Downtown Memories/The Brawl (2.0)

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Anguis slumped over onto Vincent shoulder, out of breath. He chuckled to himself and hugged her.
"Well, I've certainly found out a lot about you today" he said with a smile
"I'm... I'm so tired..."
"Kinda thought you would be"
"Did, we have to do that? Everything's all tingly n crap..."
"Well, we didn't HAVE to, but I did say anything I wanted to do"
"Ehhhh... "
"don't worry, the feeling will go away soon"
They sat on the edge of the bed, Anguis resting herself and catching her breath again. A little alarm went off on Vincent's phone and he reached over to turn it off.
"Welp, you gotta take your meds again"
"Did we seriously just spend 4 hours doing pervy shit?"
"Glad to see we have our priorities set straight"
"Oh cmon, you know you enjoyed it"
"I know..."
Anguis sat up again and Vincent smirked when they made eye contact. She smiled and fixed his ponytail so it was in a bow shape instead of a plain wrapped around ribbon.
"There, much better"
"Do I want to know what you just did?"
"Just look, I mean there's a mirror right there"
He glanced to his right and saw what Anguis had done and nodded a little.
"Alright, its stylish I guess"
Anguis started giggling and Vince looked back at her.
"I'm never gonna be able to take you seriously with your hair up like that, it makes you look cute and huggable."
"Really? 'cute' and 'huggable'? You sure you're not hallucinating?"
"I'm sure"
Vincent shook his head and Anguis got off of him and left the room to grab her medication.
*what a weird girl... cute and huggable, more like perverted and intimidating*
He got up as well and stretched, following her downstairs. Anguis was on the couch and she took her pills and laid back, relaxing. Vince walked up behind her and ruffled up her hair.
"You know, I was thinking, we could head downtown today, since you seem to be doing better on your meds today than you did yesterday."
"What's there to do over there?"
"Weeellllllll, not much really, but all the food stores now give out free samples, so I was thinking we could just wander around and just check the place out again, you remember what it used to look like, right?"
"So, you wanna go? Maybe you'll see somethin new"
"Well then you gotta get dressed sweetheart"
"Hmm... on second thought-"
"I'll buy you ice cream"
"Wait is that one family ice cream business still open?"
"Oo that's so worth being not lazy for."
Anguis morphed and flew up to her room, unmorphed, threw on tank top, grabbed her hoodie, and jumped back down within a minute.
"Ready!!" She said while standing on the top of her toes.
"How the hell did you do that so fast?"
"I'm food motivated, especially for good food"
"Well, that's good to know"
He took hold of her hand and they went out to his car and left for the town.
The car stopped on a curb and they both got out. Anguis looked around at the new area and frowned when she saw a closed off building.
"Heyyyy, I thought you said that business was still open"
"It is silly, they moved to a bigger and better building."
"Yeah, there's been a lot of change here over the past decade so it'll be interesting to see what you remember."
For a few hours they wandered around the town, Anguis pointing out buildings or businesses that were different or not there before while Vincent showed her the new buildings and remodeled ones. They went to various sweet stores and tried out the samples they had for the day, occasionally buying a bag of it if they enjoyed it enough. Every now and then Vincent would see someone he knew and said hi to them while Anguis just gave them a nod. They went to a small park that was in the area and sat down on a bench and relaxed, munching on the snacks they had gotten.
"So Anguis"
"I noticed earlier you had a lot of little slash mark-like scars on your legs"
"Where did they come from?"
"Oh... okay so when I was little, my dad would make me get beers and stuff for him, but since he was drunk out of his mind almost the entire time, he would say I was taking too long and would whip me with a belt or a towel..."
"Oh... and nobody knew this was going on at home?"
"No... I was too scared to tell anyone cause they said if I did, I would just be beaten more.."
Vincent sighed and put an arm around her shoulder and she placed her head on him.
"Man... I wish I knew that stuff was going on... I woulda beaten the living hell out of your parents for that shit..."
"Oh well, I don't need to worry about them hurting me anymore, like you said, don't need to fret about that stuff anymore."
They sat there in silence for a while, watching the birds fight over a few old berries that were on the ground.
"Well well well, if it isn't the Vincent Afton" said someone behind them
Vincent turned around and smiled a little.
"Heyyy it's Dustin"
"Oh you know it is"
Anguis and Vince stood up and he shook hands with Dustin while Anguis just waved.
"Oh my gosh... they weren't lying..." said Dustin
"Lying about what?" Asked Vince
"She IS back"
"Oh Anguis? Yep, back and-"
"Hotter than ever, god DAMN girl puberty did you good"
"Oh, uhh, thanks?" Anguis said
Dustin looked her up and down and Vincent and Anguis glanced at each other.
"You know, you and I should totally go to a drive in at some point, I gotta sweet new convertible that you would look good sitting in"
Anguis looked back at Vincent, confused.
"What's a drive in?" She whispered to him
"Sorry Dustin, but Anguis is kinda dating someone right now"
"Aw rats, who's the lucky guy then?"
"...are you serious?"
"Yeah, totally being serious, unless... wait wait wait, you two are-"
"Yes... yes we are"
Dustin busted out laughing and Anguis gave him a confused look.
"What? What's so funny about that?" Asked Anguis
"I ~laughs some more~ I thought you would of picked someone more like me"
"What do you mean?"
"Just look at me; I'm good lookin, rich, and a nice guy, I'm like perfect for you"
"But, I mean, what are you like?"
"Pffft, who cares about that"
"I do, obviously"
"Cmon just ditch this looser, you'd be treated like royalty living with me."
"Excuse me, Dustin, but she's happy with me"
"Excuse me, Vincent, but I wasn't talking to a lame pizzeria guard and asking for their opinion"
"Actually, I am a pizzeria guard too" Anguis chimed in
"Girl if you lived with me, you wouldn't have to work"
"But I love where I work"
"Man just leave her alone, the hell has gotten into your head anyways"
"She's just playing hard to get, I know she's liking what she's hearing"
"Actually, I'd rather go deaf than listen to another damn word come out of your mouth"
"Oooo feisty girl too, I like that"
"Dustin I swear to fucking god, just take your spoiled ass and get out of here and quit harassing my girl"
"I'm not leaving till I get what I want"
"Well guess what, I'm not going with you, you jackass"
"Oh, do I really have to use force, pretty girl?"
Anguis and Vincent glanced at each other and then back at Dustin.
"Dude..." said Anguis, "you're shorter than I am, how are you gonna use force"
"Like this"
He pressed a button on his headset and mumbled something into it and two big guards came up behind Anguis and grabbed her. She yelled and broke out of their hold and spun around to face them.
"Hmm... we gotta fighter..."
Vincent grabbed Anguis and held her close, scowling at the guards. They started backing up as the body guards walked towards them and Anguis looked up at Vincent.
"Lemme get a swing at them"
"They'd crush you though"
"No they won't, I'll just morph if they try to"
"But then everyone will know about it"
"Alright... go ahead"
She stopped and Vincent took another few steps back and she half morphed, wings and a tail sprouting off her body. Her clothes changed from hoodie and leggings to a short metal chest plate and short shorts, the chest plate making her breasts appear much larger and they were almost falling out of place while the shorts barely covered anything. Metal cuffs appeared on her forearms as well and the guards froze in place.
*okay... I said I wanted badass armor... not slutty armor... oh well this works*
"You wanna fuckin fight? I'll give one to you"
Dustin laughed a little and shook his head.
"Vincent, you're dating a magician... how cute... guys, get her"
The guards ran at her and Anguis darted back, grabbed Vincent's hand, and flew up into the air just above the guards' reach. Dustin grumbled something to himself and one of the two guards looked back at him.
"Um, boss, what do we do"
"I don't know, just find a way to get her!"
Anguis flew off into an oak tree that was nearby and carefully landed Vincent on a branch.
"You okay? I know it was kinda sudden but I had a feeling they would go after you if I just took off."
"That, that was cool. And nice armor by the way, it looks good on you"
"Oh, thanks, I was hoping for something else, but this works"
"Hey, they're in this tree!" Yelled a guard
"Shit..." said Anguis, "wait I have an idea"
"What is it?"
"I'll jump down, morph completely, then you can jump on my head."
"Won't that hurt?"
"Nah, I've had worse"
"Alright, I'm trusting you on this"
"Unless you want me to grab you with my tail"
"Nah I'll just jump"
Anguis dove back down and hit the ground and morphed, snarling at the guards. The branch Vincent was on broke and he fell. Anguis caught him with her tail and wrapped it around and placed him on her back.
"Try to catch me now" she growled
"Um. Boss, what are we suppose to do"
Dustin took at deep breath in, looked at the guard that said that, and sighed a little.
Anguis blew a stream of fire at one guard while the other one and Dustin took off running. Vincent jumped off and went after Dustin while Anguis lunged at the other person. Her jaws latched onto the guard and she threw him into the fast moving river, his body disappearing out of sight. She disposed of the other guard the same way and then also went after Dustin, turning a bit smaller so it was easier to get through the trees and other people. She ran up to Vincent and scooped him up onto her head and kept running after their target, who seemed to be a track runner since he was gaining ground on them.
"Hang on Vince!"
She opened her wings and took off flying between buildings. She quickly caught up to Dustin and grabbed him with her back feet and carried him up and into the air. He screamed and punched at her, but it was no use. They went back over the river and Anguis dropped him from a few hundred feet above the water, and then flew back to the park, where Vincent jumped off and she unmorphed, laying down on the ground and exhausted.
"I think we need to leave" said Vincent
"Okay... like right now?"
"Yes right now"
"Oh gosh... hold on I feel like imma bout to vomit..."
There were sirens coming and Vincent looked at Anguis, worried.
"Hon just morph into something small, I'll just hide you"
She turned into a dragon that was smaller than Vincent's torso and he picked her up and hid her under his coat and ran with the rest of the people out of the park. Police showed up and ran into the park area while everyone else just ran back to their cars. Vincent got into his a few minutes later and placed Anguis in the passenger seat and took off back towards home.
"That was a close call" said Vince as they walked into the house
"Yeah it was... I still don't feel too well though... but then again I usually get sort of nauseous after killing someone..."
"By the way, thanks for catching me back there, I'm pretty sure I would of broken a few things from that height."
"Oh no problem hon"
Anguis coughed a few times and braced herself against a wall.
"Uughh.., I hate this feeling..."
A little beeping sound went off on Vincent's phone and he looked down at the time.
"How the shit did we spend 8 hours downtown"
"Dunno... guess time flys when you're enjoying life..."
"Oh and you gotta take more meds"
"And they're a higher dosage now, the first few were a bit lower, now we gotta use the higher ones."
"So imma be more loopy"
Vincent cracked open the next layer and dumped two little red pills out and handed them to her.
"Here ya go"
"Thanks doctor Afton...."
He smirked while Anguis went over to the fridge and grabbed a soda and chugged it along with her pills. She then went over to the couch and sat down and yawned.
"Yep, these are definitely a higher dose hoooooollllllllly shit"
Vincent sat down next to her and petted her head. He pretended to check his phone and then looked back at Anguis.
"Hey, doctor said you need another prescription medication"
"Uugh... really?"
"What is it...."
He brought her a little closer and kissed her passionately. Anguis realized that it was just another little excuse for him to kiss her and she rolled her eyes and went with it. She also leaned on him enough to push him over so she was laying on top of him and his hands snaked around and grabbed her rear, making her blush. They stopped after a few minutes and tried to catch their breath again.
"I'm not quiet sure if that was my prescription medication" said Anguis
"Nah that was more for me than it was for you"
Anguis shook her head and yawned again. Vincent rubbed her back and eventually she fell asleep again. He turned on the tv and watched a little bit of the animated drama show before falling asleep as well.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now