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"Uuuuuuuughhhhhh" Vincent groaned as he shook his head from the little nap he took. Glancing around, he saw Anguis laying in a beam of moonlight, on the floor, completely unconscious with an empty feathery tranquilizing needle sticking out from her back.
*oh shit that's not good*
Still a bit woozy from the medication, Vincent got up and stumbled over to her and crouched down next to her. He yanked the needle out of her and threw it into an empty garbage can that wasn't too far away.
"Anguis, Anguis wake up dearie" he said while gently shaking her.
No response.
"Cmon sweetheart, you gotta wake up now"
No response.
Vincent looked over at the coffee table and saw the needle he had gotten hit with and grabbed it. There were still a lot of solution inside of it and a little leaked out onto his hand. He sniffed it and then looked back at Anguis.
*ooohhhh shit.... if this is what she got hit with, and all of it is emptied out inside of her... I need to reverse the effects right now before it kills her*
He turned on all the lights and ran upstairs to the bathroom and threw open the medicine cabinet. Rummaging through various boxes and bottles, he grabbed some DayQuil, rubbing alcohol, and other medication with caffeine and some other drugs in it and ran back downstairs. He took the needle out of the trash and went into the kitchen with it, wiped the whole thing clean, and started crushing the various medicine into a fine powder. He mixed some of it with water and filled the syringe needle with it, then went back over to where Anguis was and cleaned off a spot on her arms and carefully injected some of it into the blood stream.
*Cmooon, cmon, I can't be too late, right?*
Roughly a minute later Anguis groaned and woke up, sitting upright and holding her head.
"Ow... what the fuck happened..."
"Oh thank goodness!"
Vincent brought her into a tight hug and kissed her. Anguis looked at him, confused.
"Umm.. what's going on?"
"I thought I lost you for a few seconds there..."
"What are you talking about?"
"You got hit with a tranquilizer and all of it emptied out into you, and it would of killed you...."
"Oh I went to school for my doctor's degree, so I know a few things about medicine"
"Cool! thanks for saving me by the way, I dunno how I'm gonna pay you back for that"
"Oh no need to sweetie"
"Cmon there's gotta be something"
"Hmmm... well, there is one thing..."
"You wanted me to wear a bra and these weird tight short shorts? Really?"
Anguis stood by the bathroom that was connected directly to the master bedroom while Vincent leaned up against the bedroom entrance, with a smug look to him.
"What, it looks great on ya"
"It's so uncomfortable"
"Well if you wanted to, you could just walk around without anything on"
"Erm, I'll pass on that. hmm... what if I just ditched the pants... they're a little too tight"
"I'm totally okay with that."
Anguis sat down on the bed and tried to get the jean shorts off of her.
"Um, this isn't working... I think these are too small..."
"I got this" Vince said with a smirk
He grabbed his knife from his pocket and She scrambled back a little.
"Woah woah woah hold on a sec-"
He made one swift cut and threw off her shorts, leaving Anguis in her underpants and bra. She let out a short yell and looked down.
"Oh, Phew, I thought you were gonna cut me for a second..."
"Psh, I'm not that bad with a knife"
"Actually that was like really smooth, it didn't even nick my panties"
"Oh don't worry, I can do smoother things than that" he cooed
Vincent placed his knife down on the nightstand and crawled towards her. Anguis blushed and backed up a little until he grabbed her hand. His smile grew wider as he went down and grabbed her underpants with his teeth and pulled them down to her ankles. With a simple flick, they flung off and landed across the room.
"There we go, much better"
Anguis blushed even more and closed her legs.
"Aw cmon darling, please?"
"Pretty please?" he said while placing a hand on her thigh, slowly working his way up.
*well.... ah fuck it, why not*
She grabbed Vincent's shirt and pushed him over so that she was sitting on top of his stomach while he was laying down. This time Vince blushed and Anguis leaned over and kissed him.
"Does that answer your question?"
"Uhh, yes, but hold on lemme get undressed first."
Anguis rolled her eyes and got off while Vincent stood back up and undressed.
*hmm... how could I annoy him while he's not expecting it... oh I know*
She quietly slipped off the bed, threw on her underwear, and was back in place when he turned around again.
"I'm so rea- hey wait a second! That's not suppose to be there" he pointed at her panties
Anguis giggled and stuck her tongue out at him and smiled. He shook his head, pushed her over, and crawled on top. Vince smashed his lips onto Anguis', licking her bottom lips for entrance. She replied by nipping at his lip, making him growl, and then allowing him to slide his tongue into her mouth. They fought for dominance over the kiss, with Anguis loosing. Finally she gave in and let Vincent win and he smiled and stopped, biting and sucking on her neck instead. She moaned and felt him become aroused, making her blush. He continued going down, stopping at her breasts and pulled off her bra, since it clipped together in the front. Anguis gasped and covered herself up with her hands, feeling somewhat embarrassed.
"Cmon sweetheart, there's nothin to be ashamed of" Vincent purred as he placed his hands on top of hers, "you got a beautiful body, don't need to hide it"
Their eyes met and Vincent gave her a soft smile and Anguis relaxed, allowing him to remove her hands. He looked down at her chest and smirked.
*daaaaaammn she got good lookin tits*
He went down and began sucking on her left breast while fondling the other one. She groaned and pulled on his long pony tail, making him groan as well. Eventually Vincent switched so he was sucking on the right one instead and Anguis moaned his name, making him smile. He stopped and trailed kisses from her breasts down to her crotch and pulled her panties down with his teeth again, then slid his tongue into her. Her back arched and Anguis gasped at the odd feeling of him moving his tongue inside of her. He didn't go on for too long, and pulled away, but smiled when he saw her expression.
"I had a feeling you would of liked that"
"That, I mean, It certainly felt, different, to say the least"
Vincent laughed and went back to kissing her neck. Minutes later, he took off his boxers and positioned himself, and looked at Anguis for approval. She nodded and he thrusted in, making her cry out and grab onto the blankets. He started out at a medium pace, the knot beginning to grow in Anguis' stomach.
"V-Vince, faster"
He gave her a smug look.
"What was that princess?"
"Heh, thought you would never ask"
The pace quickened and Anguis because overwhelmed with pleasure. She let her orgasm take over and moaned as she gave in. Vincent let out a short grunt and came inside of her. The two of them relaxed for a bit, the both of them breathing heavily. Vincent then pulled out and put his boxers back on while Anguis pulled up her underpants and clipped her bra back into place, laying down on her side of the bed. She gazed out the window and saw the moon and sat up, confused.
"Wait, what time is it??"
"Uhh... like 4 in the morning..."
"Didn't we have work today?"
"Ooohhhhhh shit.... yeah we did... hold on I have an idea, pretend like you're sleeping, like a deep sleep"
Vincent ran downstairs and grabbed his phone and the tranquilizer that was in him, then went back upstairs and started a FaceTime call with Scott. Anguis slipped under the blankets and sprawled out, facing towards Vincent. There was a grumble as Scott picked up the call.
"Vincent... why are you calling me at 4:37 in the fucking morning... shouldn't you be at work?"
"I know, I know, I shoulda called earlier, but Anguis got shot by this earlier today ~holding up the needle~ and I can't get her to wake up"
"What?!?!? Dude then take her to the hospital! What is it anyways?"
"A tranquilizer, most of it is in her so she's gonna be sleeping for a while, but I have to keep an eye on her, I don't know what certain kind of tranquilizer it is, but based on the color, it's only going to knock her out."
"Well, I mean shit, hope it doesn't hurt her or anything, got any idea who did it?"
"Remember that monster hunter bozo that claims to have shot Bigfoot and fished for the Loch Ness?"
"Yeah... what does he have to do with anything?"
"He's trying to take out Anguis"
"What?!? Why??"
"Because she can morph, which in the books, makes her a mythical creature or something"
Anguis laid there silently laughing and Vincent gave her a questioning look and switched the camera around so Scott could see her.
"Damn, she's like out cold"
"Yeah I know, should be awake by morning though"
"Well that's a good thing, but if you two need an extra day off just lemme know, I might stop by on my way into work to check up on you guys"
"Okay, you can just walk in if you want to, front door is almost always unlocked"
"Might wanna keep it locked if someone is after Anguis, though your house is rather difficult to find"
"Hmm, true, alright I'll let you go back to sleep"
"Okay, see ya in the morning"
"See yeah"
Vincent hung up and put his phone back down on the nightstand and laid down next to Anguis.
"Tah dah, see, not gonna get in trouble"
Anguis replied with a quiet snore and Vincent poked her in the nose. She swatted at him and kept on sleeping.
*damn she actually sleepin, huh, that was fast*
He moved closer to her and put an arm around her and drifted off to sleep as well.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang