
"Oh, I see"
"F-food is r-ready guys"
He dumped out the two containers of chicken nuggets onto the placemat and the fry containers next to them. Emma's eyes widened as she grabbed a nugget and took a small bite out of it before giving it a weird look.
"Jeremy, is there any ketchup?"
"O-oh yeah, sorry, I-I'll go get some"
He got back up and went towards the refreshment stand while Anguis nibbled on a chicken nugget.
*mmh, tasty*
The bell rung again and Anguis glanced up to see Lucius had walked in. She gasped and quickly morphed her hair color to a dirty blonde and her eyes a light brown.
"Emma, don't say my name, my brother walked in..." she whispered.
"Okay, Amy"
Emma winked and took a few fries before noshing on them. Jeremy came back and gave Anguis a confused look, but shrugged and sat down.
"Jer Jer, don't call her by her name, her meanie brother is here" Emma whispered to him
"U-Uhh, okay"
"Jeremy, look, my brother wants me dead, so seriously don't say anything"
They continued eating and talking about various things while Lucius lingered around in the restaurant, eventually ordering something and sitting down at a nearby booth. She glanced over nervously at him and Jeremy took a quick peak at him to see what he looked like. He continued to glance at them every now and then until Emma finished eating, then they got up, threw out their trash, and left the restaurant. Once they walked roughly a block away from the restaurant, Anguis unmorphed back to her usual self and sighed.
"He's still following us" she muttered to Jeremy
"H-how do you k-know?"
"I know he can smell me... we need to get out of here, like now"
"H-how though, you flew u-us in here"
"I don't know yet... I need to think of some-"
"Hey, dragon bitch!"
Emma looked behind them and saw Lucius' stern and unhappy expression, whimpered, and held onto Anguis' arm.
"Yep, time to go"
Anguis quickly picked up Emma and her and Jeremy briskly walked down to the park, taking several short cuts through alleyways. They got there and quickly mixed in with the crowd that was there, their shortness becoming an advantage as most of the people were taller than them.
"Whew... I-i think we lost h-him"
"Not for long..."
"W-what do you m-"
"Aaaaaanguiiiiis, there you are my lovely sister. Why are you running? The pain will only hurt a lot."

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now